Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Blackberry (Native SDK Development) test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Blackberry (Native SDK Development). All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Blackberry (Native SDK Development) test answers of 2016.

Question:* In what situation would you need to have a debug token installed for you to be able to load debug applications?

Answer: • To run or debug unassigned applications

Question:* In the Momentics IDE, what is the difference between a workspace and a perspective?

Answer: • A workspace is a collection of projects whereas a perspective is a layout of views in the IDE

Question:* Which of the following is a property that is relative to another property?

Answer: • width: parent.width - 50

Question:* Why is it important to use comment marks within QML syntax?

Answer: • Comments must be marked appropriately so the compiler can tell the difference between your comments and your code.

Question:* Which C++ statement assigns to variable a the address of variable b?

Answer: • a = &b;

Question:* Why must an object id value always be unique within a single component?

Answer: • Because object ids are referred from anywhere within the component in which it is declared.

Question:* What function hides the page on the top of the stack, then removes it from the navigation stack and displaying the previous page again?

Answer: • pop()

Question:* How do you put your phone into Development mode?

Answer: • Settings > Security > Development Mode

Question:* Which of the following are examples of UI controls?

Answer: • Page, Container, Button, Label

Question:* Select the correct statement about the Model and the View features.

Answer: • The Model holds the raw data and does not worry about the display, whereas the View is responsible for rendering the data on the display

Question:* What is one way that properties are specified?

Answer: • One-per-line.

Question:* True or False? You can only debug on a simulator.

Answer: • False

Question:* What static function do you use to connect a signal to a slot with C++?

Answer: • QObject::connect()

Question:* Which of the following are property types that QML supports?

Answer: • int, real, bool, string

Question:* When adding multiple comments, what must be at the beginning and end of the line?

Answer: • /* at the beginning, and */ at the end.

Question:* Which of the following can QML access from C++?

Answer: • Functions, slots, signals and properties

Question:* When one class is derived from another in C++, what is inherited from the base class?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of the following is an example of an AbstractPane

Answer: • All of these are examples of an AbstractPane

Question:* How many slots can a signal be connected to?

Answer: • There is no limit

Question:* True or False? An AutoConnection will automatically detect if the slot is in an object on another thread and make the queued connection.

Answer: • True

Question:* When a property is set to relative, what happens to the child object value when the parent value is changed?

Answer: • It is updated automatically.

Question:* What is Cascades?

Answer: • APIs that BlackBerry provides to help developers produce functional UIs out of the box

Question:* Which of the following is not a correctly written id value?

Answer: • ID:_1

Question:* When adding a comment, what must the line start with?

Answer: • //

Question:* Which of the following operators allow you to define the member functions of a class outside the class in C++?

Answer: • ::

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a component of the Qt toolkit?

Answer: • All of these are part of the toolkit

Question:* Is it possible to write an app entirely in QML as opposed to C++?

Answer: • Yes, though there is some inherent C++ code that is provided when creating a new Cascades project in the Momentics IDE.

Question:* What is the syntax for signal declaration?

Answer: • Q_SIGNALS: void textChanged(QString text);

Question:* Consider the following in C++: namespace myNamespace { int a; int b; } How would the main part of the program access myNamespace variable a?

Answer: • myNamespace::a

Question:* When a CheckBox control's check state signal changes, what signal does it emit?

Answer: • checkedChanged()

Question:* What is required of id syntax?

Answer: • It must must begin with a lower-case letter or an underscore, and only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

Question:* What is the proper syntax for importing the geoMonitor.h header file?

Answer: • #include<geoMonitor.h>

Question:* Choose the C++ statement which declares a function with a default value for an argument.

Answer: • void myfunction(int a=2)

Question:* What does ComponentDefinition represent?

Answer: • An imperative way to create dynamic components in QML.

Question:* When creating a member function that needs to function as a slot, what section must you place the function declaration?

Answer: • It must be placed in the public slots: section.

Question:* The _______ file is the main piece of the UI (the root of the visualization of the program).

Answer: • Main.qml

Question:* An instant messaging client is an example of what kind of app?

Answer: • A headless, long-running app.

Question:* Choose the best description of the following configuration: Dialog* pMyDialog = Dialog::create() .content(Container::create()) .onClosed(this, SLOT(onClosedHandler()) .open();

Answer: • Defining a Dialog in C++

Question:* What is the correct order when setting up an event que for requesting and listening for events?

Answer: • Start the library, Request events to flow into the event queue, Use any service at any time, Listen for events

Question:* In order to use the functionality that the Image API offers, you must do what?

Answer: • Use and io.close() to open and close an input string

Question:* If you need your app to continue running despite it not being visible, what permissions must be changed in what file?

Answer: • The run_when_backgrounded parameter must be changed in the bar-descriptor.xml file.

Question:* How would you declare a pointer which has no type in C++?

Answer: • void * data;

Question:* Which of the following are examples of headless, short-running apps?

Answer: • Port-directed SMS message receivers, coarse-grained location trackers, or downloaders.

Question:* Within a signal handler, what does JavaScript determine?

Answer: • It determines what your app will do in response to a signal.

