Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Google Maps (API and development) test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Google Maps (API and development). All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Google Maps (API and development) test answers of 2016.

Question:* Which control contains a Pegman icon that can be dragged onto a map?

Answer: • StreetView

Question:* What property of MarkerOptions determines where a marker is placed on the map?

Answer: • position

Question:* Which of the following will call the testFunction function when the div named testDiv is clicked?

Answer: • google.maps.event.addDomListener(testDiv, 'click', testFunction);

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid ControlPosition?

Answer: • Center_Bottom

Question:* Which of the following is not a type of place search that can be performed with the Places Service?

Answer: • Multilevel

Question:* Which of the following events are fired after the zoom has changed on the map?

Answer: • bounds_changed

Question:* In what method of an OverlayView would you initialize html elements to be added to the map?

Answer: • onAdd

Question:* Which function will animate the map to a newly defined center point, provided the change is less than both the width and height of the map?

Answer: • panTo

Question:* What class allows users to draw overlays on the map themselves?

Answer: • DrawingManager

Question:* Which of the following is not one of the additional libraries that you can load into a JavaScript Google Maps API application?

Answer: • topography

Question:* Which class is used to create a new map type and apply styles to it?

Answer: • StyledMapType

Question:* When set to true, the draggable property of the DirectionsRenderer class enables a user to:

Answer: • Alter a route by dragging the polyline for the route path.

Question:* What RectangleOptions property allows a rectangle to be resized by the user?

Answer: • editable

Question:* Which object should you use to specify that you want to add controls to a map?

Answer: • MapOptions

Question:* What is the maximum number of waypoints allowed in a non-business directions request?

Answer: • 8

Question:* What class can be used to create custom overlays?

Answer: • OverlayView

Question:* What property of MarkerOptions defines the rollover text for a marker?

Answer: • title

Question:* Which property of the DOM enables you to detect iPhone and Android devices?

Answer: • navigator.userAgent

Question:* Which class is used to draw an overlay of connected line segments?

Answer: • Polyline

Question:* How would you load the data contained in a KML file onto google map?

Answer: • new KmlLayer({url:stringUrl, map:map});

Question:* If you create a marker but do not specify its map in the marker options, you can specify the map later by using this syntax:

Answer: • marker.setMap(map)

Question:* What MapOptions properties are required when creating a new map?

Answer: • zoom and center

Question:* What property of MarkerOptions allows you to set a custom image for a marker?

Answer: • icon

Question:* Which Map class method is used to animate the transition of the map center to a new LatLng?

Answer: • panTo

Question:* What zoom level displays a map of the Earth fully zoomed out?

Answer: • 0

Question:* How can you expand a LatLngBounds object to ensure that it included additional points?

Answer: • latLngBounds.extend(newLatLng)

Question:* Which object defines a geographic rectangle on the map using two LatLng objects?

Answer: • LatLngBounds

Question:* What is the default map type?

Answer: • ROADMAP

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid base map type?


Question:* How do you add traffic information to a map?

Answer: • var trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer(); trafficLayer.setMap(map);

Question:* What overlay object would you use to draw an enclosed shape on the map given an array of LatLng objects?

Answer: • polygon

Question:* How can you retrieve an array of markers that have been added to the map?

Answer: • Overlays added to the map are not managed by the map and must be managed manually.

Question:* What querystring parameter added to the maps api url will call a named function after the maps api loads?

Answer: • callback

Question:* How can you determine if the current map viewport contains a specific point?

Answer: • map.getBounds().contains(LatLng);

Question:* Which of the following is not an argument for the addListener() event handler?

Answer: • bubbling phase of event

Question:* Which class is used to display text or images in a popup window attached to a marker?

Answer: • InfoWindow

Question:* What is the namespace on which event listeners must be registered to listen for Google Maps API events?

Answer: • google.maps.event

Question:* How can you add a marker to an existing map, named "myMap"?

Answer: • marker.setMap(myMap); or var marker = new marker({position:latLng, map:myMap});

Question:* What type of object is the position property of MarkerOptions?

