Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Data Structures and Algorithms test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Data Structures and Algorithms. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Data Structures and Algorithms test answers of 2016.

Question:* External sorting is a way of

Answer: • sorting data that is too large to fit into RAM

Question:* Collision resolution is not required if a hash function is perfect

Answer: • True

Question:* The path length from root to farthest leaf node is the ______ of the tree.

Answer: • Depth

Question:* What is the minimum number of queues needed to implement a priority queue?

Answer: • Two

Question:* Which is a collection of distinct unordered elements with a common type and no duplicates?

Answer: • Set

Question:* What is the data structure used to perform recursion?

Answer: • Stack

Question:* Which of the following data structures is efficient in tree construction?

Answer: • Linked List

Question:* Which is an ordered collection of elements in which insertions are restricted to the rear end and deletions are restricted to the front end?

Answer: • Queue

Question:* What is the difference between the stack and queue data structures?

Answer: • Stack is LIFO; Queue is FIFO.

Question:* What is a precondition for a binary search?

Answer: • Sorted Array

Question:* Which is the most suitable data structure for hierarchical data models?

Answer: • Tree

Question:* Which represents data as a chain of nodes and provides dynamic growth of data?

Answer: • Linked List

Question:* What is the process a procedure goes through when one of the steps of the procedure involves invoking the procedure itself?

Answer: • Recursion

Question:* Minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue?

Answer: • Two. One queue is used for actual storing of data and another for storing priorities.

Question:* What is the most suitable data structure for a situation where tasks must be scheduled for execution on a computer and the tasks include system tasks?

Answer: • Priority Queue

Question:* The smalled element of an array's index is called its:

Answer: • Lower bound

Question:* Which steps through an array sequentially until a match is found?

Answer: • Sequential Search

Question:* A(n) ______ is the data structure used more than any other data structure.

Answer: • Array

Question:* The most common solution to the Towers of Hanoi involves the use of which datastructure

Answer: • Stack

Question:* Which starts with an empty list and adds elements one-by-one to create a sorted list?

Answer: • Insertion sort

Question:* All binary trees are balanced

Answer: • False

Question:* BFS and DFS are two types of

Answer: • Searching algorithms

Question:* Which is an access mechanism that transforms the search key into a storage address, thereby providing very fast access to stored data?

Answer: • Hashing

Question:* Can a binary tree be implemented using an array?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* What is the running time of finding Nth element in array using quick sort? (For example: Find the 4th smallest element in an unsorted array.)

Answer: • n * log(n)

Question:* A perfect hash function is

Answer: • maps each valid input to a different hash value

Question:* A stack must always be implemented using an array

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a basic function of a linked list?

Answer: • Deletion of a leaf

Question:* What is the time complexity to compute the average of a N×M matrix?

Answer: • O(N*M)

Question:* What compares adjacent elements and exchanges them to put an array in order?

Answer: • Bubble sort

Question:* What is the data structures used to perform recursion?

Answer: • Stack

Question:* In which of the following areas is data structures NOT applied extensively?

Answer: • Website design

Question:* A balanced binary search tree search average output is

Answer: • O(log n)

Question:* Which of the following problems has the fastest algorithms?

Answer: • Find the maximum value in an array.

Question:* Bubble sort's worst case performance is

Answer: • O(n^2)

Question:* What is the time complexity to insert an item into a B-Tree?

Answer: • O(log N)

Question:* Which data structure provides the fastest lookup time

Answer: • HashMap

Question:* Worst case insert for a dynamic array is

Answer: • O(n)

Question:* A hash table typically has worst case behaviour of

Answer: • O(N)

Question:* What is a disadvantage of a linked list?

Answer: • A linked list will use more storage space than an array to store the same number of elements.

Question:* What is the worst case time complexity to insert a value into a hash table?

Answer: • O(N)

Question:* What is the correct order for a in-order binary tree traversal?

