Friday, December 11, 2015

PHP5 & PHP Upwork test answers of 2016

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of PHP.All Answers updated regularly with new questions.upwork PHP5 test answers of 2016

Question:* What is the best practice for running MySQL queries in PHP? Consider the risk of SQL injection.

Answer: • Use PDO prepared statements and parameterized queries: for example: $input= $_POST["user-input"] $stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES (":input"); $stmt->execute(array(':input' => $input));

Question:* Which of the following methods should be used for sending an email using the variables $to, $subject, and $body?

Answer: • mail($to,$subject,$body)

Question:* Which of the following is used to maintain the value of a variable over different pages?

Answer: • session_register()

Question:* Which of the following will check if a function exists?

Answer: • function_exists()

Question:* Which of the following is not a file-related function in PHP?

Answer: • fappend

Question:* Which of the following is true about the singleton design pattern?

Answer: • A singleton pattern means that a class can have only one instance object.

Question:* Which of the following characters are taken care of by htmlspecialchars?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of the following will read an object into an array variable?

Answer: • $array_variable = get_object_vars($object);

Question:* Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP?

Answer: • internal $term = 3;

Question:* Which of the following is not a PHP magic constant?

Answer: • __TIME__

Question:* Which of the following will print out the PHP call stack?

Answer: • $e = new Exception; var_dump($e->getTraceAsString());

Question:* What will be the output of the following code? <?php var_dump (3*4); ?>

Answer: • int(12)

Question:* Which of the following is correct about Mysqli and PDO?

Answer: • Mysqli can only be used to access MySQL database while PDO can be used to access any DBMS.

Question:* What is the correct way to send a SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) email using PHP?

Answer: • mail($EmailAddress, "Subject", $MessageBody);

Question:* Which of the following will start a session?

Answer: • session_start();

Question:* For the following code: <?php function Expenses() { function Salary() { } function Loan() { function Balance() { } } } ?> Which of the following sequence will run successfully?

Answer: • Expenses();Salary();Loan();Balance();

Question:* What enctype is required for file uploads to work?

Answer: • multipart/form-data

Question:* Which of the following is incorrect with respect to separating PHP code and HTML?

Answer: • As PHP is a scripting language, HTML and PHP cannot be separated.

Question:* Which one of the following is not an encryption method in PHP?

Answer: • bcrypt()

Question:* What function should you use to join array elements with a glue string?

Answer: • implode

Question:* Which function can be used to delete a file?

Answer: • unlink()

Question:* What is the string concatenation operator in PHP?

Answer: • .

Question:* Which of the following is useful for method overloading?

Answer: • __call,__get,__set

Question:* Which of the following will store order number (34) in an 'OrderCookie'?

Answer: • setcookie("OrderCookie",34);

Question:* What would occur if a fatal error was thrown in your PHP program?

Answer: • The PHP program will stop executing at the point where the error occurred.

Question:* What is the correct line to use within the php.ini file, to specify that 128MB would be the maximum amount of memory that a script may use?

Answer: • memory_limit = 128M

Question:* What is the best way to change the key without changing the value of a PHP array element?

Answer: • $arr[$newkey] = $arr[$oldkey]; unset($arr[$oldkey]);

Question:* What will be the output of the following code? <? echo 5 * 6 / 2 + 2 * 3; ?>

Answer: • 21

Question:* Does PHP 5 support exceptions?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* Which PHP function opens a file for reading only?

Answer: • fopen("c:\\test\\time.txt" , "r");

Question:* The logical operator OR is similar to:

Answer: • ||

Question:* How do you add a multi-line comment in PHP?

Answer: • /* This is a comment */

Question:* If a string is enclosed in double-quotes, PHP will interpret more escape sequences for special characters such as

Answer: • All of these

Question:* How do you write "Hello World" in PHP

Answer: • echo "Hello World";

Question:* What is the correct way to create a function in PHP?

Answer: • function myFunction(){ echo "Example function.\n";};

Question:* Which of the following variables is not a predefined variable?

Answer: • $ask

Question:* What does the acronym LAMP stand for?

Answer: • Linux Apache MySQL PHP (or Perl/Python)

Question:* What is the output from this example? $str = "My name is O\'Connor."; echo stripslashes($str);

Answer: • My name is O'Connor.

Question:* Which datatypes are treaded as arrays?

Answer: • strings

Question:* In PHP the error control operator is _______

Answer: • @

Question:* <?php $array1= array(“fast”, "faster”); $array1[0] = “faster”; if ($array1[1] == “faster”) { $array1[1]= “fastest”; } foreach($array1 as $output) { echo $output . " "; } ?>

Answer: • faster fastest

Question:* What is the result of the following code: $array[]="value";

Answer: • adds new element at the end of the array

Question:* In PHP, the die() and exit() language constructs perform the same function.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which character is used to separate namespaces in PHP?

Answer: • Backslash (\)

Question:* What is the correct way to assign a class constant?

Answer: • const MY_CONSTANT = 'value';

Question:* Which function can be used to simplify searches in databases where you know the pronunciation but not the spelling

Answer: • soundex

Question:* What is the default timeout of a PHP session cookie ?

Answer: • Until the browser is closed

Question:* What is the result of the following code ? <?php $a = 1; echo $a++; $a *= 2; echo ++$a; ?>

Answer: • 15

Question:* What is the result of the following code : <?php echo (strpos('abcdef', 'a')) ? : -1; ?>

Answer: • -1

Question:* Which function is used to read an entire file into an array ?

Answer: • file

Question:* What does this code do? namespace Hello\World;

Answer: • It creates two namespaces : "Hello" and "Hello\World"

Question:* In PHP, variables always start with which symbol?

Answer: • $

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid PHP variable declaration?

Answer: • $10_var

Question:* The PHP function which capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string

Answer: • ucwords()

Question:* PHP's echo and print functions are not exactly alike. Which will accept multiple parameters and concatenate them in its "without parentheses" form?

Answer: • echo

Question:* What does the use of the final keyword in a method declaration prevent?

Answer: • Child classes from overriding the method.

Question:* Which of the following statements is NOT true for PHP constants?

Answer: • The scope of a constant is local.

Question:* Which PHP function will return a file's last access time?

Answer: • fileatime()

Question:* What is default session time in PHP?

Answer: • 1440 seconds or 24 minutes.

Question:* Which of those is not magic method?

Answer: • __toInt

Question:* What is the recommendation regarding PHP closing tags in a document?

Answer: • Omit the closing tag when the file contains only PHP code.

Question:* What is PHAR?

Answer: • The PHP way to distribute entire applications within a single file ("PHP Archive")

Question:* Which of the following will return TRUE?

Answer: • is_numeric(M_PI)

Question:* What is the primary difference between interfaces and abstract classes in PHP?

Answer: • Interfaces cannot have function implementations.

Question:* Which character is used to separate namespaces in PHP?

