Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Box test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Box. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Box test answers of 2016.

Question:* How do you share a folder?

Answer: • Click the “Share” link besides the folder.

Question:* What is Box's Partner Portal used for?

Answer: • It aides in doing business via Box.

Question:* In the 'Folder View', what additional options are you given?

Answer: • Rename or delete the folder.

Question:* When linking, does Box show the direct link, or replace it with one generated by

Answer: • The link is replaced by

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about Box?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Which of the following OAuth 2 error code is used in place of 503 Service Unavailable HTTP status code ?

Answer: • temporarily_unavailable

Question:* If you have a firewall, what should you do to allow Box to run properly?

Answer: • Either configure it to consider Box a trusted site, or temporarily disable it.

Question:* What does Subfolder sync do?

Answer: • It allows you to selectively sync any folder or subfolder on Box.

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a required field in an access token request ?

Answer: • All of the given fields are required

Question:* Are Enterprise Deployment Enhancements Mac compatible?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* Can you open MS Office files from Box?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* In the context of Box's v2 API, what does the acronym API mean?

Answer: • Application Programming Interface

Question:* Which of the following access token request's, response error code are never returned to the requesting application and a Box generated error page is shown?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Which of the following WWW-Authenticate header error code is equivalent to HTTP status code 400 ?

Answer: • invalid_request

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID HTTP method supported by OAuth 2 for authorization ?

Answer: • Both POST and GET

Question:* If you want to use WebDAV with iOS, is it supported?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* If you lose your Box password, where should you go to retrieve it?

Answer: •

Question:* Is there a secondary password Box uses for users who might forget their main password?

Answer: • Yes. Box allows a secondary 4-digit password to be set.

Question:* What is the All Files View?

Answer: • It is the main view of the directory.

Question:* Which of the following error code will be returned if an access token request sent an invalid "redirect_uri" as per RFC 3986 ?

Answer: • invalid_redirect_uri

Question:* Does Box encrypt your data?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about Box Embed ?

Answer: • Its a HTML5 based framework

Question:* Which of the following represents a standard for authenticating and authorizing users ?

Answer: • OAuth 2

Question:* What is an 'f4v' file and can it be previewed using Box?

Answer: • MPEG-4 Video file, yes.

Question:* Which of the following is a correct time duration for validity of an access_token ?

Answer: • 1 hour

Question:* Which of the following is used by applications to get a new access token from the authorizing server on expiry of a current access token ?

Answer: • Refresh Token

Question:* After downgrading to a Free, Lite 10 GB account, what will happen to my files?

Answer: • Nothing. You keep your files, but can't upload any new ones.

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID way to get hold of Box real-time event notifications ?

Answer: • Using Long Polling

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about destroying tokens ?

Answer: • Application need to send a request to ""

Question:* What does Box use SimpleShare for?

Answer: • To upload and share screenshots with others.

Question:* Which of the following is the FIRST state of an application folder ?

Answer: • Pending

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about an application's request to get an access_token?

Answer: • Application need to send a request to ""

Question:* Which of the following error code will be returned if an access token request sent a bad "redirect_uri" having HTTP instead of HTTPS ?

Answer: • insecure_redirect_uri

Question:* Which of the following WWW-Authenticate header error code is equivalent to HTTP status code 402 ?

Answer: • None of the given options are valid

Question:* If the filesize you wish to upload is not supported what should you do?

Answer: • Contact Microsoft Support

Question:* Is WebDAV supported on the desktop?

Answer: • No.

Question:* What happens if I downgrade to a free, Lite 10 GB account?

Answer: • You will have to delete your files and re-upload them to accurately fit the downgraded file size.

Question:* Which of the following OAuth 2 error code is used in place of 500 Service Unavailable HTTP status code ?

Answer: • server_error

Question:* Video Preview is limited to what kind of users?

Answer: • Enterprise

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID value to property "grant_type" in an access token request ?

Answer: • authorization_code

Question:* How long does deal registration last?

