Monday, December 14, 2015

English Language test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of English Language.All Answers updated regularly with new questions.upwork English Language test answers of 2016.

Question:* What is an adjective?

Answer: • A part of speech that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

Question:* Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.

Answer: • The cupboard is comprised of 3 shelves and 2 drawers.

Question:* This shop is ___ on Sundays.

Answer: • open

Question:* Mom said she wants only one ____, but I would like four _____ with my dinner.

Answer: • potato, potatoes

Question:* He went to the station ______.

Answer: • by taxi

Question:* Ingrid and ___ know the answer.

Answer: • I

Question:* What's the opposite of 'optimistic'?

Answer: • pessimistic

Question:* Irritated means the same as ________ .

Answer: • annoyed

Question:* Which is correct?

Answer: • Six o'clock

Question:* Which of the following is not a word?

Answer: • suppressional

Question:* Jenny, Tommy and ___ are in the car.

Answer: • I

Question:* Which of the following phrases is correct?

Answer: • in its own right

Question:* What is an example of a homophone?

Answer: • wear, where, ware

Question:* My life experiences _____ been, for me, an amazing journey

Answer: • have

Question:* What is the opposite of poor?

Answer: • wealthy

Question:* You ___ come.

Answer: • shouldn't have

Question:* The reporter kept ________ me, so I decided ________ the interview.

Answer: • interrupting; to leave

Question:* Which word is the adjective in this sentence? "Laura is a pretty woman."

Answer: • pretty

Question:* The flowers need to be

Answer: • watered.

Question:* What is a noun?

Answer: • a person, place, thing or idea

Question:* Which is the proper spelling?

Answer: • a lot

Question:* "It's raining cats and dogs." means:

Answer: • The rain is falling very hard.

Question:* ___ quite far from ___ home.

Answer: • You're, your

Question:* What ___ they ___ to you?

Answer: • did, do

Question:* Varying punctuation in a sentence can change its meaning.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which is the correct usage of the word "too"?

Answer: • There are pears. There are apples, too.

Question:* Which is the correct usage of the word "too"?

Answer: • There are pears. There are apples, too.

Question:* Which word is NOT correct?

Answer: • funner

Question:* Which is the correct usage of English Grammar?

Answer: • She was full of grit and determination.

Question:* Which one of these sentences is correct:

Answer: • She was in the house yesterday.

Question:* It is time to do ____ homework.

Answer: • your

Question:* Past tense of "run"?

Answer: • ran

Question:* In _______ opinion, do you think _______ the best at this test?

Answer: • your; you're

Question:* He went with ___ to visit my friend.

Answer: • me

Question:* How old are you?

Answer: • I am 27 years old.

Question:* Which sentence reads correctly?

Answer: • We went to their house.

Question:* "I'm going to the store," says Sally. Tim replies, "Oh, please get napkins while ____ out."

Answer: • you're

Question:* Which is correct?

Answer: • They're buying a house.

Question:* ___ one do you like best?

Answer: • Which

Question:* I want to go with her ___.

Answer: • too

Question:* "Can't" is a contraction for:

Answer: • Cannot

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • Students get confused, but sometimes they're too shy to ask questions.

Question:* Which is the correct spelling?

Answer: • Restaurant

Question:* I am ____ than you.

Answer: • smarter

Question:* Do you know _____ way they went?

Answer: • which

Question:* ___ did this?

Answer: • Who

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • Will you marry me?

Question:* ___ getting ___ numbers all wrong.

Answer: • You're, your

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • She's walking down the street.

Question:* Mr. Miller _______ own a car.

Answer: • doesn't

Question:* I will buy a bicycle instead of ___ the car.

Answer: • buying

Question:* Lou and I _____the house on Monday.

Answer: • will clean

Question:* "Could I ________ your pen?"

Answer: • borrow

Question:* What is the plural form of WOMAN?

Answer: • women

Question:* Which of the following is a grammatically correct sentence?

Answer: • We walked too far today.

Question:* Which example is grammatically correct?

Answer: • You are invited to attend my party.

Question:* What is a verb?

Answer: • A word that conveys action, occurrence, or state of being.

