Wednesday, December 16, 2015

ExtJs test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of ExtJs. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork ExtJs test answers of 2016.

Question:* What is the difference between Ext.get() and Ext.getDom()?

Answer: • Ext.get() will convert a DOM object to an Ext.element object, whereas Ext.getDom() will convert an Ext.element object to a DOM object.

Question:* Which one of the following is not a valid layout type in Ext?

Answer: • ResponsiveLayout

Question:* What of the following is the correct syntax for defining column?

Answer: • columns: [ {text:'Name', dataIndex:'name', flex:1 } ]

Question:* Extjs 4.x provide us a new concept when we work with MVC pattern, this is a class when we need to control the views in the Controller class and is useful to provide us a searching of components within Ext.ComponentManager.

Answer: • Ext.ComponentQuery

Question:* Which of the following is not an Ext layout type?

Answer: • float

Question:* What is the name of the class that provides the developer with an area autosized to the browser viewport?

Answer: • Ext.container.Viewport

Question:* Which of the following is a required config option for grid column?

Answer: • dataIndex

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid way to add an event listener?

Answer: • use events config option

Question:* What object render itself to the document body?

Answer: • Ext.container.Viewport

Question:* How is Ext JS licensed?

Answer: • Commercial Software and Open Source

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a valid way to add an event listener to an Ext.Panel?

Answer: • provideListener(eventName,handler,scope, options)

Question:* The utility method "Ext.define" is used for which one of the following?

Answer: • To create a class in Ext that extends and optionally overrides the methods and properties of a parent class.

Question:* One of the most common components used for layout in Ext is which one of the following?

Answer: • Panel

Question:* What plugin is required for cell editing?

Answer: • Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing

Question:* Which of the following parameter type(s) is a valid renderTo config option value?

Answer: • All of the these

Question:* The _______ is responsible for encapsulating the Model and can also configure a proxy to load or save the data.

Answer: • Store

Question:* The ________ is a useful proxy when you need to make request to a different domain, on which your application is not deployed.

Answer: • JsonP proxy

Question:* Extjs 4.x is Sencha's latest JavaScript framework for developing cross-platform web applications

Answer: • True

Question:* Why would a developer use instead of Ext.get()?

Answer: • In a situation where a developer would be calling a repetitive,atomic function on many different elements and needs to reduce the memory footprint.

Question:* The _______ is a subclass of VBoxLayout. This already tells us that the components will be organized vertically in the container. We can collapse or expand the items.

Answer: • Accordion layout

Question:* True or False. There can only be one locked column.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which config option is used to bound a component within the dimension of another container?

Answer: • constrainTo

Question:* How would a developer set a control to hidden in Ext?

Answer: • setVisible(false)

Question:* The _____ organizes its children horizontally across the container.

Answer: • HBox layout

Question:* In Ext, what is a proxy?

Answer: • Proxies are used by Stores to handle the loading and saving of Model data. Usually developers will not need to create or interact with proxies directly.

Question:* What is the name of the event that fires when all the DOM objects have been loaded but before all images are loaded and before the onLoad event?

Answer: • onDocumentReady

Question:* Why would a developer use a JsonPStore instead of a JsonStore?

Answer: • To facilitate the creation of a store in Ext that would allow for cross-site requests of JSON data.

Question:* With Sandbox mode you can run Extjs 4 alongside with previous versions of Extjs on the same page.

Answer: • True

Question:* What is a RESTful store in Ext?

Answer: • A stores that supports a convenient way to interface with a RESTful web service.

Question:* Which function would a developer use to select only certain child elements of an Ext.element?

Answer: •

Question:* What is the difference between theming and styling in Ext?

Answer: • Theming is differentiated from "styling" by the ability to flip a switch and change the theme.

Question:* In a form layout, what is the name of the property that will automatically create a label above a control if set?

Answer: • fieldLabel

Question:* What is the name of the object a developer would use to create a group of radiobuttons in which only one radio button can be selected at a time?

Answer: • Ext.form.RadioGroup

Question:* Why would a developer use a Pager?

Answer: • To more quickly display and load large amounts of data in a GridPanel.

Question:* Extjs 4 introduces a new package organization and that is why some classes names are not the same as they were in Extjs 3.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or false? Ext Js supports all major web browsers including: IE 6+,Firefox 1.5+(Pc,Mac),Safari 3+,Opera9+(Pc,Mac).

Answer: • True

Question:* What is theme inheritance?

Answer: • Setting up your theme to extend or inherit from a base theme so as to include all the necessary classes to work properly.

Question:* What region type is required for border layout?

Answer: • No region type is required

Question:* What are the 4 folders that a developer should create to employ the recommended MVC architecture in Ext?

Answer: • Models,Views,Controllers,Stores

Question:* is it possible to migrate from Extjs 3 to Extjs 4?

Answer: • True

Question:* Which one of the following is true about the Ext viewport?

Answer: • The viewport automatically re-sizes itself to the size of the browser viewport.

Question:* The LocalStorageProxy uses the new HTLM5 localStorage API to load and save data into the client brwoser

Answer: • True

Question:* Ext JS is a JavaScript library for developing interactive web applications using technologies such as AJAX, DHTML and DOM. It was developed by Sencha.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which one of the following is the correct syntax in Ext.js to make an ajax request?

Answer: • Ext.Ajax.request(options)

Question:* What is the name of the method on an that synchronizes the records in the store with a remote data source?

Answer: • sync

Question:* What data proxy does Ext support?

Answer: • All of the above

Question:* What is the difference between an Ext.element and an Ext.component?

Answer: • An Ext.element encapsulates a DOM element, adding simple DOM manipulation facilities, normalizing for browser differences, whereas an Ext.component is the base class for all objects in Ext, such as controls, panels and stores.