Answer: • 90 days

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID way to set/send the access token in a request to API V2 ?

Answer: • Authorization: Bearer {valid_access_token}

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID HTTP method supported by OAuth 2 to enable the exchange of authorization code for an access token ?

Answer: • POST

Question:* Though Box does use SSO, why can't you log in using Google's SSO?

Answer: • Box uses a different version of SSO.

Question:* Which of the following WWW-Authenticate header error code is equivalent to HTTP status code 401 ?

Answer: • invalid_token

Question:* How does Box Partner Portal contact its users who request access?

Answer: • Users should have already been sent an email with instructions.

Question:* Which of the following timestamp format is supported by Box sdk ?

Answer: • RFC 3339 timestamps

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a valid error code for a WWW-Authenticate header ?

Answer: • invalid_scope

Question:* Do you have to log-in via the web before logging in via mobile device?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* Which of the following is a main component in Box Windows SDK?

Answer: • Box Client

Question:* Where would you enable 2-step login?

Answer: • The Security tab.

Question:* Which of the following error code will be returned if an access token request sent an expired authorization code ?

Answer: • invalid_grant

Question:* Application folder moves to which of the following state when the revoke option from the folder drop down list is selected ?

Answer: • Revoked

Question:* Which of the following receive the request and pass it to a handler namely HTTPRequestHandle ?

Answer: • Box Service

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID Box OAUTH 2 URL ?

Answer: •

Question:* Which of the following WWW-Authenticate header error code is equivalent to HTTP status code 403 ?

Answer: • insufficient_scope

Question:* Is Box-Edit included with the prepackaged software?

Answer: • No

Question:* Which of the following is a single entry point of Box Windows SDK ?

Answer: • Box Client

Question:* Which of the following component has the responsibility of refreshing the access tokens ?

Answer: • Auth Repository

Question:* Which of the following build requests for respective end points ?

Answer: • Box Resource Manager

Question:* When sharing information with many people, what is the best thing to use?

Answer: • A link

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a valid OAuth 2 error code ?

Answer: • invalid_client

Question:* What is a benefit of Box's v2 API allowing customizable responses?

Answer: • Easier code parsing.

Question:* Does Box use government standards to comply with HIPPAA regulations?

Answer: • No

Question:* Why should you know your default share settings on your mobile device?

Answer: • There is no way to adjust Box permissions from the Android app.

Question:* Which of the following component enables token management ?

Answer: • Auth Repository

Question:* Which of the following is a valid inactive expiry time of an refresh_token ?

Answer: • 60 days

Question:* When having a Java-related cache issue, what panel will let you clear your cache?

Answer: • Java Control Panel

Question:* Is Box inApp supported by Linkedin

Answer: • No

Question:* In reference to root level file syncing, what is the benefit to having root capabilities?

Answer: • Files can be uploaded to your personal computer.

Question:* True or false: Deleting your account wipes all customer data on file?

Answer: • True. Everything is deleted.

Question:* Box uses two FTPS modes of operation. What are they?

Answer: • Implicit and Explicit

Question:* What is SSO and why does it make Box unique?

Answer: • Secure Sign-On, and Box is one of the few mobile apps that use it.

Question:* Which of the following is required to authenticate/authorize API requests to Box ?

Answer: • valid access token

Question:* Content Preview allows what maximum filesize to be viewed in its entirety?

Answer: • 100MB

Question:* Files at rest are encrypted at what rate?

Answer: • 256-bit AES encryption.

Question:* If you wanted to edit the account information of multiple users, how would you do it?

Answer: • Bulk Edit

Question:* Which of the following has the responsibility of parsing/understanding the response message and converting it into a Box object ?

Answer: • Box response object

Question:* Which of the following OAuth 2 error code indicates a malformed request ?

Answer: • invalid_scope

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID HTTP method supported by OAuth 2 for the request to DESTROY the access tokens?

Answer: • POST

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID HTTP method supported by OAuth 2 for the request to DESTROY the access tokens?

Answer: • POST

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