Question:* What is the proper format?

Answer: • Mr. John Smith

Question:* He's smarter ___ Jane.

Answer: • than

Question:* They cannot decide. They cannot make up ____ minds.

Answer: • their

Question:* "...... I take your coat, Sir?" asked the porter.

Answer: • May

Question:* Give this to him, ___ give that to her.

Answer: • then

Question:* Give this to him, ___ give that to her.

Answer: • then

Question:* Which phrase is grammatically correct?

Answer: • If I were you

Question:* She was wearing a skirt. She was _____-legged.

Answer: • bare

Question:* ______ going to the fair. While they are ______, they will enter ______ pies in the contest.

Answer: • They're; there; their

Question:* Manny Pacquiao _____ deserve to be the subject of booing.

Answer: • doesn't

Question:* If I _______ about the test, I would have studied for it.

Answer: • had known

Question:* Since I started my new job, it seems like I have very ____ time to do the things I enjoy.

Answer: • little

Question:* Whose turn is it? It is the ____ turn.

Answer: • boy's

Question:* Choose the correct sentence.

Answer: • When John came, they were already sitting at the table.

Question:* What is the past tense of "go"?

Answer: • went

Question:* Which answer is worded correctly?

Answer: • If I were you, I would go to the library to pick up the book.

Question:* Tom watches this TV show once in a blue moon. This means:

Answer: • Tom rarely watches this TV show.

Question:* Complete the following sentence: "What will happen ..."

Answer: • ... if she fails the exam?

Question:* There is ___ coffee in your cup. Shall I give you some more?

Answer: • little

Question:* Which punctuation mark indicates excitement and emphasis?

Answer: • exclamation point

Question:* Jane _______ her special recipe for last night's dinner.

Answer: • cooked

Question:* I live my life _____ words

Answer: • by these

Question:* Three ___ sat in the tree.

Answer: • monkeys

Question:* We will meet ____ the afternoon. He arrived ____ Friday. Please don't call me ____ seven o'clock.

Answer: • in; on; at

Question:* If you had advised me earlier...

Answer: • ... I wouldn't have made this mistake.

Question:* We weren't surprised by the ......... of traffic going to the coast, but we did notice the .......... of cars towing caravans.

Answer: • amount, number

Question:* Swimming in heated pools ___ very common in this part of the country.

Answer: • is

Question:* This book is ___. That book is ___.

Answer: • yours, theirs

Question:* Despite _______________, he still couldn't convince them to invest.

Answer: • numerous attempts

Question:* How long have you been studying in London?

Answer: • for 5 years

Question:* Pattni owns a _________ of vehicles

Answer: • fleet

Question:* The special _____ in the show have greatly ______ my impression of its quality.

Answer: • effects; affected

Question:* Omar owns a large _____ of cows.

Answer: • herd

Question:* What form of speech is "and"?

Answer: • Conjunction

Question:* The dog ______ the boy yesterday.

Answer: • bit

Question:* "Could you _________ me your stapler?"

Answer: • lend

Question:* His house is ___ the Downtown Area.

Answer: • in

Question:* Would you mind _______ that restaurant to make a reservation?

Answer: • calling

Question:* I can't go right now because I still have ..... orders to fill by 5 o'clock.

Answer: • a few

Question:* ______ going to drive me to the airport?

Answer: • Who's

Question:* Which is correct?

Answer: • Whose books are these?

Question:* If you want to be the ______ of this school, you must stick to your ______.

Answer: • principal; principles

Question:* Who is _____, Keshi or Lhiandra

Answer: • prettier

Question:* Which of these is correct?

Answer: • They're over there near their bikes.

Question:* I ___ the ___ in ___ feet and I stepped on a rock.

Answer: • mowed / lawn / bare

Question:* They're is a contraction of _______.

Answer: • They are

Question:* The past perfect simple is often used when we report what people had said/thought/believed.

Answer: • Truth

Question:* If it ____ rained, we would have canceled the party.

Answer: • had

Question:* We have _____ money left. We can't afford this ring.

Answer: • little

Question:* _______ makes the heart grow fonder.

