Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Facebook (Development) test answers of 2016

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Facebook (Development). All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Facebook (Development) test answers of 2016.

Question:* A Facebook app should have:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* FBML stands for:

Answer: • Facebook Markup Language

Question:* Common Dialog Parameters are:

Answer: • app_id, redirect_uri, display

Question:* In Graph API 2.0, what is the current way to get tag friends in stories (e.g. status update or actions)?

Answer: • Getting friends' ID from /me/taggable_friends, and posting the ID using "tags" parameter

Question:* Your instant messaging client connects to Facebook Chat via the ____ service.

Answer: • Jabber/XMPP

Question:* What is the data format to refund a completed payment?

Answer: • JSON

Question:* What does the Share Dialog do?

Answer: • Supports status updates, link shares and publishing Open Graph actions

Question:* The primary way to get data in and out of Facebook is by using a:

Answer: • Graph API

Question:* What query language do Facebook applications use?

Answer: • FQL

Question:* Which fields are used to create an account in the Ad Account API?

Answer: • access_token, currency_id, name, timezone_id

Question:* Where is the App ID located?

Answer: • App Dashboard - top of the basic settings page

Question:* What APIs does Facebook offer

Answer: • Graph API, FQL, Open Graph, Dialogs, Chat, Ads API

Question:* When is an access token only valid for 2 hours?

Answer: • Client-side auth flow

Question:* When you run your ad or sponsored story you will be only charged for the number of:

Answer: • Clicks

Question:* Applications on Facebook are loaded on to a:

Answer: • Canvas page

Question:* Object properties in Open Graph are defined as:

Answer: • og:

Question:* Running the query "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()" will GET

Answer: • /fql?q=SELECT+uid2+FROM+friend+WHERE+uid1=me()&access_token=...

Question:* How is the registered return URL used in OpenID Connect?

Answer: • The developer should pass the exact return URL during the authorize call.

Question:* What authentication does Facebook use?

Answer: • OAuth2.0

Question:* True or False? You can read recent page posts with the 'like box'.

Answer: • True

Question:* Facebook provides SDKs for ____

Answer: • iOS, Android, and the web

Question:* True or False? One ad user may have multiple ad accounts.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? When a user logs into an app, the app automatically gets access to their public profile and friend list.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? Access tokens do not expire.

Answer: • False

Question:* What should you NOT do when customizing user experiences

Answer: • Requiring all user's to log in immediately when using your app

Question:* How can you get current sessions user's profile via the Graph API in PHP?

Answer: • $facebook->api('/me');

Question:* True or False? Facebook uses Etags

Answer: • True

Question:* What type of requests can be sent from a Facebook App?

Answer: • User-generated requests and app-generated requests

Question:* FBJS stands for:

Answer: • Facebook Javascript

Question:* Which of these generate access tokens?

Answer: • App Secret and App ID

Question:* In the Ads API, which targeting option is not available

Answer: • Children

Question:* What does an access token identify?

Answer: • User, App or Page

Question:* FQL stands for:

Answer: • Facebook Query Language

Question:* True or False? Other Facebook users can translate your application into other languages.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does the 'Registration plugin' do?

Answer: • Let users easily sign up for your website with their Facebook account

Question:* Facebook Chat supports Facebook Platform authentication using the ___________ authentication mechanism


Question:* A user must have a Facebook username to use DIGEST-MD5

Answer: • True

Question:* What is the correct API endpoint to retrieve Facebook Posts for the logged in user

Answer: • /me/feed

Question:* What is an 'access token' ?

Answer: • String that provides temporary, secure access to Facebook APIs

Question:* What is the current way to retrieve posts from an open Facebook Group?

Answer: • GET /{group_id}/feed

Question:* How does Facebook chat differ from what you would expect from a traditional XMPP service

Answer: • All of these

Question:* You can issue a HTTP GET request to /fql?q=query where query can be a single fql query or a JSON-encoded dictionary of queries.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? You may publish a photo on a user's timeline with an access token.

Answer: • True

Question:* How can you get user_id of current session user using graph api in PHP (consider $facebook as the Facebook object)?

Answer: • $facebook->getUser();

Question:* How do you get a User id in PHP API?

Answer: • $user_id = $facebook->getUser();

Question:* Which of these is unacceptable for an app detail page submission?

Answer: • Banners that have a white background

Question:* The most efficient way to manage ads on the Ads API is via:

Answer: • Batched requests

Question:* When mentioning users in notifications, which syntax should you use?

Answer: • (@[USER_ID])

Question:* What are the four elements of a story on Open Graph?

Answer: • Actor, App, Action, and Object

Question:* Which of these is not an option for targeting ads?

Answer: • Photos

Question:* hCalendar and hCard are examples of:

Answer: • Microformats

Question:* What are the three elements of Facebook's social design?

Answer: • Community, Conversation, Identity

Question:* How many tables can the FQL FROM clause contain?

Answer: • One

Question:* Which of these statements is true?

Answer: • The Facebook JavaScript SDK is available in all locales supported by Facebook.

Question:* Which of the following describes the action type that is associated with the creation of the object?

Answer: • Creation action

Question:* Which of these statements is true?

Answer: • If you create your app using the English (U.S.) locale, the App Center will display its details (its tagline, description, detailed description and explanations about requested permissions) about it only in English, no matter who is using the App Center

Question:* How is Click-To-Impressions (CTI) calculated?

Answer: • Total clicks over the last seven days / total impressions over the last seven days

Question:* To how many countries can you set a Facebook ad to target?

Answer: • 25

Question:* Applications that send over 500,000 notifications are required to maintain a weekly Click-To-Impression percentage of:

Answer: • 17%

Question:* Your application should not send notifications to users who have not visited your application in the last:

Answer: • 28 days

Question:* adaccount, adaccountgroup, adcampaign, adcreative, adgroup, adimage, and aduser are examples of what?

Answer: • Graph API Objects

Question:* What does this query do? SELECT uid, name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid = me() OR uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())

Answer: • Fetches all user information for the active user and friends

Question:* What are the three different ways of implementing the 'Like' button?

Answer: • HTML5, XFBML and iframe

Question:* Is Facebook Markup Language used to create applications?

Answer: • Not anymore, but it did at one point

Question:* What is the function of "Open Graph"?

Answer: • Display Facebook stories

Question:* Which of these statements is not true of queries in the FQL API?

Answer: • You can use the IN keyword in SELECT or WHERE clauses to do subqueries, and can reference variables in the outer query's scope

Question:* In the Ads API, which Graph API Queries are available?

Answer: • Broad Target Categories, Connection Objects, Ad Statistics, Keyword Stats, Reach Estimate, Autocomplete Data

Question:* Instead of calling one of the static openActiveSession* methods, your app can achieve the same flow by:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* True or False? Every application needs an application details page.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does en_US mean

Answer: • Language will be English

Question:* Which one of these are publicly available when a user accesses your app?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* If your application does this, you must use Facebook Platform authentication instead of Facebook Chat

Answer: • All of these

Question:* True or False? The time stamp on Facebook pages are in UNIX format.

Answer: • False

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