Answer: • Backslash (\)

Question:* What does this output? $pos = strpos('Atlanta', 'a'); echo $pos;

Answer: • 3

Question:* If one wants to convert all double quotes (") to a backslash followed by a double quote (\") which of the following can be used?

Answer: • addslashes()

Question:* What function creates a cookie?

Answer: • setcookie()

Question:* Which PHP functions generate random numbers following algorithms known as Mersenne Twister?

Answer: • mt_rand() and mt_srand()

Question:* Which statement will NOT combine strings $s1 and $s2 into a single string?

Answer: • $s1 + $s2

Question:* The following code does what? <?php $textfile = "my_file.txt"; $file = fopen("$textfile", 'r+'); ?>

Answer: • opens the file, “my_file.txt” for reading and writing

Question:* How to capture exception message of a try / catch? Note: consider Exception $e

Answer: • $e->getMessage();

Question:* What is the way to use the magic method '__toString()' of this Class ? class exampleClass { protected $a= 1; protected $b= 2; function __toString() { return 'a= '. $this->a . ',b= '. $this->b; } }

Answer: • All of the these.

Question:* What is the result of casting the integer 1 to an array: (array) 1

Answer: • A numerically indexed array with one element who's value is 1

Question:* What do anonymous functions do in PHP?

Answer: • allow the creation of functions with no name

Question:* What function sets the default timezone used by all date and time functions in a script?

Answer: • date_default_timezone_set('Region');

Question:* What is one of the difference between the use of single quotes and double quotes in PHP syntax?

Answer: • variable names will be expanded in double quotes

Question:* Which of the following string delimiting methods is known as the heredoc syntax?

Answer: • delimited by <<< identifier

Question:* $table = array("old_value"); foreach($table as $row) { $row="new_value"; } echo $table[0]; will produce:

Answer: • "old_value"

Question:* Which PHP function closes an open SQLite database?

Answer: • sqlite_close($dbhandle);

Question:* Which function sorts an array in descending order?

Answer: • rsort()

Question:* What does the following code: $array[]="value";

Answer: • adds new element at the end of the array

Question:* Choose the string for which the POSIX regular expression ^[A-Za-z]$ matches.

Answer: • P

Question:* Which of the following functions allows you to split a string by a regular expression and put the results into an array?

Answer: • preg_split()

Question:* Given the following code, the Atom class can access which variables? class Flash { public $fast; private $superSpeed; private $ultraSonic; protected $warp; } class Atom extends Flash { }

Answer: • $fast, $warp

Question:* Given the statement, mysqli_connect(“”, “hot24”, “015A#”, “ABC”); “” and “hot24” respectively refer to ?

Answer: • Host, username

Question:* What's the MIME type for images with correct extension "jpg"?

Answer: • image/jpeg

Question:* What is default session time in PHP ?

Answer: • 1440 Seconds

Question:* The PHP instruction header("Content-Type: text/plain") should be sent:

Answer: • before any output is sent

Question:* Which of the following will this function output: <? $father="mother"; $mother="son"; echo $$father; ?>

Answer: • son

Question:* The only code construct allowed before a namespace declaration is the declare statement, for defining encoding of a source file

Answer: • true

Question:* What is the default execution time for a PHP script?

Answer: • 30 secs

Question:* What will be the result of the following: echo ucwords(strtoupper('aAaA bBbB'));

Answer: • AAAA BBBB

Question:* Which compound type is supported by PHP?

Answer: • array

Question:* Which of the following functions would allow you to convert a string to an array?

Answer: • explode()

Question:* How do you create a non-public method, which can be used in a child-class?

Answer: • protected function Something() {

Question:* How would you delete a cookie?

Answer: • set the expiration date in the past

Question:* What will range('a', 'z') return?

Answer: • An alphabetically ordered array of letters from 'a' to 'z'

Question:* Which one removes a cookie from client's browser?

Answer: • setcookie('mycookie', '', time()-3600);

Question:* Which one removes a cookie from client's browser?

Answer: • setcookie('mycookie', '', time()-3600);

Question:* What variable scope would you use if you wanted a function variable which does not discard it's value when the function has completed execution?

Answer: • static

Question:* Error reporting constants are used to adjust error reporting settings. Which of the following is NOT a valid error reporting constant?

Answer: • E_CONSTANT

Question:* function foo($bar) { if($bar['soap'] != 'Zest') { return $bar['soap']; } } Which best describes the function foo()?

Answer: • The parameter(s) passed to it is/are an associative array

Question:* What is the value of $res in the following script? <?php $str = "1"; $int = 1; $res = ($str === $int); ?>

Answer: • False, because the variables $str and $int are not of the same type.

Question:* The following would return? extract( array( 'sexy' => 'a', 'and' => 'b', 'i' => 'c', 'know' => 'd', 'it' => 'e' ) ); return $sexy.$and.$i.$know.$it;

Answer: • abcde

Question:* $val = ""; What will isset($val) return?

Answer: • true

Question:* What will be displayed? <?php $var = "6"; var_dump($var); $var++; var_dump($var); ?>

Answer: • string(1) "6" int(7)

Question:* Which function returns the contents of the output buffer and empties the buffer?

Answer: • ob_get_clean();

Question:* echo substr("Hello world",-4); the right output is?

Answer: • orld

Question:* In this example code, $result = print_r ($a); $result is the

Answer: • variable.

Question:* Which type of array allows you to use textual keys so that array indices can be more descriptive?

Answer: • Associative

Question:* Self-contained collections of functions AND properties are referred to as

Answer: • objects.

Question:* The interpreter executes one PHP command which ends in a semi-colon. This is referred to as a

Answer: • PHP statement.

Question:* natsort( array( "i10", "i1", "i20" ) ) = ?

Answer: • array( "i1", "i10", "i20" )

Question:* Which of the following is the scope resolution operator in PHP?

Answer: • ::

Question:* The break statement ends execution of which of the following structures?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What is meaning of PEAR?

Answer: • PHP Extension and Application Repository

Question:* What is the value of $start after exiting the for loop? <?php $start=5; for ($i=0; $i !=1; $i++) { $start= $start - 2; } ?>

Answer: • 3

Question:* The following code will produce: var_dump(5 === "5");

Answer: • bool(false)

Question:* <?php $array1= array(“fast”, "faster”); $array1[0] = “faster”; if ($array1[1] == “faster”) { $array1[1]= “fastest”; } foreach($array1 as $output) { echo $output; } ?>

Answer: • faster fastest

Question:* Choose the variable assignment which is performed 'by value' in PHP.

Answer: • $value1= $value

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid key type for arrays in PHP?

Answer: • objects

Question:* The web server sets a cookie on the web client by sending the name/value pair as part of

Answer: • an HTTP header.

Question:* The case expression is used as part of a PHP ____.

Answer: • switch statement.

Question:* What separates a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate text regions?

Answer: • delimiter

Question:* Which PHP function sends a raw HTTP header to a client?

