Question:* Which control contains a Pegman icon that can be dragged onto a map?
Answer: • StreetView
Question:* What property of MarkerOptions determines where a marker is placed on the map?
Answer: • position
Question:* Which of the following will call the testFunction function when the div named testDiv is clicked?
Answer: • google.maps.event.addDomListener(testDiv, 'click', testFunction);
Question:* Which of the following is not a valid ControlPosition?
Answer: • Center_Bottom
Question:* Which of the following is not a type of place search that can be performed with the Places Service?
Answer: • Multilevel
Question:* Which of the following events are fired after the zoom has changed on the map?
Answer: • bounds_changed
Question:* In what method of an OverlayView would you initialize html elements to be added to the map?
Answer: • onAdd
Question:* Which function will animate the map to a newly defined center point, provided the change is less than both the width and height of the map?
Answer: • panTo
Question:* What class allows users to draw overlays on the map themselves?
Answer: • DrawingManager
Question:* Which of the following is not one of the additional libraries that you can load into a JavaScript Google Maps API application?
Answer: • topography
Question:* Which class is used to create a new map type and apply styles to it?
Answer: • StyledMapType
Question:* When set to true, the draggable property of the DirectionsRenderer class enables a user to:
Answer: • Alter a route by dragging the polyline for the route path.
Question:* What RectangleOptions property allows a rectangle to be resized by the user?
Answer: • editable
Question:* Which object should you use to specify that you want to add controls to a map?
Answer: • MapOptions
Question:* What is the maximum number of waypoints allowed in a non-business directions request?
Answer: • 8
Question:* What class can be used to create custom overlays?
Answer: • OverlayView
Question:* What property of MarkerOptions defines the rollover text for a marker?
Answer: • title
Question:* Which property of the DOM enables you to detect iPhone and Android devices?
Answer: • navigator.userAgent
Question:* Which class is used to draw an overlay of connected line segments?
Answer: • Polyline
Question:* How would you load the data contained in a KML file onto google map?
Answer: • new KmlLayer({url:stringUrl, map:map});
Question:* If you create a marker but do not specify its map in the marker options, you can specify the map later by using this syntax:
Answer: • marker.setMap(map)
Question:* What MapOptions properties are required when creating a new map?
Answer: • zoom and center
Question:* What property of MarkerOptions allows you to set a custom image for a marker?
Answer: • icon
Question:* Which Map class method is used to animate the transition of the map center to a new LatLng?
Answer: • panTo
Question:* What zoom level displays a map of the Earth fully zoomed out?
Answer: • 0
Question:* How can you expand a LatLngBounds object to ensure that it included additional points?
Answer: • latLngBounds.extend(newLatLng)
Question:* Which object defines a geographic rectangle on the map using two LatLng objects?
Answer: • LatLngBounds
Question:* What is the default map type?
Answer: • ROADMAP
Question:* Which of the following is not a valid base map type?
Question:* How do you add traffic information to a map?
Answer: • var trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer(); trafficLayer.setMap(map);
Question:* What overlay object would you use to draw an enclosed shape on the map given an array of LatLng objects?
Answer: • polygon
Question:* How can you retrieve an array of markers that have been added to the map?
Answer: • Overlays added to the map are not managed by the map and must be managed manually.
Question:* What querystring parameter added to the maps api url will call a named function after the maps api loads?
Answer: • callback
Question:* How can you determine if the current map viewport contains a specific point?
Answer: • map.getBounds().contains(LatLng);
Question:* Which of the following is not an argument for the addListener() event handler?
Answer: • bubbling phase of event
Question:* Which class is used to display text or images in a popup window attached to a marker?
Answer: • InfoWindow
Question:* What is the namespace on which event listeners must be registered to listen for Google Maps API events?
Answer: • google.maps.event
Question:* How can you add a marker to an existing map, named "myMap"?
Answer: • marker.setMap(myMap); or var marker = new marker({position:latLng, map:myMap});
Question:* What type of object is the position property of MarkerOptions?
Answer: • google.maps.LatLng
Question:* Which additional library must you load if you want to add a heatmap layer to your map?
