Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Apache Flex test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Apache Flex. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Apache Flex test answers of 2016.

Question:* True or False? You can apply skins to components using CSS.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which method would you use to add a component to an MX container?

Answer: • addChild()

Question:* What is a SWC file?

Answer: • Class library containing components and other assets.

Question:* True or False? Flex applications allow deep linking.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following allows you to refer to the top-level application object from anywhere in the application?

Answer: • FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication

Question:* Which property should have the same value for all radio buttons in a radio button group?

Answer: • groupName

Question:* How do you remove a pop up using PopUpManager?

Answer: • PopUpManager.removePopUp('popUpComponent')

Question:* Where do you declare non-visual MXML elements in a flex component or application?

Answer: • Inside <fx:Declarations> tag

Question:* Which of the following containers allow you to position components using x,y, coordinates?

Answer: • Group

Question:* Which tag enables you to enter ActionScript blocks inside an MXML file?

Answer: • <fx:Script>

Question:* Flex 4 introduced a new skinning and component architecture known as what?

Answer: • Spark

Question:* When do you use try..catch..finnaly statements?

Answer: • On error handling

Question:* What is the file extension of a compiled Flex project?

Answer: • .swf

Question:* True of False? You can use regular expressions to validate data.

Answer: • True

Question:* What is the name of the scripting language used with Flex?

Answer: • ActionScript

Question:* Which is not a container type?

Answer: • Array

Question:* What is the application container for an AIR application?

Answer: • WindowedApplication

Question:* What method is used to register an event handler for a component?

Answer: • addEventListener()

Question:* True or False? The Flex pop up component can be modal or no modal.

Answer: • True

Question:* MVC is a useful Flex development pattern. What does MVC stand for?

Answer: • Model-View-Controller

Question:* True or False? You can compile an AIR application as native installers (.exe,.dmg, .deb)

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? Display objects created with MXML tags are automatically added to the display list.

Answer: • True

Question:* How do you declare an actionscript private variable?

Answer: • private var variableName:variableType

Question:* Which class lets you work directly with the pixels of a Bitmap object?

Answer: • BitmapData

Question:* What event is dispatched when a component and its children are fully processed and visible?

Answer: • creationComplete

Question:* True or False? Flex is an open source application development framework.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? ActionScript is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language.

Answer: • True

Question:* The tree of all visible objects in a Flex application is known as what?

Answer: • Display list

Question:* When is it better to use E4X specification?

Answer: • When working with XML

Question:* RIAs stands for:

Answer: • Rich Internet Applications

Question:* When you add a new display object with ActionScript, it will not be displayed until you do what?

Answer: • Add the new object as a child of a container.

Question:* All user interface components in Flex extend what class?

Answer: • UIComponent

Question:* True or False? You CANNOT load a compiled Flex application (.swf) into another Flex application.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which Spark class is used to specify absolute positioning for the children of a container?

Answer: • BasicLayout

Question:* Apache Flex is a top level Apache Software Foundation project?

Answer: • True

Question:* An Apache Flex committer CAN

Answer: • Commit code to the Apache Flex Git repository

Question:* What can you use to pass variables into a .swf application from the HTML wrapper?

Answer: • FlashVars

Question:* If you want to take a user's text input and redisplay it as a date, which type of component should you use?

Answer: • formatter

Question:* Which of the following is not a Drop Target Event?

Answer: • mouseDown

Question:* How do you become an Apache Flex committer?

Answer: • All of the other answers

Question:* What is the mechanism included in AIR to manipulate data from a data base file?

Answer: • SQLLite

Question:* True or False? MXML is interpreted by browsers in much the same way as HTML.

Answer: • False

Question:* In order to create in inline item render you must place what inside of the <s:itemRender> tag?

Answer: • <fx:component>

Question:* Which tag is used to declare non-default, non-visual properties of the current class?

Answer: • <fx:Declarations>

Question:* Where do you have to place a cross-domain-policy file?

Answer: • At the root directory of the server

Question:* Which is an example of two-way binding?

Answer: • <s:TextInput text="@{someData}"/>

Question:* The third and final phase of Flex event flow is known as what?

Answer: • bubbling

Question:* Which of the following statements would allow you to access the MouseEvent class?

Answer: • import*;

Question:* Who has access to Apache Flex code base?

Answer: • Anyone

Question:* What are the three (3) RCP services allowed in flex?

Answer: • HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebService

Question:* If you want a class property to be visible to references in the same class and derived classes, which attribute should you assign it?

Answer: • protected

Question:* How do you accomplish data persistence in a Flex client?

Answer: • Using shared objects

Question:* Which of the following is the RPC service used to connect to Java objects?

Answer: • RemoteObjects

Question:* If the use-network compiler option is set to false, which of the following can the application do?