Answer: • header()

Question:* You can call a parent class' implementation of a method which is overridden by a child class using:

Answer: • parent::

Question:* Which variable assignment is 'by reference' in PHP?

Answer: • $value1= &$value;

Question:* To suppress error messages to the user, preface the PHP statement with

Answer: • @

Question:* Which PHP function returns "true" if a value already exists in an array?

Answer: • in_array()

Question:* True or False: There is no difference in using the following 2 examples: echo('string'); echo 'string';

Answer: • True

Question:* What does the following output? echo (5 % 3);

Answer: • 2

Question:* How do I typecast a variable to boolean?

Answer: • $var = (bool)$var;

Question:* Which rule determines which sections of script are able to access which variables?

Answer: • Variable Scope

Question:* What is the scope of a PHP constant?

Answer: • global

Question:* Which variable name is incorrect?

Answer: • $1first

Question:* How would you create a numeric array from the following string that did not include "-test" and where each digit had its own array key? $str = '';

Answer: • $arr = explode('-', $str); $arr = explode('.', $arr[0]);

Question:* The comparison $a <> $b means

Answer: • $a is not equal to $b

Question:* Choose the output of the following script. <?php $rest = substr("abcdef", -1); echo $rest; ?>

Answer: • f

Question:* Which PHP function checks to see if a file exists and is writable?

Answer: • is_writable()

Question:* What is the difference between the include() and require() language constructs?

Answer: • They handle failure differently.

Question:* Choose the correct output. <?php $data = "98.8degrees"; $data = (double)$data; echo $data; ?>

Answer: • 98.8

Question:* Which of the following is the correct way to add comments to PHP?

Answer: • All listed methods are valid

Question:* Which PHP function sorts an array and maintains index association?

Answer: • asort()

Question:* In this example code, $result = print_r($a); $a is the

Answer: • argument

Question:* Is $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] subject to injection vulnerabilities?

Answer: • Yes, it's vulnerable. On most servers PATH_INFO is supported, which is part of PHP_SELF

Question:* What is a collection of characters that is treated as one entity called?

Answer: • String

Question:* The PHP mail() function allows you to...

Answer: • send mail messages directly from a script.

Question:* Which PHP function or variable will return the value of current session id?

Answer: • session_id()

Question:* Variables in PHP are represented by a dollar sign followed by the name of the variable. A valid name must NEVER start with a...

Answer: • number.

Question:* Which function advances the internal array pointer of an array?

Answer: • next()

Question:* Which of the following is valid PHP syntax?

Answer: • if($a == 5) echo "a = 5";

Question:* What is the GD Library?

Answer: • It is a library that gives the PHP the capability to create and manipulate image files. - (Gif Draw)

Question:* Which of the following is false?

Answer: • PHP applications must be compiled.

Question:* Which of the following outputs a formatted string?

Answer: • printf("Hello %s", $name);

Question:* OCI8, PostgreSQL, and SQLSRV are all examples of

Answer: • database extensions available in PHP.

Question:* Which statement is true regarding the XML support in PHP?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which function sets the internal pointer of an array back to its first element?

Answer: • reset()

Question:* Which of the following language constructs is used to terminate a running script?

Answer: • exit()

Question:* What is output by the following: $c = 1; ++$c; echo $c++;

Answer: • 2

Question:* Which statement would produce the output, "I love summer"?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What does this function do: function my_func($variable) { return (is_numeric($variable) && $variable % 2 == 0); }

Answer: • Tests whether $variable is an even number

Question:* Which PHP function will combine two arrays?

Answer: • array_merge()

Question:* What function can be used to help prevent MySQL injection?

Answer: • mysql_real_escape_string()

Question:* Which function allows you to delete a file?

Answer: • unlink

Question:* Which of the following functions changes directory on ftp-connection?

Answer: • ftp_chdir()

Question:* What is a large binary data object called in PHP?

Answer: • blob

Question:* In PHP, you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings.

Answer: • True, but double quotes will expand PHP variables and escape sequences inside it.

Question:* Which PHP function creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values?

Answer: • array_combine()

Question:* Choose the word(s) that describe the fundamental style of programming for PHP.

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What type of statements tell your PHP script to execute a section of code only if certain criteria are met?

Answer: • Conditional

Question:* What does the acronym LAMP stand for?

Answer: • Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Perl/Python

Question:* Which keyword causes a conditional loop to skip to the start of the next iteration?

Answer: • continue

Question:* Which function removes all HTML and PHP tags?

Answer: • strip_tags()

Question:* Which of the following is the recommended standard (short_opentag=Off) for opening and closing a PHP code block?

Answer: • '<?php' to open and '?>' to close

Question:* What type of operator is && in PHP?

Answer: • logical operator

Question:* What does the following PHP statement create? define("FIRST-NAME","John");

Answer: • a constant

Question:* How can we increase the execution time of a PHP script from setting php.ini?

Answer: • By setting max_execution_time

Question:* What will it output? <?php $var = "pontus, patrik, felix"; $var = explode(", ", $var); echo count($var); ?>

Answer: • 3

Question:* Which function converts a string to all uppercase characters?

Answer: • strtoupper()

Question:* Which PHP extension provides an abstract method for database retrieval?

Answer: • PDO

Question:* True or False? Arrays in PHP can only hold the same data type.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is output to the screen when executing code: $> php -r 'echo echo "a";'

Answer: • PHP Parse error

Question:* What is the output? <?php $boolean= true; while ($boolean) { $boolean =false; echo "false"; }

Answer: • false

Question:* What are the default header request protocols defined in PHP?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which following function is used to count total number of characters in a string?

Answer: • strlen();

Question:* Which PHP function returns an array with elements in reverse order?

Answer: • array_reverse()

Question:* HTTP cookies can be used to:

Answer: • identify a user.

Question:* A fatal run-time error would be caught by

Answer: • E_ERROR

Question:* What PHP function counts elements in an array, or properties in an object?

Answer: • count()

Question:* Which of the following displays the browser properties using PHP?


Question:* Which function checks for the existence of a particular key?

Answer: • array_key_exists()

Question:* Which is an example of a statement using a combined operator?

Answer: • $a += $b

Question:* The setcookie() function must appear _____ the <html> tag.

Answer: • before

Question:* If you would like to check to see if a PHP variable has data, which of the following language constructs would you use?

Answer: • empty().

Question:* What is the output from this example? $str = "My name is O\'Connor."; echo stripslashes($str);

Answer: • My name is O'Connor.

Question:* An array in PHP is an ordered map which associates

Answer: • keys to values.

Question:* What function converts 'Hatfields & McCoys' into 'Hatfields &amp; McCoys'?

Answer: • htmlentities()

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a function of PHP session support?

Answer: • session_pw

Question:* Which type is not supported by PHP?

Answer: • time

Question:* The PHP operator, %, which returns the remainder of an equation is called the:

Answer: • modulus

Question:* Include files can have which file extensions?

