Question:* True or False? You can apply skins to components using CSS.
Answer: • True
Question:* Which method would you use to add a component to an MX container?
Answer: • addChild()
Question:* What is a SWC file?
Answer: • Class library containing components and other assets.
Question:* True or False? Flex applications allow deep linking.
Answer: • True
Question:* Which of the following allows you to refer to the top-level application object from anywhere in the application?
Answer: • FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication
Question:* Which property should have the same value for all radio buttons in a radio button group?
Answer: • groupName
Question:* How do you remove a pop up using PopUpManager?
Answer: • PopUpManager.removePopUp('popUpComponent')
Question:* Where do you declare non-visual MXML elements in a flex component or application?
Answer: • Inside <fx:Declarations> tag
Question:* Which of the following containers allow you to position components using x,y, coordinates?
Answer: • Group
Question:* Which tag enables you to enter ActionScript blocks inside an MXML file?
Answer: • <fx:Script>
Question:* Flex 4 introduced a new skinning and component architecture known as what?
Answer: • Spark
Question:* When do you use try..catch..finnaly statements?
Answer: • On error handling
Question:* What is the file extension of a compiled Flex project?
Answer: • .swf
Question:* True of False? You can use regular expressions to validate data.
Answer: • True
Question:* What is the name of the scripting language used with Flex?
Answer: • ActionScript
Question:* Which is not a container type?
Answer: • Array
Question:* What is the application container for an AIR application?
Answer: • WindowedApplication
Question:* What method is used to register an event handler for a component?
Answer: • addEventListener()
Question:* True or False? The Flex pop up component can be modal or no modal.
Answer: • True
Question:* MVC is a useful Flex development pattern. What does MVC stand for?
Answer: • Model-View-Controller
Question:* True or False? You can compile an AIR application as native installers (.exe,.dmg, .deb)
Answer: • True
Question:* True or False? Display objects created with MXML tags are automatically added to the display list.
Answer: • True
Question:* How do you declare an actionscript private variable?
Answer: • private var variableName:variableType
Question:* Which class lets you work directly with the pixels of a Bitmap object?
Answer: • BitmapData
Question:* What event is dispatched when a component and its children are fully processed and visible?
Answer: • creationComplete
Question:* True or False? Flex is an open source application development framework.
Answer: • True
Question:* True or False? ActionScript is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language.
Answer: • True
Question:* The tree of all visible objects in a Flex application is known as what?
Answer: • Display list
Question:* When is it better to use E4X specification?
Answer: • When working with XML
Question:* RIAs stands for:
Answer: • Rich Internet Applications
Question:* When you add a new display object with ActionScript, it will not be displayed until you do what?
Answer: • Add the new object as a child of a container.
Question:* All user interface components in Flex extend what class?
Answer: • UIComponent
Question:* True or False? You CANNOT load a compiled Flex application (.swf) into another Flex application.
Answer: • False
Question:* Which Spark class is used to specify absolute positioning for the children of a container?
Answer: • BasicLayout
Question:* Apache Flex is a top level Apache Software Foundation project?
Answer: • True
Question:* An Apache Flex committer CAN
Answer: • Commit code to the Apache Flex Git repository
Question:* What can you use to pass variables into a .swf application from the HTML wrapper?
Answer: • FlashVars
Question:* If you want to take a user's text input and redisplay it as a date, which type of component should you use?
Answer: • formatter
Question:* Which of the following is not a Drop Target Event?
Answer: • mouseDown
Question:* How do you become an Apache Flex committer?
Answer: • All of the other answers
Question:* What is the mechanism included in AIR to manipulate data from a data base file?
Answer: • SQLLite
Question:* True or False? MXML is interpreted by browsers in much the same way as HTML.
Answer: • False
Question:* In order to create in inline item render you must place what inside of the <s:itemRender> tag?
Answer: • <fx:component>
Question:* Which tag is used to declare non-default, non-visual properties of the current class?
Answer: • <fx:Declarations>
Question:* Where do you have to place a cross-domain-policy file?
Answer: • At the root directory of the server
Question:* Which is an example of two-way binding?
Answer: • <s:TextInput text="@{someData}"/>
Question:* The third and final phase of Flex event flow is known as what?
Answer: • bubbling
Question:* Which of the following statements would allow you to access the MouseEvent class?
Answer: • import*;
Question:* Who has access to Apache Flex code base?
Answer: • Anyone
Question:* What are the three (3) RCP services allowed in flex?
Answer: • HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebService
Question:* If you want a class property to be visible to references in the same class and derived classes, which attribute should you assign it?
Answer: • protected
Question:* How do you accomplish data persistence in a Flex client?
Answer: • Using shared objects
Question:* Which of the following is the RPC service used to connect to Java objects?
