Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X test answers of 2016.

Question:* ________ is the preferred language for Cocoa applications.

Answer: • Objective-C

Question:* Objective-C uses the concept of ______ which allows modifications to an existing class in-place.

Answer: • categories

Question:* What does the term "nil" mean in reference to a variable?

Answer: • No object is in reference to the variable

Question:* The Cocoa Framework is OOP. Why is that helpful?

Answer: • OOP allows the coder to reuse and customize existing objects into their new code.

Question:* True or False? Cocoa uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which language are iOS apps coded in?

Answer: • Objective-C

Question:* Which statement is correct:

Answer: • - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect

Question:* Which objects DO exist in the Cocoa framework?

Answer: • NSLog

Question:* There is only one computer you can code iOS on. Which is it?

Answer: • Mac

Question:* Before you can begin,you must download and install the ____.

Answer: • iOS SDK

Question:* All of Cocoa's built in classes start with:

Answer: • NS

Question:* What IDE does iOS use?

Answer: • Xcode

Question:* What is the proper statement?

Answer: • label.text = @"Hello World";

Question:* The Cocoa API for iOS is called?

Answer: • Cocoa Touch

Question:* _______ provides Cocoa as its object-oriented appliciation programming interface (API).

Answer: • Apple

Question:* Which statement is correct:

Answer: • NSString* myXstring;

Question:* Which extension file is NOT in use in Xcode?

Answer: • Possesion.aspx

Question:* Which is the correct statement:

Answer: • #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

Question:* True or False? The two most important Mac OS X developer tools are XCode (formerly Project Builder) and Interface Builder.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which is the correct statement:

Answer: • int x = 0;

Question:* ______ is the root class for most classes in the Objective-C class hierarchy.

Answer: • NSObject

Question:* What does a debugger do?

Answer: • Helps finds errors in your code.

Question:* Application ______ are stored in a file with a .icns extension.

Answer: • icons

Question:* Which one is NOT a UI control in Xcode?

Answer: • ASP Textbox

Question:* Which statement is correct:

Answer: • NSColor* houseColor = [housePaintObj color];

Question:* AutoReleasePool BEST refers to:

Answer: • Memory Management

Question:* Does the current iOS version support multitasking?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* What framework(s) make up Cocoa?

Answer: • AppKit and Foundation

Question:* Which objects do NOT exist in the Cocoa framework?

Answer: • NSRedman

Question:* OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. It is used for:

Answer: • Code reuse

Question:* Imutable objects can't be__:

Answer: • changed

Question:* What is protocol?

Answer: • Part of classes interface

Question:* ________ is used to create application interfaces and make connections between interface objects.

Answer: • Interface Builder

Question:* _______ is Cocoa's integrated development environment (IDE).

Answer: • XCode

Question:* Which objects are NOT part of Cocoa framework?

Answer: • NSApple

Question:* Which objects are NOT part of Cocoa framework?

Answer: • NSApple

Question:* What are atomic and nonatomic associated with?

Answer: • Multithreading

Question:* True or False? NSDictionary objects can be changed after initialization.

Answer: • False

Question:* A ________ is a list of information read by applications while they are launching.

Answer: • property list

Question:* The ________ is a framework that defines a base layer of Objective-C classes.

Answer: • Foundation Kit

Question:* Which statement is correct:

Answer: • @interface GCWhatUp : NSView {} @end

Question:* Whenever you customize an existing class, it is called:

Answer: • subclassing

Question:* What does GCD stand for?

Answer: • Grand Central Dispatch

Question:* A _________ file stores all information about an application's user interface objects.

Answer: • nib

Question:* The "NS" in NSObject stands for:

Answer: • Next Step

Question:* True or False? A Cocoa program may not be compiled from a command-line prompt.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is the proper statement?

Answer: • #import "MyCodeAppDelegate.h"

Question:* True or False? Objective-C classes are objects.

Answer: • True

Question:* A property:

Answer: • sets getter/setter methods

Question:* The most commonly used debugger used with Cocoa is ______.

Answer: • GDB

Question:* True or False? Cocoa allows you to move objects in the main nib to other separate nibs to improve load performance.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? Objective-C is a static typed language.

Answer: • False

Question:* In Objective-C, methods are represented by a ______ which is a string describing the method to call.

Answer: • selector

Question:* __________ is NOT one of the Cocoa Objective-C object libraries.

Answer: • Touch Kit

Question:* ______ class will implement a mutex.

Answer: • NSLock

Question:* In the XCode window, the _____ lists files, search results, and build settings.

Answer: • Project View

Question:* True or False? Objective-C does not have a constructor or destructor.

Answer: • True

Question:* In the Interface Builder, the _______ contains stock items in Cocoa that you can drag-and-drop into your application.

Answer: • Library Palette

Question:* Which control wold you want to use as a data source?

Answer: • UITableView

Question:* ______ is Apple's computing infrastructure that consists of Mach, Unix services, and Mac OS X networking and filesystems.

Answer: • Darwin

Question:* _______ class allows you to journal events in your application.

Answer: • NSLog

Question:* _______ is the object persistence framework included with Foundation Kit.

Answer: • Core Data

Question:* Which control can the user add a small piece of data?

Answer: • UITextField

Question:* The Mac OS X graphical user interface (GUI) is called _________.

Answer: • Aqua

Question:* True or False? Memory management is completely automatic.

Answer: • False

Question:* In Xcode, what does the Identity Inspector do?

Answer: • Set the properties of an object

Question:* ______ is NOT a type of Mac OS X on-screen window.

Answer: • Cursor Window

Question:* True or False? NSNumber objects cannot be changed after initialization.

Answer: • True

Question:* The ______ is a section of code that reads events and performs appropriate functions for those events.

Answer: • event loop

Question:* NSDocument class is used for ______.

Answer: • saving the contents of a window into a file

Question:* The ________ is a framework that contains all the objects needed to implement a graphical event-driven user interface.

Answer: • Application Kit

Question:* _______ is not a subclass of NSResponder.

Answer: • NSEvent

Question:* Which does not belong in web infrastructure:

Answer: • Mainframe

Question:* The Mac OS X _______ replaces the Mac OS 9 Application menu.

Answer: • Dock

Question:* ________ are NOT a Cocoa event.

Answer: • Repeating events

Question:* Which one is not a Navigator in Xcode?

Answer: • Assistant Navigator

Question:* What does the Interface Builder in Xcode do?

Answer: • Code reuse of the views classes

Question:* A ______ object sends a message automatically to a target when an on-screen object is manipulated.

Answer: • control

Question:* The ________ object is the application's main controlling object.

Answer: • NSApp

Question:* Which statement is correct:

Answer: • - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect

Question:* What is the proper statement?

Answer: • label.text = @"Hello World";

Question:* Which is the correct statement:

Answer: • #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

Question:* Which statement is correct:

Answer: • NSString* myXstring;

Question:* There is only one computer you can code IOS on. Which is it?

Answer: • Mac

Question:* Which Cocoa class is used to create a string?

Answer: • NSString

Question:* Which statement is correct:

Answer: • @interface GCWhatUp : NSView {} @end

Question:* What is the proper statement?

Answer: • #import "MyCodeAppDelegate.h"

Question:* A Cocoa ______ is a message and a corresponding object sent to an application in response to some action taken by the user.

Answer: • event

Question:* What does GCD stand for?

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