Answer: • Any of these

Question:* PHP requires instructions to be terminated at the end of each statement with a

Answer: • ;

Question:* Which of the following statement best describes: $panther = new Animal();

Answer: • Instantiation of an object

Question:* Which PHP math function would you use to round a number upwards to the nearest integer?

Answer: • ceil()

Question:* What function is used to check if a variable is an array?

Answer: • is_array()

Question:* What will be the result of this code: <?php $text1 = "Test"; $text2 = "Test"; if($text1 == md5($text2)) { echo "Yes"; } else { echo "No"; }

Answer: • No

Question:* What is the output of flowing code? <?php $cars=array("Volvo","BMW","Toyota"); sort($cars); $clength=count($cars); for($x=0;$x<$clength;$x++) { echo $cars[$x]; echo " "; } ?>

Answer: • BMW Toyota Volvo

Question:* What will this return: $value="Hello_World"; $rt=explode("_",$value); echo $rt[0];

Answer: • Hello

Question:* How do you perform a strict comparison of variables for type and value?

Answer: • $a === $b

Question:* Which statement is true about PHP constants?

Answer: • All of these.

Question:* Which statement correctly declares a float variable in PHP?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which function allows you to split a string into an array of substrings by a string delimiter?

Answer: • explode(" ", $str)

Question:* When using the POST method, variables are displayed in the URL:

Answer: • False

Question:* What is the result of the following code? <?php $hello ="HELLO"; $hello=lcfirst($hello); echo $hello; ?>

Answer: • hELLO

Question:* True or false? We can include ("sandy.php") two times in one PHP page "my.php".

Answer: • True

Question:* mysqli_num_rows() function is used to:

Answer: • Count number of rows in result of MySql Query.

Question:* What is the value of $var when the following line is executed in a PHP function? unset($var);

Answer: • NULL

Question:* What is the right way to set a value on an object stdClass?

Answer: • $variable->value = 'value';

Question:* How do you specify a string literal in PHP?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* To output information about a variable use the function

Answer: • var_dump()

Question:* An array in PHP is:

Answer: • a collection of key value pairs.

Question:* Which function returns one or more randomly selected keys from an array?

Answer: • array_rand()

Question:* What does this statement do? <?php echo b"testing string"; ?>

Answer: • It will throw an error

Question:* Which function tests a string for an exact match of the argument?

Answer: • preg_match()

Question:* Which variable contains values of $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE?

Answer: • $_REQUEST

Question:* Which PHP function would you use to display information about variables in a simple, readable format?

Answer: • var_dump()

Question:* Which PHP function creates a directory on an FTP server?

Answer: • ftp_mkdir()

Question:* Can PHP be run on a Windows IIS server?

Answer: • true

Question:* __construct is a

Answer: • constructor for an object.

Question:* Which function allows you to specify a start position of a string and length arguments to retrieve part of a string?

Answer: • substr()

Question:* Which PHP function randomizes the order of the elements in an array?

Answer: • shuffle()

Question:* In PHP, which statement is used to retrieve browser properties?


Question:* Which control statement indicates a block of code to be repeated a number of times?

Answer: • for

Question:* Which of the following variables does PHP make automatically available to you?

Answer: • $_SERVER

Question:* Which of the following stores PHP values, such as strings, numbers or arrays?

Answer: • variables

Question:* Which of the following is NOT used to specify PHP comments?

Answer: • <!-- -->

Question:* Given, the following: <?php $business = array("retail", "advertising", "computer"); echo current($business)."\n"; echo next($business)."\n"; echo $business[2]."\n"; ?> What is the output?

Answer: • retail advertising computer

Question:* Which of the following returns information passed via HTTP forms?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Select the type of variable scope which is not supported by PHP:

Answer: • Hidden variables

Question:* Choose the correct value for $i. $i = 2; $i++;

Answer: • 3

Question:* Which function returns information on the PHP configuration you are using?

Answer: • phpinfo();

Question:* Which PHP math function would you use to return the number with the lowest value of two specified numbers?

Answer: • min()

Question:* What is the correct way to require the file "" in a manner which will halt the script upon failure?

Answer: • <?php require(''); ?>

Question:* Which of these does not represent a single, valid PHP variable

Answer: • $my-Var

Question:* PHP requires that instruction statements be terminated with a:

Answer: • semicolon

Question:* The practice of combining strings and variables into one string is called:

Answer: • concatenation

Question:* How to call a method from within a class?

Answer: • $this->my_function();

Question:* Which of the following checks if a value exists in an array?

Answer: • in_array

Question:* To modify the default PHP settings such as whether to accept the short form open tag (<?), you need to change the

Answer: • php.ini file.

Question:* $var = (10 % 2 == 0) ? true:false; What is the output of $var?

Answer: • true

Question:* How do you inherit the methods from BaseClass in MyClass?

Answer: • class MyClass extends BaseClass {

Question:* How do you define a constant in PHP?

Answer: • define("CONSTANT", "Hello world.");

Question:* Which PHP function returns part of a string?

Answer: • substr()

Question:* Which of these assigns a value of type string to variable $x?

Answer: • $x = "true";

Question:* Which statement returns the number of characters in the string variable $a?

Answer: • strlen($a)

Question:* What is meant by nl2br()?

Answer: • Inserts HTML line breaks (<BR />) before all newlines in a string.

Question:* Which PHP math function would you use to generate a random integer?

Answer: • rand()

Question:* Which PHP function would you use to display the value of an array in a readable format?

Answer: • print_r()

Question:* Include files must have the file extension ".inc"

Answer: • False

Question:* The FTP functions can be used to perform the following actions on file servers:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of the following are examples of PHP comments?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which function gives you the current PHP version information?

Answer: • phpversion()

Question:* Which statements start a session and end a session?

Answer: • session_start(); session_destroy();

Question:* The concatenation operator in PHP is

Answer: • .

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a command for sending output to the standard output?

Answer: • send

Question:* Which construct is typically used for exception handling in PHP?

Answer: • try / catch

Question:* Which PHP function finds the position of the last occurrence of a substring within a string?

Answer: • strrpos()

Question:* What do you need to call in order for your session variables to work?

Answer: • session_start()

Question:* Which function can be used to convert 'ff' to 255?

Answer: • hexdec()

Question:* Which PHP function opens a file for reading only?

Answer: • fopen("c:\\test\\time.txt" , "r");

Question:* In the following PHP script, $arr = array(1,2,3);, 1, 2, and 3 are the array

Answer: • values

Question:* Which function is used to perform a regular expression match in PHP?

Answer: • preg_match()

Question:* An example of a float in PHP is:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What kind of error causes the termination of the script?

Answer: • Fatal Errors

Question:* Which of the following PHP language constructs allows you to combine code from one file into another?

Answer: • All of the these

Question:* Which of the following are PHP comparison operators?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What is the correct way to create a function in PHP?

Answer: • function myFunction(){ echo "Example function.\n";};

Question:* In PHP in order to access MySQL database, use the:

Answer: • mysqli_connect() function

Question:* Which PHP function do you call to begin a PHP session?

