Wednesday, December 16, 2015

DOS test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of DOS. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork DOS test answers of 2016.

Question:* What does DOS stands for?

Answer: • Disk Operating System

Question:* Which pair of command does not perform the same function?

Answer: • FOR, FORMAT

Question:* The PATH command is typically found in which file?


Question:* Which command do you use to display the contents of a file?

Answer: • type

Question:* Which command do you use to list all the files and folders whose name contains TST from second character?

Answer: • dir ?tst*

Question:* Which of the following DOS command will display the name of files in sorted order?

Answer: • Dir/o:n

Question:* What happens when you type “CD” and press “Enter” key?

Answer: • Displays current directory

Question:* Which of the following will create a bootable floppy disk?

Answer: • All three commands will create a bootable floppy disk

Question:* Which of the following command will delete a directory?

Answer: • RMDIR

Question:* Which of the following DOS commands provides International keyboard (different countries and language) and character set information?

Answer: • CHCP

Question:* Which file contains configuration files for the DOS operating system?

Answer: • CONFIG.SYS

Question:* RESTORE command is used for which of the following?

Answer: • Restore files from disks made using the BACKUP command

Question:* What is the size limitation of MS-DOS file name and extension?

Answer: • 8 and 3

Question:* Which of the following commands is used to copy all the files stored in floppy disk into the DATA directory of hard disk (c drive)?

Answer: • copy A:*.* c:data

Question:* Which of the following is not a DOS executable extension?

Answer: • SYS

Question:* True or False? DOS uses the 8.3 filename convention.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following command installs file-sharing and locking capabilities on the hard disk?

Answer: • SHARE

Question:* Which of the following is true about DOSKEY?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Which of the following is true about external command MSD?

Answer: • Provides detailed technical information about the computer

Question:* Which statement about COMMAND.COM is true?

Answer: • All three statements are true

Question:* The COPY command:

Answer: • copies one or more files to another location

Question:* What does formatting a disk mean?

Answer: • Build/rebuild tracks, sectors

Question:* Which of the following command will delete a file?

Answer: • All three commands can delete a file

Question:* Which command is used to set the name to a disk in DOS?

Answer: • LABEL

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an internal command?

Answer: • APPEND

Question:* What is the command that will change to the root directory irrespective of the current directory?

Answer: • CD\

Question:* Which DOS command will combine file1 and file2 into new file named file3?

Answer: • Copy file1+file2 file3

Question:* Which command is used to display the disk volume label?

Answer: • Vol

Question:* A program or command to execute automatically when OS starts is kept in which file?

Answer: • autoexec.bat

Question:* What function does the MEM command perform?

Answer: • Displays the amount of used and free memory

Question:* Which of the following commands is used to display the list of files and directories starting with 's'?

Answer: • dir s*

Question:* Which statement about TSR is true?

Answer: • All three statements are true

Question:* What type of OS is MSDOS?

Answer: • Single user, CUI

Question:* Which command will copy all files with extension .TXT under the current directory to drive D?

Answer: • COPY *.TXT D:

Question:* What action does the DELTREE command perform?

Answer: • deletes a directory and all subdirectories and files within it

Question:* Which statement about AUTOEXEC.BAT is true?

Answer: • All three statements are true

Question:* True or False? DOS is a multitasking operating system.

Answer: • False

Question:* What DOS command formats a floppy disk and copies system files to the formatted disk?

Answer: • FORMAT A: /S

Question:* Which of the following do you use to search a file in MS-DOS?

Answer: • dir/s

Question:* What is the command to clear the screen?

Answer: • CLS

Question:* What is the function of “Ctrl+C” in DOS?

Answer: • Breaks execution of command

Question:* Which file contains commands that configure systems devices?

Answer: • Config.sys

Question:* What are the keys pressed to perform a warm reboot on a DOS operating system?

Answer: • Ctrl + Alt + Del

Question:* What action does the MODE command perform?

Answer: • ALL three actions are performed by the MODE command

Question:* What is the command to list all files in the current directory?

Answer: • DIR

Question:* Which of the following is a key advantage of using batch files?

Answer: • All of the given options are true

Question:* True or False? A volume label can be assigned to a disk by using the LABEL command.

Answer: • True

Question:* FAT stands for which of the following?

Answer: • File Allocation Table

Question:* What is the command to create a new directory in MS-DOS?

Answer: • MD

Question:* What is DOS?

Answer: • an operating system

Question:* What is the full form of DOS?

Answer: • Disk Operating System

Question:* What interface does DOS utilize?

Answer: • command-line interface

Question:* True or False? DOS uses the File Allocation Table (FAT) file system.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which command is used to clear the screen?

Answer: • cls

Question:* In XCOPY command, What is the arguiment used for avoiding prompt for overwrite ?

Answer: • /Y

Question:* Which of the following command will display the list of all previous commands entered by the user?

Answer: • DOSKEY

Question:* Which is not displayed by “CHKDSK” command?

Answer: • number of executable files

Question:* Which of the following external command load country specific information?

Answer: • NLSFUNC

Question:* What is the attribute that’ll suppress prompting in the MOVE command

Answer: • /Y

Question:* "Active Code Page: 437" is displayed when using this command:

Answer: • CHCP

Question:* Which of the following properties in CONFIG.SYS file loads device drivers in the upper memory area?


Question:* Which of the following command continuously monitors the computer for viruses?

Answer: • VSAFE

Question:* Which of the following command is syntactically incorrect?

Answer: • REN c:\foo.txt d:\bar.txt

Question:* What is the command to list only the hidden files under the current directory?

Answer: • DIR /A:H

Question:* Which external command file is required to use “format” command?

Answer: •

Question:* What does TSR stand for?

Answer: • Terminate and Stay Resident

Question:* Which of the following is the correct load/execution sequence during a DOS boot?


Question:* What is the order of precedence when COMMAND.COM searches for executable files?

Answer: • .COM, .EXE, .BAT

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an external command?

Answer: • GOTO

Question:* What is the correct command to transfer a file from one disk to another?

Answer: • MOVE

Question:* What is the first program that gets run after boot?


Question:* Which of the folllwing command is used in CONFIG.SYS file to specify the number of file-control blocks for file sharing?

Answer: • FCBS

Question:* True or False. DOS is not a single operating system but several closely related operating systems.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following is true about FASTOPEN?

Answer: • Decreases the amount of time needed to open frequently both used files and directories

Question:* Which statement about Quick Format is true?

Answer: • Quick format does not check for bad sectors

Question:* Which of the following operating systems does not fall under DOS?

Answer: • Win DOS

Question:* Which of the following external command compares two files or sets of files, and displays the differences between them?

Answer: • FC

Question:* Which command displays the directory list including files in tree structure ?

Answer: • Tree/f

Question:* Which key will bypass CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT during the boot sequence?

Answer: • F5

Question:* In Windows Xp, what is the file equlivalent to CONFIG.SYS ?

Answer: • Config.Nt

Question:* Which of the following are available in a DOS file system ?


Question:* Which of the following command copies a folder including all of its subdirectories?

Answer: • XCOPY C:\Source C:\Destination /E /I

Question:* Which of the following command is syntactically incorrect?

Answer: • REN c:\foo.txt d:\bar.txt

Question:* Which of the following command copies a folder including all of its subdirectories?

Answer: • XCOPY C:\Source C:\Destination /E /I

Question:* Which of the following external command deletes a directory and all the files and subdirectories in it?

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