Answer: • Access resources in the local file system, but not over the network.

Question:* If the current view state is not specified when an application loads, what is the default view state?

Answer: • Name of the first view state defined by the <s:states> tag.

Question:* If you want users to be able to enter and edit multiline text, which of these Spark controls should you use?

Answer: • TextArea

Question:* How will you call Java method from Flex?

Answer: • RemoteObject

Question:* To implement a two way binding of a text property you would use:

Answer: • text="@{fieldX.text}"

Question:* True or False? Flex directly supports database operations.

Answer: • True but only when using AIR

Question:* If you want to apply a wipe effect and a resize effect in parallel, what should you use to group them together?

Answer: • Transition

Question:* The phase order of the event flow in flex is:

Answer: • Capture-Target-Bubbling

Question:* Which application property allows you to specify the XML namespace for a custom component package?

Answer: • xmlns

Question:* Which of the following graphics formats can be use as a Flex Component?

Answer: • FXG

Question:* To prevent an application to be blocked when working with local database, you must:

Answer: • open the database in Asynchronous mode

Question:* Sort event phases in order, from first to last

Answer: • Capture, Target, Bubble

Question:* Where do you define the resource bundles for your application?

Answer: • Inside <fx:Metadata> tag

Question:* What is the latest released version of Flex SDK?

Answer: • 4.12.1

Question:* What license is Apache Flex released under?

Answer: • Apache License 2.0

Question:* In the Flex global coordinate system, coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of what?

Answer: • Stage

Question:* How do you set a style property using a Class Selector style in a flex component

Answer: • styleName="classSelector"

Question:* Where can you get variables that are global to all applications within the same ApplicationDomain?

Answer: • FlexGlobals

Question:* What is the name of the top-level object in the display list?

Answer: • Stage

Question:* If you want to prevent a button from displaying in a specific view state, which of the button's properties should you use?

Answer: • excludeFrom

Question:* True or False? You can declare constant properties as bindable.

Answer: • False

Question:* What does Data Binding enable you to do?

Answer: • Connect components to an underlying data model

Question:* Where can't you find the Apache Flex source code

Answer: • Google Code

Question:* Linux support was added in which version of Apache Flex?

Answer: • 4.10.0

Question:* Where do you define proxy service destination for working with web services and http services?

Answer: • in proxy-config.xml

Question:* Which is NOT a feature added in Apache Flex 4.11

Answer: • MXML to Javascript compilation

Question:* Which mobile platforms allow Adobe Air apps?

Answer: • Android, Blackberry 10, iOS

Question:* A labelFunction is:

Answer: • A function that is used to determine the text to be rendered for each item in a list

Question:* True or False? If you embed a graphic, it is loaded into your Flex application at runtime.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following is not a phase of a drag-and-drop operation?

Answer: • Initializing

Question:* Which of the following words is referred to as future reserved words?

Answer: • Synchronized

Question:* How do you set the default state of a visual component?

Answer: • setting currentState=""

Question:* Which of the following components can be used to access server-side data from a REST web service?

Answer: • HTTPService

Question:* How do you avoid "Warning: unable to bind property 'x' on class 'x' ?

Answer: • By marking the class as [Bindable] with getters and setters

Question:* Which metadata tag Identifies a property that should be omitted from data that is sent to the server when an ActionScript object is mapped to a Java object using [RemoteClass] ?

Answer: • [Transient]

Question:* True or False? remoting-config.xml has destinations defined for working with web services and http services.

Answer: • False

Question:* Where can you set a defaultButton property?

Answer: • on Containers

Question:* Which is true about the following sentence: [Bindable(event="dataChanged")] ?

Answer: • The bindable property will change when an event named dataChanged is dispatched.

Question:* If you define three events on a component and set their priority to 1,2 and 3 respectively. Which event will be handled first?

Answer: • Event with priority 3

Question:* Where can you use the mx:HTML component to display HTML in a Flex App?

Answer: • On Adobe AIR Desktop Applications

Question:* Which is not a feature added in Apache Flex 4.10.0?

Answer: • ASC 2.0 compiler support

Question:* Which compiler option do you use to specify static linking?

Answer: • library-path

Question:* What's the minimum version of Flash Player that Apache Flex 4.9.0, 4.9.1 or 4.10.0 supports?

Answer: • 10.2

Question:* How do you insert a "new line" inside a MXML text property?

Answer: • &#13;

Question:* An Apache Flex PMC member CANNOT

Answer: • Veto an Apache Flex release candidate

Question:* You would use this syntax to embed asset.png in a StyleSheet:

Answer: • Embed('asset.png')

Question:* How do you insert a "new line" inside a MXML text property?

Answer: • &#13;

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