Answer: • Absence

Question:* This is my ___ dress.

Answer: • mother-in-law's

Question:* Does this sentence use active or passive voice? "The pumps were destroyed by a surge of power."

Answer: • Passive

Question:* I __ my key before I __home.

Answer: • had lost, returned

Question:* My dog loves to chase ___ tail.

Answer: • its

Question:* Fill in the blank: I'm not sure if ___ still blue or if they changed its color.

Answer: • it's

Question:* Kim ____ milk with her cookies.

Answer: • drank

Question:* Which of the following is correct?

Answer: • I, John Walter, am a student of engineering.

Question:* Which of these best describes writing in the "first person"?

Answer: • A story from the perspective of a specific character, using the word "I"

Question:* My friend traveled _____ to _____ America

Answer: • south; South

Question:* Have you ever been guilty ___ a driving offense?

Answer: • of

Question:* Identify the verb in this sentence: He is here.

Answer: • Is

Question:* Which is the correct usage of English grammar?

Answer: • You're going to regret crossing me.

Question:* Which of the following is not a possible definition of the word 'destroy'?

Answer: • rove

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • The family's dogs are not housebroken; the puppies are constantly peeing on all of the three kids' toys.

Question:* Carla is ______ focus on what she is good at.

Answer: • losing

Question:* If you ___ that, then you must have an upset stomach.

Answer: • ate

Question:* Which part of speech are I, he, you, she, and it?

Answer: • pronouns

Question:* That's Jeremy's and ____ favorite movie.

Answer: • my

Question:* The books are ___ and ___ here to claim ___.

Answer: • theirs, they're, them

Question:* Fill in the blank: I'm going to wring ___ neck!

Answer: • its

Question:* Select the correct sentence:

Answer: • Which sandwich would the witch want?

Question:* Which one is an article

Answer: • the

Question:* What is the correct way to edit this sentence without changing its meaning? "Who'd you get those directions from?"

Answer: • From whom did you get those directions?

Question:* "Phenomenon" and "Phenomena" - which is the plural form?

Answer: • Phenomena

Question:* When the clock _____ twelve, Cinderella's carriage ____ back into a pumpkin.

Answer: • struck; turned

Question:* The monster's ire was ___ ___ the dwarf's accusation.

Answer: • aroused by

Question:* What is the plural of SHEEP?

Answer: • sheep

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a preposition?

Answer: • Where

Question:* Which is grammatically correct?

Answer: • People continue to worry about the future; our failure to conserve resources has put the world at risk.

Question:* Which sentence properly uses semicolons?

Answer: • The first part of this sentence could stand alone; this related second part justifies the semicolon.

Question:* Which is first person plural past tense?

Answer: • We were wrong.

Question:* They ___ his passport carefully.

Answer: • (All are correct)

Question:* Correct the fault in the following sentence: "During his childhood, his mother had died."

Answer: • Delete "had"

Question:* Which of the following sentences is an example of simile?

Answer: • Bill is as powerful as an ox.

Question:* Which of the following sentences is an example of simile?

Answer: • Bill is as powerful as an ox.

Question:* That ___ purse was stolen, and those ___ passports went missing.

Answer: • woman's, men's

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • It isn't fair that she gets to go to the fair.

Question:* My uncle left his fortune to my brother and ___.

Answer: • me

Question:* Which is correct?

Answer: • It's been a while since I've seen it.

Question:* Which sentence has the correct use of a semicolon?

Answer: • Using a semicolon isn't hard; I once saw a party gorilla do it.

Question:* What is the subject of the following sentence: Go to the park!

Answer: • you (implied)

Question:* 'The kitten's paw prints were all over the floor.' How many kittens were there?

Answer: • One

Question:* Past Tense of sentence "The barber cuts the hair".

Answer: • The barber cut the hair.

Question:* Words that sound the same are called:

Answer: • homophones

Question:* Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

Answer: • The jeans are on sale. They're 25% off the original price.

Question:* 'The kittens' paw prints were all over the floor.' How many kittens were leaving paw prints?

Answer: • More than one

Question:* The judges considered his opinion to be myopic. What other word could replace the word "myopic"?