Question:* What is the shorthand function for addListener()?

Answer: • on()

Question:* Extjs 4.x includes a new pattern concept named MVC.

Answer: • True

Question:* Why would a developer use buffered scrolling?

Answer: • Buffered scrolling enables a developer to load any number of records into a grid without paging.

Question:* What is the name of the Ext utility function to convert a JSON string into an object?

Answer: • Ext.JSON.decode(json)

Question:* Which of the following is a required config option for grid panel?

Answer: • store

Question:* Linking Models: There are two types of Associations between Models: belongsTo and hasMany. But one represents a one to many ralationship between two models.

Answer: • hasMany

Question:* What is the difference between Ext.addClass() and Ext.removeClass()?

Answer: • Ext.addClass() will add the class to a DOM object whereas Ext.removeClass() will remove a class from a DOM object.

Question:* is Extjs a cross-browser RIA framework?

Answer: • True

Question:* The ______ validation verifies if the given value matches the given regular expression.

Answer: • format

Question:* What is that config option for changing CSS class on a column cell?

Answer: • tdCls

Question:* What is the difference between a GridPanel and an EditorGridPanel?

Answer: • The EditorGridPanel extends the GridPanel Class to provide cell editing on selected columns.

Question:* What does the remove() function return?

Answer: • the component that was removed

Question:* Why would a developer use an ArrayStore?

Answer: • To facilitate the creation of stores from arrays of data.

Question:* What is the root class for all Ext classes?

Answer: • Ext.Base

Question:* What is the method to instantiate a class in ExtJS 4.*?

Answer: • Ext.create()

Question:* What is the name of the property on a grid that controls the number of clicks required to edit a cell on a GridPanel?

Answer: • clicksToEdit

Question:* What is the name of the control in Ext, that will create a control similar to an html <select>?

Answer: • comboBox

Question:* Which of the following is not a grid panel feature?

Answer: • Count

Question:* What is the correct option to completely fill the width of a container?

Answer: • flex: 1

Question:* Which of the following is not a config option of Ext.util.Sorter?

Answer: • dataIndex

Question:* The ____ classes are resonsible for decoding the raw data from a server that is to be loaded into a Model instance or Store.

Answer: • Readers

Question:* What is the name of the method that allows a developer to remove an event listener from an object or control?

Answer: • un

Question:* What is one advantage of using xtype to create objects in Ext?

Answer: • more concise syntax

Question:* Which types of objects in Ext fire an initComponent event?

Answer: • components

Question:* How do you create a new class?

Answer: • Ext.define ('MyApp.NewClass',{ // class functionalities here });

Question:* Which of the following is not an Ext.form.field object?

Answer: • Button

Question:* Which of the following xtype(s) defines a grid panel?

Answer: • grid and gridpanel

Question:* Which of the following technique will not help improve Ext JS performance?

Answer: • Replace Containers with Panels

Question:* To enable grid buffering,

Answer: • set buffered: true on

Question:* What is the correct syntax to enable gridpanel text selection?

Answer: • viewConfig: { enableTextSelection: true }

Question:* The correct syntax to change a theme programmatically is:

Answer: • app.theme=theme-name

Question:* Which of the following is not a subclass of Ext.grid.column.Column?

Answer: • Ext.grid.column.String

Question:* What is the method to create a class in ExtJS 4.*?

Answer: • Ext.define()

Question:* Which one of the following is a valid way to get DOM elements using Ext?

Answer: • Ext.getCmp(id)

Question:* What action does the remove() function perform?

Answer: • removes a component from this container

Question:* True or False. The constrainTo option is only applicable to 'floating' components.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which one of the following events on an object fires AFTER the store is loaded?

Answer: • load

Question:* Ext.util.Sorter can only be applied to which object?

Answer: •

Question:* The ________ is a helper. Usually, it is used to load some inline data into a store. Its contents are lost in every page refresh, it can be useful to load temporary data.

Answer: • MemoryProxy

Question:* What is the proper syntax to set up global theme variables in Ext?

Answer: • $variable-name: value !default;

Question:* What is the default value of the hideMode option for Ext.grid.column.Column?

Answer: • display

Question:* The ____ validation verifies if the length of the given value is between the min and the max values. The min and the max configuration are optional.

Answer: • length

Question:* Which one of the following layout types is used for forms that have controls with labels above them laid out vertically?

Answer: • form

Question:* Which of the following statements about the collapseMode option is incorrect?

Answer: • true' is one of the supported config value

Question:* Which of the following statement is false?

Answer: • a child container can be added to a parent component

Question:* What is the name of the event that fires when the user activates a combobox by clicking on it?

Answer: • focus

Question:* What is the event name that fires when a user checks a checkbox in Ext 4.0?

Answer: • change

Question:* Which statement about the emptyCellText is false?

Answer: • triggers when cell has a value of undefined or null

Question:* What method can be use to retrieve a DOM element?

Answer: • Ext.get()

Question:* The ____________ validation verifies if the given value does not match with one of the given values of the list

Answer: • exclusion

Question:* What is the base class for grid panel?

Answer: • Ext.panel.Table

Question:* If the value of the raw data is 123456.789, what pattern for Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer() will return 123,456.78?

Answer: • 0,0.00

Question:* The ________ validation varifies is the value is present (0(zero) is a valid value,but an empty string is not).

Answer: • presence

Question:* Linking Models: There are two types of Associations between Models: belongsTo and hasMany. But one represents a many to one association with another model.

Answer: • belongsTo

Question:* Which of the follow is not a supported data store?

Answer: • MemoryStore

Question:* Which of the following xtype(s) defines a grid column?

Answer: • gridcolumn

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