Saturday, December 12, 2015

Medical Transcription test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Medical Transcription.All Answers updated regulerly with new questions.upwork Medical Transcription test answers of 2016.

Question:* What is the correct form of typing the dictated medicament - 'paracetamol'?

Answer: • paracetamol

Question:* Where does the arteria pulmonalis begin?

Answer: • right ventricle

Question:* What does BLS means?

Answer: • basic life support

Question:* What does CNS stand for?

Answer: • Central Nervous System

Question:* What is the act of swallowing called?

Answer: • deglutition

Question:* What is hidradenitis suppurativa?

Answer: • skin disease

Question:* What does the prefix "dextro" signify?

Answer: • Opposite

Question:* "An examination of the patient's throat revealed inflamed ________ membranes."

Answer: • Mucous

Question:* The prefix "Coxa-" would concern which body part?

Answer: • Hip

Question:* "Oriented x3" means a patient is aware of:

Answer: • Person; Place; Time

Question:* What is an instrument used to hold edges of a wound apart?

Answer: • Retractor

Question:* True or false? If a dictator asks to have a date on a report modified to make it appear that it was completed in a more timely manner, the transcriptionist is expected to comply.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following stops blood from coagulating in the body?

Answer: • heparin

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a common medical transcription tool?

Answer: • A pencil

Question:* What does synovitis relate to?

Answer: • Inflammation

Question:* The definition of mucopurulent is:

Answer: • Containing both mucus and pus

Question:* Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: "He was given a ______ appointment"

Answer: • Follow-up

Question:* Another name for varicella is

Answer: • chickenpox

Question:* Which of these medical word roots is associated with the spinal cord?

Answer: • Myel

Question:* What is the full form of p.r.n.?

Answer: • Whenever required

Question:* The term "cholecystectomy" would concern which organ?

Answer: • Gallbladder

Question:* Which of the following is a test to measure blood sugar?

Answer: • hemoglobin A1c

Question:* A patient's current medications should be listed ________ .

Answer: • vertically

Question:* Which of these medical word roots is associated with the uterus?

Answer: • Metr

Question:* What does PERRLA stand for?

Answer: • Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation

Question:* What does the medical practitioner mean when he writes or dictates the term p.o. after a medication?

Answer: • To be taken orally, by mouth.

Question:* Which of the following is the generic equivalent of Coumadin?

Answer: • Warfarin

Question:* The term CVA used in the field of rehabilitation stands for:

Answer: • cerebrovascular accident

Question:* Tetanus is also known as

Answer: • Lockjaw

Question:* "The medication seemed to have little ______ on the symptoms."

Answer: • Effect

Question:* A "nephron" is a structural and functional part of which organ?

Answer: • kidney

Question:* The prefix "ante," as in "antepartum," means:

Answer: • Before, in front

Question:* True or False? An MT should flag a report if a dictation states that a prostate exam was performed on a female patient.

Answer: • True

Question:* What is a hematoma?

Answer: • a collection of blood

Question:* Which of the following pieces of information would be considered patient demographics?

Answer: • Patient age

Question:* What does synovitis relate to?:

Answer: • inflammation

Question:* The prefix _____ refers to a vein.

Answer: • Phlebo-

Question:* What is the correct term that refers to fever?

Answer: • Hyperthermia

Question:* Otitis media is an infection of the _________ ear.

Answer: • Middle

Question:* What does b.i.d. mean?

Answer: • Twice a day

Question:* In the term "endocarditis," which section means "inflammation?"

Answer: • itis

Question:* True or false? If an MT is not confident in what they heard, it is recommended to make a guess instead of leaving a blank.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following is a lobe in the brain?

Answer: • parietal

Question:* Which term refers to the front of the body?

Answer: • Anterior

Question:* True or False? Always use 0 in front of the decimal point if the number is not a whole number.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does HEENT stand for?

Answer: • Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat

Question:* What does "social history" describe?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Arthralgia is defined as _________.

Answer: • Pain in a joint

Question:* The term "enteroscopy" would concern which organ?

Answer: • Intestine

Question:* Which of the following is a disease of the liver?

Answer: • cirrhosis

Question:* True or False? It is recommended that you capitalize the first letter of a chemical symbol.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does splenomegaly mean?

Answer: • Enlargement of the spleen

Question:* In drug dosage, what does b.i.d mean?

Answer: • drug to be taken twice daily

Question:* The term "nephritis" would concern which organ?

Answer: • Kidney

Question:* The term "hepatomegaly" would concern which organ?