Answer: • Left Child - Parent - Right Child

Question:* Heapsort's worst case performance is

Answer: • O(n * log n)

Question:* What is a partition-exchange sorting algorithm?

Answer: • Quicksort

Question:* Which is a sequence of statements that form a logical argument?

Answer: • Proof

Question:* Merge sorts' worst case performance is

Answer: • O(n log n)

Question:* The postfix form of A*B+C/D is:

Answer: • AB*CD/+

Question:* How is a sequence different from a set?

Answer: • A sequence allows duplicates and is ordered.

Question:* A ________ is a group of elements in a specified order that may contain duplicates.

Answer: • Sequence

Question:* Hashtables are typically used for iterating through values stored in the hashtable

Answer: • False

Question:* What kind of problem does Prim's algorithm solves?

Answer: • Minimum Spanning Tree

Question:* One can convert a binary tree into its mirror image by traversing it in:

Answer: • Postorder

Question:* What is the correct order for a pre-order binary tree traversal?

Answer: • Parent - Left Child - Right Child

Question:* What is the simplest file structure?

Answer: • Sequential

Question:* Quicksort worst case is

Answer: • O(n^2)

Question:* What is the amortized insertion time into a red and black tree?

Answer: • log(N)

Question:* What is the time complexity of a breadth-first-search in an undirected graph G with vertex set V and edge set E? G = (V,E).

Answer: • O(|V| + |E|)

Question:* Selection sort's average case performance is

Answer: • O(n^2)

Question:* Which finds the minimum of the array and exchanges it with the first element of the array?

Answer: • Selection sort

Question:* Which data structure is used in performing non-recursive depth-first search in graphs?

Answer: • Stack

Question:* What is the time complexity to find unique integers in an unsorted indexed array?

Answer: • O(N)

Question:* What is the correct order for a post-order binary tree traversal?

Answer: • Left Child - Right Child - Parent

Question:* A stable sorting algorithm maintains

Answer: • the relative order of records with equal keys

Question:* What is the best-case for comparison based sorting?

Answer: • O(n lg n)

Question:* What is the complexity to radix sort a list of integers in a known range?

Answer: • O(n)

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a metric of algorithm analysis?

Answer: • Coverage

Question:* Which is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other?

Answer: • Data Structure

Question:* A technique for direct search is _______.

Answer: • Hashing

Question:* Can Dijkstra's be used to find the longest-path in a graph?

Answer: • No, they can't

Question:* Which sort will you use if you want to optimize sorting time?

Answer: • Merge sort

Question:* What algorithm uses polynomial time to find the largest common subsequence of two sequences?

Answer: • Dynamic programming with memoization.

Question:* What is the time complexity of the recursive fibonacci sequence without memoization?

Answer: • O(2^n)

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a property of a B-Tree?

Answer: • Data is stored only on the branches.

Question:* What is the worst-case time complexity of finding a maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph G = (V,E)?

Answer: • O(|E|*sqrt(|V|))

Question:* The path length from a node to the deepest leaf under it is the _________.

Answer: • Height

Question:* If a node having two children is deleted from a binary tree, it is replaced by its:

Answer: • Inorder successor

Question:* Worst case for a binary search tree is

Answer: • O(n)

Question:* What is the worst-case time complexity of the simple Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for finding the maximum flow in a graph given a source and a sink, and all integer capacities on edges? Assume the graph G = (V,E) has a finite, integer maximum flow value of f.

Answer: • O(|E|f)

Question:* You have a file with 4 billion 32-bit integers. The distribution of the integers is random but uniform. You are supposed to find a number NOT in the file. If you created a bit array and used the index to that array to determine if a number existed in the file approximately how much memory would you need?

Answer: • 512 Megabytes

Question:* A full binary tree with 2n+1 nodes contains:

Answer: • n non-leaf nodes

Question:* BFS Algorithm use which data structure ?

Answer: • Queue

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