Question:* ¿Cuántos años tienes?
Answer: • How old are you?
Question:* Translate the following: El presente documento se expide a solicitud de la parte interesada en Buenos Aires.
Answer: • This document is issued by request of the interested party in Buenos Aires
Question:* Which word means "mist"?
Answer: • neblina
Question:* Choose the best translation for: "De repente me di cuenta que, cada dia, mi juventud iba disminuyendo."
Answer: • Suddenly it hit me that, day by day, my youth was fading
Question:* Which word is used for the bottom of a hollow thing, such as a box; or for the bottom of a body of water; or for a background?
Answer: • fondo
Question:* No se puede triunfar sin trabajar duro y estar preparado.
Answer: • You can't succeed without hard work and preparation.
Question:* Mi cumpleaños es en julio.
Answer: • My birthday is in July.
Question:* Choose the correct translation. "Si yo fuera tú, no lo haría."
Answer: • If I were you, I wouldn't do it.
Question:* Mi nueva televisión es de alta definición.
Answer: • My new television is high-definition.
Question:* "The turtle is far away."
Answer: • La tortuga está lejos.
Question:* Which one is a word that means "cloud" ?
Answer: • nube
Question:* What is "una playa" ?
Answer: • a beach
Question:* What does "alegre" mean?
Answer: • happy
Question:* No paso mucho tiempo en la cocina porque no me gusta para nada cocinar.
Answer: • I don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen because I don't like cooking at all.
Question:* Which of these means "boring"?
Answer: • aburrido
Question:* ¿Quién quiere un refresco?
Answer: • Who wants a refreshment?
Question:* Which of these is the form of 'poner' that would be used with 'yo' as the subject in the simple present tense?
Answer: • pongo
Question:* Spanish for "fly," as in the insect:
Answer: • mosca
Question:* Avísame cuando termines, que te tengo otro proyecto.
Answer: • Let me know when you're done; I have another project for you.
Question:* Most closely, what does 'montar' mean?
Answer: • to ride
Question:* ¿Así que te ibas a ir sin decirme nada?
Answer: • So you were going to leave without saying anything?
Question:* Quisiera un boleto de ida y vuelta.
Answer: • I would like a round trip ticket.
Question:* A "Titulo de Bachiller" is a(n):
Answer: • Depending on the country, either a secondary school diploma or a bachelor's diploma
Question:* Busca en el diccionario si quieres saber la definición de una palabra.
Answer: • Look in the dictionary if you want to know the definition of a word.
Question:* La bandita elástica está atrás del libro.
Answer: • The rubber band is behind the book.
Question:* You see the word “fallecido” in parentheses next to a name on a personal certificate. This person:
Answer: • Is deceased
Question:* Spanish for "clumsy" :
Answer: • torpe
Question:* What is the correct translation of "enojado" in English?
Answer: • angry
Question:* The most likely colloquial translation for "Me cae mal ese tipo" is:
Answer: • I don't like that guy
Question:* Which of these means "We're bored." ?
Answer: • Estamos aburridos.
Question:* Translate the following: A ella le gusta hacerse la tonta.
Answer: • She likes to play dumb
Question:* Which of these means "Buy it for me." ?
Answer: • Cómpremelo Ud.
Question:* What is "una persona tacaña" ?
Answer: • a stingy person
Question:* "The bee can sting."
Answer: • La abeja puede picar.
Question:* He ordered them to serve his dinner.
Answer: • Ordenó que le sirvieran la cena.
Question:* Which form of 'hablar' means 'I talked' ?
Answer: • hablé
Question:* El presidente de la compañía decidió que el traslado de la planta sería en tres meses.
Answer: • The CEO of the company decided the transfer of the plant would be in three months.
Question:* Tuve que regresar a la oficina porque se me olvidaron las llaves de la casa.
Answer: • I had to return to the office because I forgot my house keys.
Question:* Which of these means "extremely handsome" ?
Answer: • sumamente guapo
Question:* What is "un simio" ?
Answer: • An ape
Question:* You see “Atentamente” at the bottom of a letter. How do you translate it?
Answer: • Sincerely
Question:* The Spanish version of "there is or, there are" is:
Answer: • Hay
Question:* Which of these is a valid way to say "he heard"?
Answer: • oyó
Question:* Which is "He's going to the bank again." ?
