Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Symfony2 test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Symfony2. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Symfony2 test answers of 2016.

Question:* In regard to validating the data that is entered in forms, which of the following constraints is NOT supported by Symfony2?

Answer: • EqualTo

Question:* Which of the following is a common element of a bundle?

Answer: • (all of these)

Question:* What are the three parts of the logical controller name?

Answer: • bundle:controller:action

Question:* Select the sequence that shows an example of a simple controller.

Answer: • // src/Smarterer/HelloBundle/Controller/HelloController.php namespace Smarterer\HelloBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; class HelloController { public function indexAction($name) { return new Response('<html><body&g

Question:* Which of the following methods allows you to progress to another controller internally?

Answer: • forward()

Question:* Where is the AppKernel class stored?

Answer: • The app/ directory

Question:* Which of the following directories contains any publicly accessible files?

Answer: • web/

Question:* The ________ class is a simple object-oriented representation of the HTTP request message.

Answer: • Request

Question:* Which of the following lets you write templates more quickly as well as makes them easier to read?

Answer: • Twig

Question:* Which of the following field types are supported in Doctrine?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* The __________ allows you to begin using PHP classes without including the file containing the class.

Answer: • autoloader

Question:* Choose the best description of the following configuration: secure: path: /secure defaults: { _controller: SmartererDemoBundle:Main:secure } schemes: [https]

Answer: • It forces the secure route to always use HTTPS

Question:* Where is the routing configuration file located?

Answer: • app/config

Question:* How do you disable CSRF protection?

Answer: • Set csrf_protection to false

Question:* Which of the following is a Doctrine field type for numbers?

Answer: • integer

Question:* A directory that contains a set of files that represents a particular feature is known as a/an:

Answer: • Bundle

Question:* What are the 3 environments a Symfony2 project BEGINS with?

Answer: • test, dev, and prod

Question:* Which of the following Components contain the Request and Response classes?

Answer: • HttpFoundation

Question:* Which of the following methods is used to generate a URL for a given route?

Answer: • generateURL()

Question:* What class is used by the front controller to bootstrap an application?

Answer: • AppKernel

Question:* What Symfony2 environment is used to run unit tests?

Answer: • test

Question:* In order to use your controller from the service container you need to register it as a service. Where can this be done?

Answer: • Locally in the bundle in the Resources/config/services.yml

Question:* What is the purpose of the _controller parameter in routing?

Answer: • It tells Symfony which controller should be executed when a URL matches a specific route

Question:* True or False? The HTTP response from a controller is limited to 404 errors, XML documents, and HTML pages.

Answer: • False

Question:* What tag is used for template inheritance?

Answer: • {% extends %}

Question:* is it possible to define a form like a service ?

Answer: • TRUE

Question:* What is a PHP function that takes incoming requests and transforms them into a response?

Answer: • controller

Question:* Which of the following methods checks the 3 different values in PHP that can show whether or not the user is connecting via a secured connection?

Answer: • isSecure()

Question:* True or False? The directory that contains all of the pieces of code that run your application is called the src/ directory.

Answer: • True

Question:* Security is a two-step process, the first being Authentication?

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following Components allows you to trace a specific URI to a description of how it should be handled?

Answer: • Routing

Question:* Symfony2 is only supported on:

Answer: • PHP 5.3.3 and up

Question:* What defines a URL to a page?

Answer: • route

Question:* True or False? The Symfony2 Framework can be altered to one's preferences or replaced entirely.

Answer: • True

Question:* What are the 2 options you have to install a Symfony2 distribution?

Answer: • Use Composer or Download an Archive

Question:* In regard to routing, which of the following best describes a route?

Answer: • A map from a URL path to a controller

Question:* True or False? To build a form in Symfony2 you must build a form object and then render it in a template.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following methods is a shortcut to direct use of the templating service?

Answer: • renderView

Question:* To delete an object in Doctrine you must use the _________ method of the entity manager.

Answer: • remove()

Question:* How would one use a service in a controller in Symfony?

Answer: • $this->get('name_service');

Question:* Which of the following allows you to manipulate assets however you like before serving them?

Answer: • Assetic

Question:* Is a "front controller" the same as the "controllers"?

Answer: • False

Question:* _______ is a container for key/value pairs.

Answer: • ParameterBag

Question:* Choose the best description of the following sequence (where //LINE BREAK// indicates a new line in the sequence): # app/config/config_test.yml //LINE BREAK// # ... //LINE BREAK// swiftmailer: /linebrea //LINE BREAK// disable_delivery: true

Answer: • It shows the swiftmailer is NOT configured to deliver emails in the test environment

Question:* what is repository in Symfony ?

Answer: • a class that work with entity for processing data

Question:* The Dependency Injection component allows you to

Answer: • Standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application

Question:* Choose the best reason why the following autoloading sequence will not run properly: Class Name: Smarterer\HelloBundle\Controller\HelloController Path: src/Smarterer/Controller/HelloController.php

Answer: • The class name and the path to the file do not follow the same sequence

Question:* A __________ is a short PHP script that lives in the web directory of your project.

Answer: • Front Controller

Question:* In regard to testing, each time you make a request with the client a ______ instance is returned.

Answer: • crawler

Question:* Which of the following shows the correct representation of the Twig function?

Answer: • public function renderResources() { return $this->container->get('templating') ->render("RSmithNotificationBundle:Notification:resources.html.twig"); }

Question:* If you wanted to add routes to an application without including them in the Yaml file, which of the following would you need to use?

Answer: • Custom route loader

Question:* What is the specific workflow of Functional Tests?

Answer: • 1. Make a request 2. Test the response 3. Click on a link or submit a form 4. Test the response 5. Rinse and repeat

Question:* what is the first file that Symfony framework runs at startup for loading libraries ?

Answer: • app/autoload.php

Question:* Which of the following is the correct way to create a basic route configuration?

Answer: • _welcome: path: / defaults: { _controller: SmartererDemoBundle:Main:homepage }

Question:* Which of following console commands checks for syntax errors in Twig templates?

Answer: • twig:lint

Question:* Which parameter is not available in security.yml ?

Answer: • All of these are available

Question:* Which of the following is correct when creating a bundle using the command line generator?

Answer: • php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=RSmith/Bundle/NotificationBundle --bundle-name=RSmithNotificationBundle

Question:* True of false: A controller is required when creating a static page.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which configuration format is powerful but less readable than standard configuration formats?

Answer: • PHP

Question:* In which of the following can the configuration of services in symfony be found?

Answer: • app/config/config.yml

Question:* What is the way around configuring the default charset and collation inside Doctrine?

Answer: • Configure server level defaults

Question:* Which of the following Twig codes is valid to check if a variable has the same value and the same type as another ?

Answer: • {% if a is sameas(b)) %}

Question:* Which of the following is an authorization layer of the security component?

Answer: • Voters

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