Answer: • session_start();

Question:* Which PHP language construct sends output to a browser window?

Answer: • echo

Question:* Which of the following HTML form submission methods is suitable when you need to send large amounts of form data?

Answer: • Post

Question:* How do you add a multi-line comment in PHP?

Answer: • /* This is a comment */

Question:* Which of the following variables is expected to contain information about the user's browser?


Question:* Which of the following is a string operator?

Answer: • dot(.)

Question:* How is the following statement interpreted in PHP? $i = 1;

Answer: • $i is assigned a value of 1

Question:* The PHP syntax is most similar to:

Answer: • Perl and C

Question:* HTML form input needs to be validated in order to avoid:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* The statement header('Location:'); will

Answer: • redirects the browser to

Question:* Which statement allows you to add new records to a MySQL database table?


Question:* Which is a characteristic of the PHP language?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which operator is used to concatenate strings in PHP?

Answer: • dot (.)

Question:* Which PHP function completely destroys all data relevant to the session?

Answer: • session_destroy();

Question:* Placing ++ in front of variable:

Answer: • preincrements the variable by one

Question:* A string literal in PHP can be specified in the following way(s):

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of the following function libraries are supported in PHP?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which function creates a directory on the FTP server?

Answer: • ftp_mkdir()

Question:* The logical operator OR is equivalent to:

Answer: • ||

Question:* Which variable is not predefined by PHP?

Answer: • $_ASK

Question:* What PHP function calculates the sum of the values in an array?

Answer: • array_sum()

Question:* Can PHP scripts be embedded directly into XHTML documents?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* An example of a PHP string is:

Answer: • "test"

Question:* What should you do in advance, to get and set session variable

Answer: • session_start()

Question:* strpos() stands for

Answer: • string position.

Question:* If a string is enclosed in double-quotes, PHP will interpret more escape sequences for special characters such as

Answer: • All of these

Question:* How do you combine multiple arrays into one single PHP array?

Answer: • array_merge()

Question:* What does MVC stand for?

Answer: • Model View Controller

Question:* What are int, float, string and boolean examples of in PHP?

Answer: • data types

Question:* Choose the statement which produces this output: This is an example.

Answer: • <?php echo "This is an example."; ?>

Question:* How do you retrieve the value of a variable called "name" which has been passed from a submitted form?

Answer: • $_GET["name"];

Question:* CakePHP, Zend, and CodeIgniter are popular _________ used on many PHP servers.

Answer: • development frameworks

Question:* If the allow_url_fopen configuration setting is enabled, which of the following functions will be able to open remote urls?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* In PHP, functions using global variables must declare the variables by using

Answer: • the GLOBAL keyword.

Question:* One way to output a string in PHP is:

Answer: • echo()

Question:* What's the output? $name = 'John'; echo 'Hi there '.$name;

Answer: • Hi there John

Question:* Which function will generate random integers?

Answer: • rand()

Question:* Which of the following is a valid PHP function modifier?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which PHP function sorts an array?

Answer: • sort()

Question:* Variables in PHP start with a

Answer: • dollar sign($)

Question:* What types of arrays are supported in PHP?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* In PHP, how would you determine if a variable is set?

Answer: • isset()

Question:* Which variable is used to collect values of a form sent via the HTTP POST method?

Answer: • $_POST

Question:* Which is a valid loop method in PHP?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which construct includes an external PHP file?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* How do you write "Hello World" in PHP

Answer: • echo "Hello World";

Question:* Which function checks for a specific PHP data type?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* PHP variables always begin with

Answer: • a dollar sign($).

Question:* Which function would you use to check for data type?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* The function mysql_connect( ) takes following parameter(s):

Answer: • All of these

Question:* All variables in PHP start with which symbol?

Answer: • $

Question:* PHP supports which of the following features?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* The PHP language can be used on the following operating systems:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Choose the output of the following code. Assume that today is 2009-3-19:2:45:32 pm <?php $today = date("F j, Y"); ?>

Answer: • March 19, 2009

Question:* What function converts newlines to HTML line breaks in a string?

Answer: • nl2br()

Question:* Which PHP function can be used to generate a unique ID for members of your site?

Answer: • uniqid()

Question:* Which PHP string function is used to convert the first letter of a string to uppercase?

Answer: • ucfirst()

Question:* Which function displays a formatted string?

Answer: • printf()

Question:* After a file is successfully opened in PHP, how do you retrieve a line from the file?

Answer: • fgets

Question:* What is the result of the following code? <?php $test =array("five", "six", 3, 4); $hold= count($test); echo $test; ?>

Answer: • Array

Question:* Which PHP function tells whether a file exists and is readable?

Answer: • is_readable()

Question:* In the date() function what does the 'm' format character do?

Answer: • Insert month as 01 through 12

Question:* What is returned by array_product( array( 2, 3) )?

Answer: • 6

Question:* dirname(__FILE__) will return what?

Answer: • The directory in which the currently invoked file is located

Question:* Which is a valid character for starting a PHP function name?

Answer: • underscore(_)

Question:* Which PHP function removes the last value of an array and returns it?

Answer: • array_pop()

Question:* The PHP statement: $i[2] = "orange"; is an example of

Answer: • a numeric array.

Question:* What does the return code E_ERROR indicate?

Answer: • Fatal run-time error

Question:* Which function exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array?

Answer: • array_flip(array)

Question:* Which type of control structure should NOT be used to check for a condition being met?

Answer: • try / catch

Question:* To access functions of an instantiated class, you use the following:

Answer: • $class->function()

Question:* In PHP, the die() and exit() language constructs perform the same function.

Answer: • True

Question:* What will be the value of $result? <?php $myArr = array( 'val1' => 1, 'val2' => array('val21' => 21, 'val22' => 22), 'val3' => 3 ); $result = array_key_exists('val22', $myArr); ?>

Answer: • false

Question:* What function can you use to create your own streams using the PHP stream wrappers and register them within PHP?

Answer: • stream_wrapper_register

Question:* How can you call this function? $greet = function($name) { printf("Hello %s\r\n", $name); };

Answer: • $greet('World');

Question:* How can we set the default time zone using PHP?

Answer: • date_default_timezone_set(timezone_identifier);

Question:* Which methods are available in PHP to read a remote file?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which PHP function checks to see if HTTP headers have been sent?

Answer: • headers_sent()

Question:* Which of the following would be accepted as an argument parameter in the following function: function getEmotion(Emotion $emotion) { ... }

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Choose the correct output for: $x=array(2=>"mouse",7=>"keyboard"); $y=array_keys($x); echo $y[1];

Answer: • 7

Question:* Upon completion of a file upload in PHP, the UPLOAD_ERR_OK error code is returned. What does this indicate?

Answer: • The file uploaded with success.

Question:* Which function opens an SQLite database and creates the database if it does not exist?

Answer: • sqlite_open()

Question:* Which PHP function checks a month, day, and year number to determine if they form a valid Gregorian date?