Answer: • Vuelve a ir al banco.
Question:* How do you translate âEsta factura tendrá una vigencia de tres años.â?
Answer: • This invoice shall remain valid for three years
Question:* The best translation for "campesino" when it is listed as a profession is:
Answer: • Agricultural Worker
Question:* Traduce el siguiente enunciado: No me gustan los juegos de computadora, pero me gustaban cuando era más joven.
Answer: • I don't enjoy computer games now, but I used to like them when I was younger.
Question:* Correct phrase for "a strange coin":
Answer: • una moneda rara
Question:* "Reclamación" means:
Answer: • Claim or complaint, depending on context
Question:* "No seas tan sensible" can be translated to:
Answer: • Don't be so sensitive
Question:* Which is the best translation of the following doctor's note: "Paciente femenino de setenta y ocho años refiere dolor en la pierna izquierda a nivel de la rodilla"?
Answer: • Female patient, 78 years of age, complains of pain in her left leg at the knee level
Question:* En los últimos años, Costa Rica se ha establecido como un país económicamente importante.
Answer: • In the last few years, Costa Rica has established itself as an economically important country.
Question:* When using the word "toma" (grab, take : drink) in a social night out context, which of the following is the correct use?
Answer: • Ellos prefieren tomar sus bebidas directo de la botella.
Question:* Which form of "ir" could mean "he used to go"?
Answer: • iba
Question:* Translate the following: Forma de Pago: Efectivo.
Answer: • Payment Method: Cash
Question:* What is the best translation for: ¿Quien será ese bombero raro que anda por la calle?
Answer: • Who could that strange firefighter walking along the street be?
Question:* What is the correct word for "I catch" ?
Answer: • cojo
Question:* Using the informal you ("tú"), what would be a way to tell someone to make lunch in Spanish?
Answer: • Haz el almuerzo.
Question:* No vengas aquí a interrumpirme la concentración, que necesito terminar este trabajo para mañana.
Answer: • Don't come here looking to break my concentration; I have to finish this work by tomorrow.
Question:* Translate to English: Mira al mundo desde el punto de vista de tu pareja.
Answer: • Look at the world from the point of view of your partner.
Question:* Which of these is a Spanish word for "cupboard" ?
Answer: • armario
Question:* What is 'una acera'?
Answer: • a sidewalk
Question:* Which of these Spanish words is *not* correctly matched to its English translation?
Answer: • nudo/ nude
Question:* Vivo en una calle lateral de la avenida principal.
Answer: • I live on a side street off of the main avenue.
Question:* Choose the best translation for the following: "Tengo tan mala memoria que si no anoto los mensajes de teléfono se me olvidan enseguida"
Answer: • I have such a bad memory that if I don't write down telephone messages I forget them right away.
Question:* The best translation for "Entidad Federativa" is:
Answer: • Federal Entity
Question:* El testimonio del acusado fue tan convincente que el jurado lo absolvió.
Answer: • The defendant's testimony was so convincing that the jury acquitted him.
Question:* Translate the following: El Responsable manifiesta haber sido informado de los reglamentos y normas de la Clinica.
Answer: • The Responsible party states that he or she has been informed of the Clinic's regulations and standards
Question:* What is "un trapo" ?
Answer: • a cloth
Question:* What does the adjective 'raro' (or 'rara') mean when it's placed *after* the noun it describes?
Answer: • strange
Question:* El uso de libros electrónicos se ha generalizado en los últimos años.
Answer: • The use of e-books has spread in the last few years.
Question:* What is "acudir" ?
Answer: • to go or come
Question:* What is the difference between "demandante" and "demandado"?
Answer: • Demandante means "plaintiff" and "demandado" means "defendant."
Question:* La ventaja en este juego la tiene el equipo de casa.
Answer: • The home team has the advantage in this game.
Question:* Can "otorgar" and "conferir" ever translate to the same English word?
Answer: • Yes, both can translate to "to award."
Question:* In an academic context, which of the following is the most accurate translation of "receive credit" in Spanish?
Answer: • Obtener acreditación
Question:* The abbreviation (fdo) next to a person's name means:
Answer: • (Signed)
Question:* "En virtud de las disposiciones legales vigentes" translates to:
Answer: • Pursuant to the legal provisions in effect