Answer: • google.maps.LatLng

Question:* Which additional library must you load if you want to add a heatmap layer to your map?

Answer: • visualization

Question:* For best map display on mobile devices, set the width and height of the <div> that contains the map to:

Answer: • 100%

Question:* The Google Maps API for which of the following platforms is deprecated?

Answer: • Flash

Question:* What is the correct way to create a Google Maps API object that represents a point on a map?

Answer: • new LatLng(lat:number, lng:number);

Question:* What function sets the HTML contained in an InfoWindow?

Answer: • infoWindow.setContent(HTMLstring);

Question:* Which of the following is not a built-in control that can be used on a map?

Answer: • BirdsEyeView 

Question:* True or False: If you want your JavaScript Google Maps API application to search for places, you must load an additional places library through the bootstrap request.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following functions can change the zoom level of the map.

Answer: • map.setZoom

Question:* True or False: You can only create one instance of the JavaScript Map class on a page.

Answer: • False

Question:* What function do you call to make the map contain specific bounds.

Answer: • map.fitBounds(LatLngBounds);

Question:* In the syntax to load the JavaScript Google Maps API, what does the parameter "sensor=true" indicate?

Answer: • Use GPS locator to determine user's location.

Question:* Taking an address and translating it into a geographic point is known as what?

Answer: • Geocoding

Question:* Which of the following is not a common MapType?


Question:* What overlay object can be used to contain information HTML content?

Answer: • InfoWindow

Question:* Which of the following travel modes is not supported when you are calculating directions?

Answer: • FLYING

Question:* How do you add a click event listener to a google map?

Answer: • google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', clickFunction);

Question:* When you create a new map, you must specify the initial zoom as a map option. What is the other required initial map option?

Answer: • center

Question:* What service can be used to obtain a LatLng from an address?

Answer: • Geocoder

Question:* If you want to monetize your map application with context-sensitive display advertising, which library should you use?

Answer: • AdSense

Question:* Street View provides a panoramic view of:

Answer: • 360 degrees

Question:* True or False: The JavaScript Google Maps API does not support reverse geocoding (translating a map location into an address).

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following must you obtain to load the JavaScript Google Maps API for a non-business application?

Answer: • API key

Question:* True or False: When using the JavaScript Google Maps API, you normally specify a <div> HTML element as a container for the map.

Answer: • True

Question:* To remove the polyline "flightPath" from a map, which syntax would you use?

Answer: • flightPath.setMap(null);

Question:* Which class is used to display the results of a directions query?

Answer: • DirectionsRenderer

Question:* How would you remove a marker from a map?

Answer: • marker.setMap(null);

Question:* How would you resize the map after its containing element has been resized?

Answer: • google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');

Question:* True or False: When using the JavaScript Google Maps API, the MapType control appears by default on the map.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False: You can use a custom map projection when implementing a custom map.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which arguments must be passed to a LatLng object?

Answer: • Latitude and longitude

Question:* Which map pane should you add an OverlayView to if you want it to respond to click events?

Answer: • overlayMouseTarget

Question:* True or False: MVC state changes pass arguments in their events.

Answer: • False

Question:* True or False: Direction results from Toronto, Ontario to Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be displayed in miles by default.

Answer: • False

Question:* What function returns a LatLng based on a pixel position?

Answer: • fromDivPixelToLatLng

Question:* How can a marker be places so that it is certain to be placed above any other existing markers?

Answer: • marker.setZIndex(google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX + 1);

Question:* How would you add a custom control to a map?

Answer: • map.controls[ControlPosition].push(customControl);

Question:* What object represents a set of x, y coordinates on the map?

Answer: • point

Question:* Which object is the most atomic unit of the route returned in response to a directions request?

Answer: • DirectionStep

Question:* How do you extend a LatLngBounds object to contain another LatLngBounds object?

Answer: • latLngBounds.union(otherLatLngBounds);

Question:* What method of an OverlayView would the overlay's html elements be in?

Answer: • draw

Question:* How would you call the function testFunction only the first time the map is loaded?

Answer: • google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', testFunction);

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