Answer: • checkdate()

Question:* print_r( 2 ) outputs:

Answer: • 2

Question:* $a='1'; extract( array( 'a' => '2' ) ); echo $a; outputs ...

Answer: • 2

Question:* The function setcookie( ) is used to

Answer: • create, update, or delete a cookie header in the HTTP response

Question:* Which of the following functions can be used to execute a shell command?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What is input sanitization?

Answer: • Removing or cleaning potentially malicious user input.

Question:* The function checkdate() returns what data type?

Answer: • Boolean

Question:* Which libraries are available for using regular expressions in PHP?

Answer: • Both of these.

Question:* To determine if the file pointer is at the end of a successfully opened file, use the...

Answer: • feof() function.

Question:* PHP scripts can be saved, and included later, under which allowed file extensions?

Answer: • Any File Extension

Question:* Variable $a has not been declared. With error reporting turned off, what is the result of: $a[1][2]=3;?

Answer: • A multi-level array structure is created with 3 as a value.

Question:* What is the correct way to assign a class constant?

Answer: • const MY_CONSTANT = 'value';

Question:* $_SERVER, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_ENV are examples of PHP built-in variables called:

Answer: • superglobals

Question:* The comparison $a xor $b evaluates to...

Answer: • TRUE if either $a or $b is TRUE, but not both.

Question:* PHP variable $hello is set to “HELLO WORLD". Which statement would return "Hello World" instead?

Answer: • echo ucwords(strtolower($hello));

Question:* Which of the following functions is used to format a number ?

Answer: • number_format();

Question:* Which of these is correct usage of the chmod() function?

Answer: • chmod('/path/to/file', 0755);

Question:* Which PHP function will return an array of values from $start to $end.

Answer: • range( $start, $end);

Question:* Which statement opens a file for writing, to append data at the end of its content ?

Answer: • fopen("myFile", "a")

Question:* Which function removes the first element from an array, and returns the value of the removed element?

Answer: • array_shift()

Question:* Which of the following is true about the "touch" function in PHP? Signature: touch($filename, $time) : boolean

Answer: • If the file does not exist, it will be created.

Question:* In PHP5, your "construct" method must be named the exact same thing as your "class".

Answer: • False

Question:* When using php cli how can you return the same info as phpinfo()

Answer: • php -i

Question:* How do single quotes interpret strings in PHP?

Answer: • literally

Question:* class A{} class_alias( 'A', 'B' ); var_dump(new B); outputs ...

Answer: • object(A)#1 (0) { }

Question:* Which PHP function is used to replace a string?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What is the output of the following code? $one='two'; $two='one'; echo $$$one;

Answer: • two

Question:* Which of the following functions does not have a resource for a return type?

Answer: • strrpos()

Question:* What will the following code output: array_map("print_r", array( 'a', 'b' ) );

Answer: • ab

Question:* What will be the output for the following code? $values = array(0, NULL, FALSE); foreach($values as $key => $value) { echo isset($values[$key]) ? "TRUE " : "FALSE "; }


Question:* When passing an object to json_encode(), the default behavior can be modified by:

Answer: • Implementing the JsonSerializable interface.

Question:* What is the correct way to call an anonymous function?

Answer: • $func($var);

Question:* Given an array of images, $images = array("img12.png", "img10.png", "img2.png", "img1.png"), which function will sort $images into ("img1.png", "img2.png", "img10.png", "img12.png")?

Answer: • natsort($images);

Question:* Which PHP function would you use to get information about the current session cookie?

Answer: • session_get_cookie_params()

Question:* is_a( $a, $b ) will:

Answer: • check if $a is of class "$b" or has this class as one of its parents

Question:* How do you get the number of arguments passed to a PHP function?

Answer: • None of these

Question:* "virtual()" in PHP

Answer: • is an Apache-specific function

Question:* Which of the following code snippets will split a string into an array with 3 elements?

Answer: • All of them

Question:* An object can be counted with count() and sizeof() if it:

Answer: • None of the above

Question:* Which type of error can NOT be caught with a custom error handler?

Answer: • E_ERROR

Question:* What is the output of the following code? <?php echo str_pad("abc", 6, "7"); ?>

Answer: • abc777

Question:* What will be the final structure of the following array? $animals = array( 'dog', 'cat', true => 'lion' );

Answer: • array( 0 => 'dog', 1 => 'lion' ) - boolean true will be changed to integer 1

Question:* What is the value of $a in the following: <?php $a = array_pad( array( 0 ), 2, 1 ); ?>

Answer: • array( 0, 1 )

Question:* use keyword is used only for namespace

Answer: • false

Question:* Which mode parameter should be used with the fopen() function to open a file and point to the end for writing only?

Answer: • a

Question:* $a = array('a' => 0, 'b' => 0, 'c' => 1, 'd' => 2); $b = array_flip($a); var_dump($b); What does the 'var_dump' function show ?

Answer: • array(3) { [0]=> string(1) "b" [1]=> string(1) "c" [2]=> string(1) "d" }

Question:* Which function would you use to obtain the ASCII value of a character?

Answer: • ord( );

Question:* What does the following PHP code do? preg_filter($pattern, $replace, $subject)

Answer: • Performs a regular expression search and replace

Question:* What does the glob() function return?

Answer: • An array of filenames / directories matching a specified pattern

Question:* True or False? Within the eval() function, code must be opened and closed with PHP tags, i.e. <?php echo 'hi'; ?>

Answer: • False, but you can still exit and enter PHP mode using tags

Question:* Sleep(3000); will sleep the page for?

Answer: • 3000 seconds

Question:* Choose the correct output of: <?php $email = 'admin@domain.tld'; echo strstr($email, '@'); ?>

Answer: • @domain.tld

Question:* Which of the following superglobals doesn't contain data from the client?

Answer: • $_SESSION

Question:* What are Traits in PHP?

Answer: • Traits allow code reuse without direct inheritance.

Question:* What is the time complexity of a call to array_search()?

Answer: • O(N)

Question:* <?php $x = false or true; $y = false || true; var_dump($x); var_dump($y);

Answer: • bool(false) bool(true)

Question:* Which of the following functions inserts one or more elements to the beginning of an array?

Answer: • array_unshift()

Question:* Which elements can be encapsulated by namespaces?

Answer: • Classes, functions and constants

Question:* Which function can be used to convert data into a binary string according to a specified format?

Answer: • pack()

Question:* What is the result of calling json_encode() on an empty array?

Answer: • [] - An empty JavaScript array

Question:* Which function returns an item from the argument list?

Answer: • func_get_arg()

Question:* What is the time complexity of a call to array_key_exists()?

Answer: • O(1)

Question:* How do you call a static method defined by the called class from a parent class?

Answer: • static::someFunc();

Question:* What does mt_srand( [int $a] ); do?

Answer: • Initializes a random number generator

Question:* Which of the following is the predefined class in PHP?

