Saturday, December 12, 2015

Journalism test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Journalism.All Answers updated regularly with new questions.upwork Journalism test answers of 2016.

Question:* Plagiarism occurs when you:

Answer: • Use another person's work as if it was yours.

Question:* What's the difference between broadsheet and tabloid newspapers?

Answer: • Tabloid newspapers are printed on narrower paper.

Question:* In newspaper typesetting, what are widows and orphans?

Answer: • Short lines of text at the beginning or end of columns that leave white space.

Question:* Which best describes the term 'Muckraker' ?

Answer: • one who spreads alleged scandals about others for political advantage

Question:* Where is the lead (or "lede") located in a news story?

Answer: • Beginning of the first paragraph.

Question:* What is "the gutter"?

Answer: • The space between margins across facing pages.

Question:* Which of the following are advantages of the "inverted pyramid" style?

Answer: • (all of these)

Question:* When a story "jumps," that means it:

Answer: • Continues on another page.

Question:* What are "bumping heads"?

Answer: • Two similarly-sized headlines arranged too closely to one another.

Question:* Which of the following is likely to issue a press release?

Answer: • A private organization or business.

Question:* Why do editors prefer to measure story length in characters, rather than words?

Answer: • Characters more accurately reflect physical space.

Question:* True or False? Pack journalism is when reporters rely on each other for information

Answer: • True

Question:* What is the inverted pyramid?

Answer: • Illustrates the placing of the most important information first within a text

Question:* Why is a newspaper more likely to be sued for libel than for slander?

Answer: • Libel applies to the written word, while slander is spoken.

Question:* What is the most neutral way to end a quotation?

Answer: • "...he said."

Question:* Where should the most important part of a news story be?

Answer: • At the beginning.

Question:* What is hard news?

Answer: • Serious news with a a widespread impact.

Question:* Which term describes how journalism should be more devoted to finding solutions to society's problems?

Answer: • Civic journalism

Question:* When a good reporter is uncertain of a fact they will...

Answer: • confirm it before sending the story along

Question:* What is the name of the U.S. award for achievements in journalism?

Answer: • Pulitzer Prize

Question:* Alternative Press are:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* It's ethical for a reporter to accept a gift from an article's subject when:

Answer: • It is never ethical to accept a gift from a subject.

Question:* Why do news stories require multiple sources?

Answer: • All of the above.

Question:* True or False? Stories about lifestyles and trends are called 'soft news'.

Answer: • True

Question:* What is 'Watchdog' journalism?

Answer: • Type of writing that warns citizens with information about those that are doing them harm

Question:* How many stories does it take to fill a news budget?

Answer: • It varies from edition to edition.

Question:* A common format for asking investigative questions begins with the letters WWWW and H. In journalism, these letters mean

Answer: • Who, What, When, Where and How

Question:* In journalism, a "source" is:

Answer: • All of these.

Question:* True or False? A disaster is considered soft news

Answer: • False

Question:* What are the 5 W's in news reporting?

Answer: • Who, What, When, Where, Why.

Question:* Breaking news is...

Answer: • News that is happening at that moment and may affect viewers.

Question:* The lead is often found where?

Answer: • First two sentences

Question:* Journalism ethics include the principle of "limitation of harm." This principle often involves ...

Answer: • The withholding of names. such as names belonging to minor children or violent crime victims

Question:* For online editions of a newspaper, reporters should focus more on getting the news posted quickly than on getting all the facts correct.

Answer: • False

Question:* What does "above the fold" refer to?

Answer: • Top half of the front page.

Question:* How does a quote differ from an attribution?

Answer: • A quote reproduces the precise words of a subject; an attribution tells a reader where information came from.

Question:* Which of the following is considered soft news?

Answer: • A set of twins in New York City is celebrating their 75th birthday together.

Question:* When a news source asks to review the reporter's story before it goes to press, most news papers:

Answer: • Are willing to verify quotes with the source for accuracy but will not allow them to see the full story before it is published.

Question:* What is "beat" reporting?

Answer: • Reporting on a specific topic or location.

Question:* What is "beat" reporting?

Answer: • Reporting on a specific topic or location.

Question:* When applying for a job as a reporter, a publisher or editor (whoever is doing the hiring) may ask for what credentials

Answer: • A, B, and C

Question:* A leading question used by an interviewer is designed to do what?

Answer: • To lead the interviewee to answer a question in a particular way.

Question:* Which of the following represents a conflict of interest for a reporter?

Answer: • A story whose publication will benefit the reporter.

Question:* True or False? Hearst and Pulitzer had a publication war.