Answer: • Liver

Question:* Which of the following correctly formats a blood pressure measurement?

Answer: • 160/90

Question:* Which of the following is NOT included under "vitals"?

Answer: • Ailment

Question:* The prefix "Oculo-" would concern which organ?

Answer: • Eye

Question:* What does GTT stand for?

Answer: • Glucose Tolerance Test

Question:* What does B.I.D. dosage mean?

Answer: • 2 times a day

Question:* Echocardiogram is a study for?

Answer: • Heart

Question:* Medical transcription often happens in the OR.

Answer: • False

Question:* The medical term "basophilia" refers to:

Answer: • An overbundance of a particular white blood cell in the peripheral blood.

Question:* A legal order that requires a witness to appear and to bring certain records to a deposition, trial, or other legal proceeding.

Answer: • Subpoena Duces Tecum

Question:* Which of the following means "type 2 sensitivity?"

Answer: • Antibody mediated

Question:* The prefix "Dia-" as in "diaphoresis" means:

Answer: • Through, during, across

Question:* A power of attorney that permits someone to make decisions for a patient who is incompetent to do so is a(n):

Answer: • Advanced Directive

Question:* Nutritional deficiency anemia refers to a reduced red blood cell count due to a poor diet

Answer: • which is deficient in iron, folate and/or Vitamin B12.

Question:* Which of the following is an acute allergic skin reaction?

Answer: • Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Question:* What does TASP stand for?

Answer: • Transcription application service provider

Question:* What are the initials for the health privacy act?

Answer: • HIPAA

Question:* In a surgical dictation, what would LAVH refer to?

Answer: • Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy

Question:* Which of these are NOT one of the 3 essential dates in a report?

Answer: • The date the transcription was delivered

Question:* The prefix "Infra-" as in "infrapatellar" means:

Answer: • Beneath

Question:* Which term refers to a portion of the intestine?

Answer: • ileum

Question:* Which is the correct spelling of the correct term?

Answer: • Schatzki's ring

Question:* What is the correct way of typing the dictated medicament 'Zantac'?

Answer: • Zantac

Question:* Which of the following is NOT considered one of the four major reports?

Answer: • Follow-up report

Question:* The prefix "para," as in "paratracheal," means:

Answer: • Beside

Question:* How many drug schedules are there under the Controlled Substances Act

Answer: • 5

Question:* Which of the following operations does the abbreviation T and A stand for ?

Answer: • tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Question:* What is the definition of hemostasis?

Answer: • The stoppage of bleeding

Question:* Which of the following is not a section included in a medical transcription report?

Answer: • Ailments

Question:* The term "stomatitis" would concern:

Answer: • The mouth

Question:* Which of the following is a digital ventilator setting?

Answer: • PEEP

Question:* True or False? It is required that all medical transcriptionists pass a certification.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is omeprazole the generic equivalent of?

Answer: • Prilosec

Question:* Which of the following is the most commonly used abbreviation for "continued"?

Answer: • cont.

Question:* Which of these would be considered a critical error?

Answer: • Dictated: Amaryl 4 mg b.i.d.; transcribed: Amaryl 4 mg t.i.d.

Question:* Tylenol tablet consists of which active ingredient?

Answer: • Paracetamol

Question:* What does TAT stand for?

Answer: • Turnaround Time

Question:* A shortcut for inserting standard text is a:

Answer: • Macro

Question:* Which heading is NOT commonly included in a transcription report?

Answer: • Advice

Question:* True or false? Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) are identical and interchangeable terms for the same object.

Answer: • False

Question:* What does HIPAA stand for?

Answer: • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Question:* "He drank ______ of a gallon of water."

Answer: • one-half

Question:* Which of the following refers to a bone in hand?

Answer: • lunate

Question:* A(n) _______ occurs when an MT makes a professional judgment that some set of factors prohibits the clear understanding of what was dictated.

Answer: • valid blank

Question:* Which of these documents would take priority when all are pending?

Answer: • Physical Examination

Question:* Which of these would be considered a critical error?

Answer: • Incorrect patient demographic

Question:* Which of the following is an artery?

Answer: • peroneal

Question:* An electronically generated list of patients and their corresponding demographic information, typically used by the MT to properly identify transcribed reports is the:

Answer: • ADT feed

Question:* The records of discharged patients shall be completed within a period of time that will not exceed _______ following discharge.

Answer: • 30 days

Question:* A _______ is a digital receiver transcriber that accesses digital dictation from another location over the phone.

Answer: • C-phone

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