Answer: • Shortsighted

Question:* I ___ call him tomorrow.

Answer: • all are correct

Question:* "Running" and "swimming" are examples of what?

Answer: • Gerunds

Question:* Did you find out if you can come to the movies with __________?

Answer: • Sam and me

Question:* Ted had three sisters, so by marrying him, Susan gained three ___.

Answer: • sisters-in-law

Question:* Which of these is an example of an oxymoron?

Answer: • Civilized warfare

Question:* ___ should I help?

Answer: • Whom

Question:* Identify the adverb: Broken baskets nearly ruptured my internal organs.

Answer: • Nearly

Question:* Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice?

Answer: • The hunter was mauled by a velociraptor.

Question:* Juniper brought me a cheese croissant instead of a chocolate one. What is the direct object?

Answer: • a cheese croissant

Question:* The _____ man spoke _____ in his _____ 101 class.

Answer: • English; English; English

Question:* The combination of three periods (. . .) is known as a(n)____ ?

Answer: • Ellipsis

Question:* What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

Answer: • A simile uses 'as' or 'like' while a metaphor does not.

Question:* Which is NOT a synonym pair?

Answer: • gullible : ingenious

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an adverb?

Answer: • Red

Question:* Which of these is the strongest example of alliteration?

Answer: • A bumbling bunch of big baboons.

Question:* Which is an example of onomatopoeia?

Answer: • zooming

Question:* Which of the following demonstrates INCORRECT syllabication?

Answer: • knowl-edge

Question:* Which of the following words is not like the others?

Answer: • reticent

Question:* The word "Cognate" refers to

Answer: • words in different languages that derive from the same original root

Question:* The word "whom" is:

Answer: • Only used when it is the object of a sentence.

Question:* Which part of the following sentence is the predicate? "The fluffy cat jumped on the chair with graceful agility."

Answer: • jumped on the chair with graceful agility

Question:* That was intense; I need to ___ down for a second.

Answer: • lie

Question:* What is an example of a palindrome?

Answer: • Hannah

Question:* When asked "____ did you see?" the reply is "I saw Nicolas Cage yesterday."

Answer: • Whom

Question:* Which of the following is not a phrasal verb?

Answer: • Gut in

Question:* In stories written in the second person, which of these words would be used to reference the main character?

Answer: • You

Question:* The punctuation is correct in which of these sentences? (American English)

Answer: • "Kiss me, Kate!" said Job sadly.

Question:* Which of these is an irregular verb?

Answer: • All of these verbs are irregular.

Question:* "Everything is permitted in our secret club." In this sentence, "everything" is an example of a[n] _________.

Answer: • indefinite pronoun

Question:* She was so exhausted that she _____ down for a nap.

Answer: • lay

Question:* Which of the following is a split infinitive?

Answer: • to accurately be drawn

Question:* Which is correct?

Answer: • Six o'clock

Question:* Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice?

Answer: • The hunter was mauled by a velociraptor.

Question:* Fill in the blank: I'm going to wring ___ neck!

Answer: • its

Question:* My dog loves to chase ___ tail.

Answer: • its

Question:* Which answer is worded correctly?

Answer: • If I were you, I would go to the library to pick up the book.

Question:* Which example is grammatically correct?

Answer: • You are invited to attend my party.

Question:* In _______ opinion, do you think _______ the best at this test?

Answer: • your; you're

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • Will you marry me?

Question:* ___ getting ___ numbers all wrong.

Answer: • You're, your

Question:* "I'm going to the store," says Sally. Tim replies, "Oh, please get napkins while ____ out."

Answer: • you're

Question:* It is time to do ____ homework.

Answer: • your

Question:* Which sentence reads correctly?

Answer: • We went to their house.

Question:* Which is correct?

Answer: • They're buying a house.

Question:* He went with ___ to visit my friend.

Answer: • me

Question:* You should ___ turned left.

Answer: • have

Question:* Which is the correct usage of English Grammar?

Answer: • She was full of grit and determination.

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • She's walking down the street.

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • Students get confused, but sometimes they're too shy to ask questions.