Answer: • True

Question:* To compete with online and continuous news outlets, small newspapers should sensationalize the news.

Answer: • False

Question:* Writings that are very opinionated and expose wild claims are often described as:

Answer: • Tabloid journalism

Question:* True or False? Press syndicates are agencies that sell to newspapers, other special media, and artwork.

Answer: • True

Question:* The first obligation a journalist has is to his or her...

Answer: • readers

Question:* A jumpline should tell the reader:

Answer: • What page a story continues on.

Question:* What is a cutline?

Answer: • The caption that comes with a magazine/newspaper photograph

Question:* What is a "nut" graf?

Answer: • The paragraph that explains why the story is significant.

Question:* If a paper is "put to bed," it means:

Answer: • The pages are all complete and headed to the printer.

Question:* In a democratic society, a strong premise of journalism states that access to free information plays a central role in creating a system of government ________.

Answer: • checks and balances

Question:* What does it mean to "scoop" another news organization?

Answer: • To bring a story to print first.

Question:* A publication's circulation is measured by:

Answer: • The number of copies sold.

Question:* A newspaper's physical archive is sometimes called a:

Answer: • Morgue.

Question:* A sidebar story:

Answer: • Supports or makes more clear a larger story.

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a news agency?

Answer: • The Chicago Tribune

Question:* A "feature" story means the story:

Answer: • Has news value, but is also meant to entertain a reader.

Question:* A "feature" story means the story:

Answer: • Has news value, but is also meant to entertain a reader.

Question:* A "cutline" is most commonly placed:

Answer: • Under a photo or illustration.

Question:* What is a "column inch"?

Answer: • The space taken by a column of text one inch high.

Question:* The NY Times wrote an article about the explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor that was branded as Spanish sabotage, without providing any evidence. What type of journalism is this?

Answer: • Yellow journalism

Question:* In broadcast journalism, what is a SOT?

Answer: • Sound on tape

Question:* True of False: A press release and a public service announcement (PSA) are written for exactly the same purpose. It makes no sense as to why they're called different things.

Answer: • False

Question:* What does it mean to "dummy" a page?

Answer: • Build a chart that shows what goes where.

Question:* What is 'Yellow' journalism?

Answer: • Writing which emphasizes exaggerated claims or rumors

Question:* True or False? A 'news hole' is the journalism space in a newspaper after advertisements.

Answer: • True

Question:* What is a "reader?"

Answer: • A broadcast story with NO added video or sound elements.

Question:* What does a proofreader mean by "stet"?

Answer: • Disregard earlier correction.

Question:* A business or manufacturer who wants a story that mentions their products or services must always pay for advertising before their story makes it to editorial copy.

Answer: • False

Question:* What does the term 'deck' mean?

Answer: • Subhead

Question:* A journalist that has a strong orientation towards the audience is often called a:

Answer: • Populist disseminator

Question:* What is involved in layer 2 of reporting?

Answer: • Expert resources

Question:* What is the paragraph that summarizes the background of an event?

Answer: • Nutgraph

Question:* When was 'New Journalism' brought in?

Answer: • 1960s

Question:* What is the legal term for false publication?

Answer: • Libel

Question:* Which of the following protects reporters' privileges when forced to disclose confidential information?

Answer: • Shield law

Question:* What does "rag right" mean?

Answer: • The right margin of a block of type is uneven.

Question:* What information is NOT typically included in the masthead?

Answer: • Number of pages.

Question:* What information is NOT typically included in the folio?

Answer: • Name of the reporter.

Question:* Who is most likely to have a pica pole?

Answer: • Production editors

Question:* A term used for protective investigative journalism is:

Answer: • None of these

Question:* What is 'Gonzo' journalism?

Answer: • A highly personal style of writing

Question:* What is a broadcast story mainly referred to as?

Answer: • Package

Question:* What is a 'hard lead' ?

Answer: • A lead that reports a new fact or development

Question:* What is considered "copy"?

Answer: • Photos, illustrations, and written text

Question:* Avoid starting sentences with:

Answer: • It is

Question:* The one amendment that most journalists concern themselves with in regards to free speech is:

Answer: • The First Amendment

Question:* What is another name for the inverted pyramid?

Answer: • BLUF

Question:* An audio recording of a news maker used in a radio newscast is an

Answer: • Actuality

Question:* True or False? The Penny press was all about opinions.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following describes the social and cultural impact the media makes on society?

Answer: • Macro-level effects

Question:* What is the top selling newspaper in the US?

Answer: • Wall Street Journal

Question:* Which best describes the term 'Muckraker' ?

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