Answer: • visualization
Question:* For best map display on mobile devices, set the width and height of the <div> that contains the map to:
Answer: • 100%
Question:* The Google Maps API for which of the following platforms is deprecated?
Answer: • Flash
Question:* What is the correct way to create a Google Maps API object that represents a point on a map?
Answer: • new LatLng(lat:number, lng:number);
Question:* What function sets the HTML contained in an InfoWindow?
Answer: • infoWindow.setContent(HTMLstring);
Question:* Which of the following is not a built-in control that can be used on a map?
Answer: • BirdsEyeView
Question:* True or False: If you want your JavaScript Google Maps API application to search for places, you must load an additional places library through the bootstrap request.
Answer: • True
Question:* Which of the following functions can change the zoom level of the map.
Answer: • map.setZoom
Question:* True or False: You can only create one instance of the JavaScript Map class on a page.
Answer: • False
Question:* What function do you call to make the map contain specific bounds.
Answer: • map.fitBounds(LatLngBounds);
Question:* In the syntax to load the JavaScript Google Maps API, what does the parameter "sensor=true" indicate?
Answer: • Use GPS locator to determine user's location.
Question:* Taking an address and translating it into a geographic point is known as what?
Answer: • Geocoding
Question:* Which of the following is not a common MapType?
Question:* What overlay object can be used to contain information HTML content?
Answer: • InfoWindow
Question:* Which of the following travel modes is not supported when you are calculating directions?
Answer: • FLYING
Question:* How do you add a click event listener to a google map?
Answer: • google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', clickFunction);
Question:* When you create a new map, you must specify the initial zoom as a map option. What is the other required initial map option?
Answer: • center
Question:* What service can be used to obtain a LatLng from an address?
Answer: • Geocoder
Question:* If you want to monetize your map application with context-sensitive display advertising, which library should you use?
Answer: • AdSense
Question:* Street View provides a panoramic view of:
Answer: • 360 degrees
Question:* True or False: The JavaScript Google Maps API does not support reverse geocoding (translating a map location into an address).
Answer: • False
Question:* Which of the following must you obtain to load the JavaScript Google Maps API for a non-business application?
Answer: • API key
Question:* True or False: When using the JavaScript Google Maps API, you normally specify a <div> HTML element as a container for the map.
Answer: • True
Question:* To remove the polyline "flightPath" from a map, which syntax would you use?
Answer: • flightPath.setMap(null);
Question:* Which class is used to display the results of a directions query?
Answer: • DirectionsRenderer
Question:* How would you remove a marker from a map?
Answer: • marker.setMap(null);
Question:* How would you resize the map after its containing element has been resized?
Answer: • google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
Question:* True or False: When using the JavaScript Google Maps API, the MapType control appears by default on the map.
Answer: • True
Question:* True or False: You can use a custom map projection when implementing a custom map.
Answer: • True
Question:* Which arguments must be passed to a LatLng object?
Answer: • Latitude and longitude
Question:* Which map pane should you add an OverlayView to if you want it to respond to click events?
Answer: • overlayMouseTarget
Question:* True or False: MVC state changes pass arguments in their events.
Answer: • False
Question:* True or False: Direction results from Toronto, Ontario to Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be displayed in miles by default.
Answer: • False
Question:* What function returns a LatLng based on a pixel position?
Answer: • fromDivPixelToLatLng
Question:* How can a marker be places so that it is certain to be placed above any other existing markers?
Answer: • marker.setZIndex(google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX + 1);
Question:* How would you add a custom control to a map?
Answer: • map.controls[ControlPosition].push(customControl);
Question:* What object represents a set of x, y coordinates on the map?
Answer: • point
Question:* Which object is the most atomic unit of the route returned in response to a directions request?
Answer: • DirectionStep
Question:* How do you extend a LatLngBounds object to contain another LatLngBounds object?
Answer: • latLngBounds.union(otherLatLngBounds);
Question:* What method of an OverlayView would the overlay's html elements be in?
Answer: • draw
Question:* How would you call the function testFunction only the first time the map is loaded?
Answer: • google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', testFunction);
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