Question:* Mr. Miller _______ own a car.

Answer: • doesn't

Question:* They cannot decide. They cannot make up ____ minds.

Answer: • their

Question:* Can this camera ___ good photos?

Answer: • take

Question:* Andina is ___ girl in her college.

Answer: • the most beautiful

Question:* ___ quite far from ___ home.

Answer: • You're, your

Question:* ______ going to the fair. While they are ______, they will enter ______ pies in the contest.

Answer: • They're; there; their

Question:* Manny Pacquiao _____ deserve to be the subject of booing.

Answer: • doesn't

Question:* Please insert missing verb in a sentence "We ___ very glad that you joined us"

Answer: • were

Question:* I'm not speaking with ________ in the class.

Answer: • anybody

Question:* I ___ of money, that is why I will not go to the cinema.

Answer: • ran out

Question:* You ___ come.

Answer: • shouldn't have

Question:* Whose turn is it? It is the ____ turn.

Answer: • boy's

Question:* If you had advised me earlier...

Answer: • ... I wouldn't have made this mistake.

Question:* This book is surely worth ___ .

Answer: • reading

Question:* This book is ___. That book is ___.

Answer: • yours, theirs

Question:* ______ parents don't think ______ ready to move _______.

Answer: • Their, they're, there

Question:* ______ going to drive me to the airport?

Answer: • Who's

Question:* Which is correct?

Answer: • Whose books are these?

Question:* This is my ___ dress.

Answer: • mother-in-law's

Question:* Which of these best describes writing in the "first person"?

Answer: • A story from the perspective of a specific character, using the word "I"

Question:* What is the correct spelling of the word

Answer: • adventurous

Question:* Which of these is correct?

Answer: • They're over there near their bikes.

Question:* Fill in the blank: I'm not sure if ___ still blue or if they changed its color.

Answer: • it's

Question:* I will ______ each of you fifty dollars.

Answer: • allot

Question:* Which is the correct usage of English grammar?

Answer: • You're going to regret crossing me.

Question:* They divorced because of his ________.

Answer: • adultery

Question:* He _________ forgot to call her at 7 ________.

Answer: • accidentally, o'clock

Question:* She put ____ leaving till Sunday.

Answer: • off

Question:* _______ makes the heart grow fonder.

Answer: • Absence

Question:* What is the plural of SHEEP?

Answer: • sheep

Question:* That's Jeremy's and ____ favorite movie.

Answer: • my

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • The family's dogs are not housebroken; the puppies are constantly peeing on all of the three kids' toys.

Question:* The books are ___ and ___ here to claim ___.

Answer: • theirs, they're, them

Question:* What is the meaning of a saying "every dog has his day"?

Answer: • We will be happy too.

Question:* I should have ______ to the party last weekend.

Answer: • gone

Question:* Which sentence properly uses semicolons?

Answer: • The first part of this sentence could stand alone; this related second part justifies the semicolon.

Question:* My uncle left his fortune to my brother and ___.

Answer: • me

Question:* Which of the following phrases is correct?

Answer: • in its own right

Question:* Correct the fault in the following sentence: "During his childhood, his mother had died."

Answer: • Delete "had"

Question:* Which sentence has the correct use of a semicolon?

Answer: • Using a semicolon isn't hard; I once saw a party gorilla do it.

Question:* Which sentence is correct?

Answer: • It isn't fair that she gets to go to the fair.

Question:* Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: I have ____ to visit a city ___ historical ___ Sicily.

Answer: • yet, as, as

Question:* What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

Answer: • A simile uses 'as' or 'like' while a metaphor does not.

Question:* Which is an example of onomatopoeia?

Answer: • zap

Question:* The word "whom" is:

Answer: • Only used when it is the object of a sentence.

Question:* The word "Cognate" refers to

Answer: • words in different languages that derive from the same original root

Question:* We were supposed to fly to Germany_ ________ _ the flight was canceled!

Answer: • We were supposed to fly to Germany; however, the flight was canceled!

Question:* She promised she would lend me the book after she ___ it.

Answer: • finishes

Question:* The baffling question was quite ________.

Answer: • abstruse

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