Answer: • RemoteObjects
Question:* If the use-network compiler option is set to false, which of the following can the application do?
Answer: • Access resources in the local file system, but not over the network.
Question:* If the current view state is not specified when an application loads, what is the default view state?
Answer: • Name of the first view state defined by the <s:states> tag.
Question:* If you want users to be able to enter and edit multiline text, which of these Spark controls should you use?
Answer: • TextArea
Question:* How will you call Java method from Flex?
Answer: • RemoteObject
Question:* To implement a two way binding of a text property you would use:
Answer: • text="@{fieldX.text}"
Question:* True or False? Flex directly supports database operations.
Answer: • True but only when using AIR
Question:* If you want to apply a wipe effect and a resize effect in parallel, what should you use to group them together?
Answer: • Transition
Question:* The phase order of the event flow in flex is:
Answer: • Capture-Target-Bubbling
Question:* Which application property allows you to specify the XML namespace for a custom component package?
Answer: • xmlns
Question:* Which of the following graphics formats can be use as a Flex Component?
Answer: • FXG
Question:* To prevent an application to be blocked when working with local database, you must:
Answer: • open the database in Asynchronous mode
Question:* Sort event phases in order, from first to last
Answer: • Capture, Target, Bubble
Question:* Where do you define the resource bundles for your application?
Answer: • Inside <fx:Metadata> tag
Question:* What is the latest released version of Flex SDK?
Answer: • 4.12.1
Question:* What license is Apache Flex released under?
Answer: • Apache License 2.0
Question:* In the Flex global coordinate system, coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of what?
Answer: • Stage
Question:* How do you set a style property using a Class Selector style in a flex component
Answer: • styleName="classSelector"
Question:* Where can you get variables that are global to all applications within the same ApplicationDomain?
Answer: • FlexGlobals
Question:* What is the name of the top-level object in the display list?
Answer: • Stage
Question:* If you want to prevent a button from displaying in a specific view state, which of the button's properties should you use?
Answer: • excludeFrom
Question:* True or False? You can declare constant properties as bindable.
Answer: • False
Question:* What does Data Binding enable you to do?
Answer: • Connect components to an underlying data model
Question:* Where can't you find the Apache Flex source code
Answer: • Google Code
Question:* Linux support was added in which version of Apache Flex?
Answer: • 4.10.0
Question:* Where do you define proxy service destination for working with web services and http services?
Answer: • in proxy-config.xml
Question:* Which is NOT a feature added in Apache Flex 4.11
Answer: • MXML to Javascript compilation
Question:* Which mobile platforms allow Adobe Air apps?
Answer: • Android, Blackberry 10, iOS
Question:* A labelFunction is:
Answer: • A function that is used to determine the text to be rendered for each item in a list
Question:* True or False? If you embed a graphic, it is loaded into your Flex application at runtime.
Answer: • False
Question:* Which of the following is not a phase of a drag-and-drop operation?
Answer: • Initializing
Question:* Which of the following words is referred to as future reserved words?
Answer: • Synchronized
Question:* How do you set the default state of a visual component?
Answer: • setting currentState=""
Question:* Which of the following components can be used to access server-side data from a REST web service?
Answer: • HTTPService
Question:* How do you avoid "Warning: unable to bind property 'x' on class 'x' ?
Answer: • By marking the class as [Bindable] with getters and setters
Question:* Which metadata tag Identifies a property that should be omitted from data that is sent to the server when an ActionScript object is mapped to a Java object using [RemoteClass] ?
Answer: • [Transient]
Question:* True or False? remoting-config.xml has destinations defined for working with web services and http services.
Answer: • False
Question:* Where can you set a defaultButton property?
Answer: • on Containers
Question:* Which is true about the following sentence: [Bindable(event="dataChanged")] ?
Answer: • The bindable property will change when an event named dataChanged is dispatched.
Question:* If you define three events on a component and set their priority to 1,2 and 3 respectively. Which event will be handled first?
Answer: • Event with priority 3
Question:* Where can you use the mx:HTML component to display HTML in a Flex App?
Answer: • On Adobe AIR Desktop Applications
Question:* Which is not a feature added in Apache Flex 4.10.0?
Answer: • ASC 2.0 compiler support
Question:* Which compiler option do you use to specify static linking?
Answer: • library-path
Question:* What's the minimum version of Flash Player that Apache Flex 4.9.0, 4.9.1 or 4.10.0 supports?
Answer: • 10.2
Question:* How do you insert a "new line" inside a MXML text property?
Answer: •
Question:* An Apache Flex PMC member CANNOT
Answer: • Veto an Apache Flex release candidate
Question:* You would use this syntax to embed asset.png in a StyleSheet:
Answer: • Embed('asset.png')
Question:* How do you insert a "new line" inside a MXML text property?
Answer: •
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