Question:* If you press and hold an item that has Context Actions on it, which of the following will happen?

Answer: • It will revel a compressed menu

Question:* What control emits the clicked() signal?

Answer: • Button

Question:* Given the following code sample in C++: catch(…) { cout << "exception";}. What do the ellipses indicate?

Answer: • The handler will catch any type of error thrown

Question:* What must users utilize to bring their headless apps associated UIs to the foreground?

Answer: • The notification service.

Question:* Which macros should accompany the connect() parameter?

Answer: • The SIGNAL() and SLOT() macros.

Question:* Select the statement that is true.

Answer: • Both the Tab Overflow menu and the Action Overflow menu can come in full and compressed states

Question:* In regard to C++, the first-class containers in the STL include:

Answer: • vector, deque, list, set, multiset, map, multimap

Question:* If you wanted to develop Cascade applications, which of the following applications would you NOT need to use?

Answer: • Java

Question:* Consider this code fragment in C++: a = 25; b = &a; What does b equal?

Answer: • address of a

Question:* What are JavaScript expressions used for within the QML language?

Answer: • They are used to assign property values.

Question:* When multiple properties are specified on a single line, what must they be separated by?

Answer: • Semicolon

Question:* The BBM Social Platform uses a(n) ____ programming model.

Answer: • event driven

Question:* What is the following QML code sample do? signal mySignal(float value, bool enabled)

Answer: • Creates a signal with two parameters

Question:* Which of the following is not a field that messages can include?

Answer: • data

Question:* How are JavaScript inline functions added to QML elements?

Answer: • They are added as methods.

Question:* Which of the following is a way to properly create a password field in QML?

Answer: • TextField{ id:password inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Password }

Question:* If the value of a slider changes, what signal is emitted by the Slider control?

Answer: • immediateValueChanged()

Question:* When a property has be declared as a default property, what can be done to the property tag?

Answer: • It can be omitted.

Question:* Once you have created an object, when is it necessary to change its id?

Answer: • It is never necessary and cannot be changed.

Question:* Which of the following is NOT true about Cascades?

Answer: • It is a replacement for the Qt Quick

Question:* The frame around the display area of the screen is called what?

Answer: • Device bezel.

Question:* When your QML property is type-safe, what must be matched with the property type?

Answer: • The value.

Question:* Which of the following properly displays the syntax to import JavaScript code into the temperature conversion app?

Answer: • import "tempFunctions.js" as TemperatureFunctions

Question:* Which of the following lines of code are depicting an attached property?

Answer: • color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "red" : "blue"

Question:* Which of the following is not a step in loading a QML document from C++?

Answer: • QObject::setProperty()

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a perspective in the Momentics IDE?

Answer: • QML System Information perspective

Question:* The acronym PPG stands for:

Answer: • Push Proxy Gateway

Question:* By default, long-running headless apps have a short run time. What permissions must be changed to extend their run time?

Answer: • The _sys_headless_nostop permissions.

Question:* True or False? The MOC can't convert macros defined by Qt into C++ code.

Answer: • False

Question:* What trait should signals have if you want to provide simple interactions in your apps?

Answer: • They should be predefined.

Question:* When an application does not have permission to run in the background the application lifecycle includes the ____ ____.

Answer: • Stopped State

Question:* Which of the following Core Qt classes does NOT use implicit sharing?

Answer: • QObject

Question:* Which of the following is NOT true about the QString Qt class?

Answer: • Does not work with QChar

Question:* Why is it important to not allow untrusted data to be appended when using the QScriptEngine class?

Answer: • The untrusted data could result in malicious activity

Question:* What type of exceptions will the following C++ function throw: int myfunction (int a) throw();?

Answer: • None

Question:* If you wanted to connect a smoke detector and sprinkler system, what would logically be the syntax for its slot?

Answer: • SLOT(dispenseWater()))

Question:* Objects within QML are specified by what?

Answer: • They are specified by their type.

Question:* Of the following, which is a properly written property value?

Answer: • height: 50 + 22

Question:* In C++, can you use the same signal handlers for predefined signals that you use in QML?

Answer: • No. You must either connect the signal to an existing slot of another class, or define your own slot to handle the signal.

Question:* When the following code is added to the .pro file, what does it do? LIBS += -lbbplatform

Answer: • Links classes

Question:* The class QAbstractEventDispatcher is apart of the QTCore. The QAbstractEventDispatcher Interface to manage QT's ___ ___.

Answer: • event queque

Question:* Where does the compiler first look for file.h in the following C++ directive: #include "file.h" ?

Answer: • The same directory that includes the file containing the directive

Question:* What is the maximum number of items that can be contained within an Application menu

Answer: • 5

Question:* The QTSql Module contains the QSqlClassRelation class. What does this class do?

Answer: • It stores information about an SQL foreign key

Question:* Below is the default property of the Dialog control. Please select the true statement: Page { attachedObjects: [ Dialog { Container { Button {} Button {} } } ] }

Answer: • This property does NOT need to be explicitly declared in the QML

Question:* Which layouts allow objects to overlap?

Answer: • Stack layout

Question:* When adding a comment, what must the line start with?

Answer: • //

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