Answer: • __PHP_Incomplete_Class

Question:* Which of the following network transports doesn’t PHP support?

Answer: • pdc

Question:* What is the output for the following code? <?php $value1=5; $value2= $value1--; $value2= $value1++; echo $value2; ?>

Answer: • 4

Question:* What does this code do? namespace Hello\World;

Answer: • It creates two namespaces : "Hello" and "Hello\World"

Question:* What function allows you to print a backtrace?

Answer: • debug_print_backtrace

Question:* What data types cannot be used with PHP5 Type Hinting?

Answer: • Integer, Strings

Question:* Which of the following protocols is not supported by PHP streams?

Answer: • imap

Question:* What does this display? <?php $x = array('a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3); echo key($x);

Answer: • "a"

Question:* Which function returns the size of a specified file on the FTP server?

Answer: • ftp_size()

Question:* $a = array('z','x','y'); $b = sort($a); The value of $b is?

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid PHP variable type conversion?

Answer: • object to reference

Question:* When adding ('+' function) two variables of type integer and type string, what type is the resulting value?

Answer: • Integer

Question:* Is there a function to listen on E_ERROR (fatal) errors?

Answer: • register_shutdown_function()

Question:* Is it possible to typehint function arguments using native types (String, Bool, Array, Int, Float, Binary...)?

Answer: • Only Array is supported

Question:* Which PHP extension allows you to simplify converting between different calendar formats?

Answer: • calendar

Question:* What is the output of the following code: <?php $x = 0x22; echo <<<'END' $x END; ?>

Answer: • $x

Question:* What is the result of : $a = "abcd"; if(strpos('a', $a)) { return true; } else { return false; }

Answer: • false

Question:* Which PHP function reads entire file into an array?

Answer: • file

Question:* Which subversion of PHP5 adds short array syntax?

Answer: • 4

Question:* In mail($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4), the $param2 contains:

Answer: • The subject

Question:* Name of the function to check the variable type is object

Answer: • is_object

Question:* What is the correct way to open the file "time.txt" as readable?

Answer: • fopen("time.txt","r");

Question:* Does PHP5 support Exceptions?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* How would you start a session

Answer: • session_start

Question:* ( (4 >= 4 && 8 < 1) || (44 == 33 || 5 > 3) ) will return

Answer: • TRUE

Question:* How can you enable the cURL extension?

Answer: • You should remove the semicolon in the front of "curl_extension" in php.ini.

Question:* $x = 10.88; echo (int) $x;

Answer: • 10

Question:* How can I identify the server IP address in PHP?

Answer: • $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];

Question:* The function used to iterate over array and object.

Answer: • foreach

Question:* Which of the following function is used to check type of array

Answer: • is_array

Question:* (8 < 1 || 4 >= 4 ) will return

Answer: • True

Question:* $file = 'sample.txt'; $current = file_get_contents($file); $current .= "Additional Info"; file_put_contents($file, $current); What is the meaning of above code?

Answer: • It means that certain string of which value is 'Additional Info' is added to the end of the file named sample.txt.

Question:* True or false? One can include (”abc.PHP”) two times in a PHP page “makeit.PHP”.

Answer: • True

Question:* What is the best way of writing an IF/ELSE statement on one line?

Answer: • echo ( $result ) ? "Win" : "Loss";

Question:* Which of the following is not a boolean false

Answer: • 1

Question:* Name of the function to check the variable type is object

Answer: • is_object

Question:* function foobar( ) { $a = func_get_args( ); return $a[2]; } print foobar('a',1,'b',2); What would the output be?

Answer: • b

Question:* True of false? PHP provides the goto in the latest version.

Answer: • True

Question:* What is the best way to URL encode a string?

Answer: • urlencode( $str )

Question:* Which of the following is not related to file

Answer: • fappend

Question:* $a = &$b; $b = 'Mary?'; print $a;

Answer: • Mary?

Question:* In mail($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4), the $param2 contains:

Answer: • The subject

Question:* A fatal error would be caught by

Answer: • E_ERROR

Question:* Which of these functions will not result in a runtime error if the file requested does not exist or can't be opened?

Answer: • include()

Question:* How can we delete a file using php function.

Answer: • unlink

Question:* Which of the following functions split the string and return the array?

Answer: • str_split()

Question:* Which array function checks if the specified key exists in the array?

Answer: • array_key_exists()

Question:* Which values should be assigned to the variables $a, $b and $c in order for the following script to display the string Hello, World! <?php $string= "Hello, World!"; $a =?; $b =?; $c =?; if($a) { if($b &&!$c){ echo "Goodbye Cruel World!"; } else if(!$b &&!$c) { echo "Nothing here"; } } else { if(!$b) { if(!$a && (!$b && $c)) { echo"Hello, World!"; } else { echo"GoodbyeWorld!"; } } else { echo "Not quite."; } } ?>

Answer: • False, False, True

Question:* How do you make PHP use a class file without having to require or include it manually?

Answer: • Define __autoload($class) magic function

Question:* What is the difference between $message and $$message?

Answer: • Classic example of PHP’s variable variables

Question:* What visibility level will this class property get in PHP5? var $cool = true;

Answer: • public

Question:* Which of the following is ternary operator

Answer: • ?:

Question:* How do you connect mysql with the use of PHP5 new functions?

Answer: • (both answers are correct)

Question:* Which of the following functions would one use to get the number of parameters passed?

Answer: • func_num_args

Question:* Which of the following is NOT supported in PHP5?

Answer: • Multiple Inheritance

Question:* The ____ operator is used to test if two values are identical in every way.

Answer: • ===

Question:* $text = 'He went to the school.'; echo strpbrk($text, 'w'); In the above code, what is the output?

Answer: • went to the school.

Question:* $a = array("pomme", "banane"); $b = array(1 => "banane", "0" => "pomme"); var_dump($a == $b); What does-it print ?

Answer: • TRUE

Question:* What is the primary difference between a method declared as static and a normal method?

Answer: • Static methods do not provide a reference to $this

Question:* Which of the lines below will output the following string: "PHP is "super easy" to use!"

Answer: • echo "PHP is \"super easy\" to use!";

Question:* Which function would you use to append one or more elements to the end of the array?

Answer: • array_push()

Question:* In PHP5 >= 5.3.0, which new operator was added?

Answer: • GOTO

Question:* What is PEAR in PHP?

Answer: • PHP Extension and Application Repository

Question:* Which of the following function is used to display the properties of variable?

Answer: • var_dump

Question:* How to open file in read/write mode?

Answer: • $handle = fopen("", "r+");

Question:* The PHP syntax is most similar to

Answer: • Perl and C

Question:* Given: $email = ‘’; which code block will output

Answer: • print substr($email, strpos($email, ‘@’) + 1);

Question:* Which of the following is a php resource?

Answer: • (all of these)

Question:* Which of the following crpto return longest hash value

Answer: • sha1()

Question:* Which of the following functions allows you to store session data in a database?

Answer: • session_set_save_handler();

Question:* Which function will list files and directories inside the specified path?

Answer: • scandir()

Question:* Which of the following variable is not related to file upload

Answer: • max_execution_size

Question:* What is the difference between idate and date function?

Answer: • idate function always returns an integer, but date function returns formatted date string or FALSE.

Question:* Which function can be used to rename files?

Answer: • rename()

Question:* $sweet = array('1' => 'apple', '2' => 'banana'); $fruits = array('delicious' => $sweet, 'sweet' => 'strawberry'); function myprint($item, $key) { echo "$key is $item\n"; } array_walk_recursive($fruits, 'myprint'); In above code, what is the output?

Answer: • [1 is apple] [2 is banana] [sweet is strawberry]

Question:* Include files must have the file extension ".inc"

Answer: • No

Question:* What is output of the following code. $arr = "a"; $arr[0]="b"; echo $arr; echo $arr[0];

Answer: • bb

Question:* What is the correct way to include the file "" ?

Answer: • <?php include ""; ?>

Question:* How do you kill or destroy a session?

Answer: • session_destroy();

Question:* To ensure that a given object has a particular set of methods, you must provide a method list in the form of an ________ and then attach it as part of your class using the ________ keyword.

Answer: • interface, implements

Question:* How to check if a directory exists?

Answer: • file_exists($name);

Question:* What is the best way to iterate and modify every element of an array using PHP 5?

Answer: • foreach($array as $key => &$val) { /* ... */ }

Question:* The contents of an image file are stored in memory as $imString, but the original file is not available. Of the following, which uses the least amount of code and is a valid method of retrieving the dimensions of $imString?

Answer: • return getimagesizefromstring($imString);

Question:* Which of the following functions set options in curl script?

Answer: • curl_setopt()

Question:* Which of the following functions compare the substrings of the parameters?

Answer: • substr_compare()

Question:* Which of the following is a correct declaration?

Answer: • Static $var = array(10,'str',3);

Question:* Which of following functions get a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)?

Answer: • headers_list()

Question:* How do you get header information from a URL?

Answer: • get_headers()

Question:* How should you filter variables before passing to header()?

Answer: • PHP's doing this itself nowadays

Question:* Which variable type can NOT be used as a type hint?

Answer: • resource

Question:* What is the output in following codes? <?php $array1 = array("a" => "green", "red", "blue"); $array2 = array("b" => "green", "yellow", "red"); $result = array_intersect($array1, $array2); print_r($result); ?>

Answer: • Array ( [a] => green [0] => red )

Question:* $a = array("pomme", "banane"); $b = array(1 => "banane", "0" => "pomme"); var_dump($a === $b); What does-it print ?

Answer: • FALSE

Question:* How do you instantiate a new object from class foo? class foo { function do_foo() { echo "Doing foo."; } }

Answer: • $bar = new foo;

Question:* <?php abstract class Animal { function greeting() { $sound = $this->sound(); return strtoupper($sound); } function sound(); } class Dog extends Animal { function sound() { return "Woof!"; } } $dog = new Dog(); echo $dog->greeting(); ?>

Answer: • Fatal error

Question:* What will the following script output? <?php $a = array (‘a’ => 20, 1 => 36, 40); array_rand ($a); echo $a[0]; ?>

Answer: • Nothing

Question:* echo new stdClass == new stdClass, '-', new stdClass !== new stdClass;

Answer: • 1-1

Question:* Which function would you use to prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array?

Answer: • array_unshift()

Question:* What is the function to report errors from mysqli functions or queries?

Answer: • mysqli_report();

Question:* $i = 5; print $i++ + ++$i;

Answer: • 12

Question:* Which of the following functions is a relative ftp function new to PHP5?

Answer: • ftp_alloc()

Question:* What will be output of this code. function test(&$var) { $var=$var-1; return $var; } $returnVar = test(50); echo $returnVar. " is answer.";

Answer: • Error message

Question:* What will be the result of the following code ? $a = 0 or 1; $b = 0 || 1; echo "$a, $b";

Answer: • 0, 1

Question:* The number of parameters in setCookie function

Answer: • 7

Question:* What does php_strip_whitespace function return?

Answer: • Returns the PHP source code in filename with PHP comments and whitespace removed.

Question:* Which of following functions compute the intersection of arrays with additional index check and are defined newly in PHP5?

Answer: • array_uintersect_assoc(); array_uintersect_uassoc();

Question:* $file = 'sample.txt'; $current = file_get_contents($file); $current .= "Additional Info"; file_put_contents($file, $current); What is the meaning of above code?

Answer: • It means that certain string of which value is 'Additional Info' is added to the end of the file named sample.txt.

Question:* How to open file in read/write mode?

Answer: • $handle = fopen("", "r+");

Question:* What is the correct way to include the file "" ?

Answer: • <?php include ""; ?>

Question:* How can I identify the server IP address in PHP?

Answer: • $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];

Question:* What Does OOM mean?

Answer: • Object Oriented Model

Question:* Which of the lines below will output the following string: "PHP is "super easy" to use!"

Answer: • echo "PHP is \"super easy\" to use!";

Question:* What function in PHP allows you to find the position of the first occurrence of a substring?

Answer: • strpos()

Question:* True or false? PHP provides the goto in the latest version.

Answer: • True

Question:* How do you make PHP use a class file without having to require or include it manually?

Answer: • Define __autoload($class) magic function

Question:* In mail($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4), the $param2 contains:

Answer: • The subject

Question:* What is the primary difference between a method declared as static and a normal method?

Answer: • Static methods do not provide a reference to $this

Question:* How do you connect mysql with the use of PHP5 new functions?

Answer: • (both answers are correct)

Question:* Which of the following variables is not related to file upload?

Answer: • max_execution_size

Question:* What will be the output of the following code: <?php class A {} class B {} class C extends B {} class D { function sayHello (A $argument) { echo '$argument is an instance of A'; } function sayHello (B $argument) { echo '$argument is an instance of B'; } } $d = new D(); $c = new C(); $d->sayHello($c);

Answer: • PHP Fatal error

Question:* The contents of an image file are stored in memory as $imString, but the original file is not available. Of the following, which uses the least amount of code and is a valid method of retrieving the dimensions of $imString?

Answer: • return getimagesizefromstring($imString);

Question:* How should you filter variables before passing to header()?

Answer: • PHP's doing this itself nowadays

Question:* Which of the following is a correct declaration?

Answer: • Static $var = array(10,'str',3);

Question:* What result? $a = "1"; $a[$a] = "2"; echo $a;

Answer: • 12

Question:* $i = 5; print $i++ + ++$i;

Answer: • 12

Question:* What will be the array $b after executing this code? $a = array(1, 3, 5); $b = array(2, 4, 6); $b += $a;

Answer: • $b = array(2, 4, 6)

Question:* For PHP version <= 5.3, how can we activate error reporting for all levels?

Answer: • error_reporting(-1);

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