Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Google Web Toolkit test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Google Web Toolkit. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Google Web Toolkit test answers of 2016.

Question:* What code is the first to run in a GWT application

Answer: • The class Extending EntryPoint registered in your gwt.xml file.

Question:* Which library can be use for client-side dependency injection?

Answer: • GIN

Question:* A JSNI method has to be declared as what?

Answer: • native

Question:* JSNI stands for:

Answer: • JavaScript Native Interface

Question:* What is the default locale when not specified?

Answer: • en.

Question:* What does the acronym GWT stand for?

Answer: • Google Web ToolKit

Question:* True or False? GWT can be used to develop commercial applications with free licensing?

Answer: • True

Question:* What must be inherited before using HTTP types in your application?

Answer: • GWT HTTP module.

Question:* True or False? GWT 2.0 supports Java generics?

Answer: • True

Question:* What type of processing is taking place within the web server?

Answer: • Server-side processing.

Question:* What two files must be edited before adding GWT logging?

Answer: • The .gwt.xml file and the .java file.

Question:* A GWT application can be configured through a file with the extension:

Answer: • .gwt.xml

Question:* GWT's logging framework uses the same syntax and behavior on the server side. What does this allow?

Answer: • This allows you to share logging code between the server-side and the client-side.

Question:* As of version 2.6 of GWT what is the newest version of Java syntax supported by GWT?

Answer: • Java 7

Question:* What language is GWT client side code written in.

Answer: • Java

Question:* Which of these is not a class for JSON manipulation:

Answer: • JSONClass

Question:* What do you use to integrate GWT with a third-party Javascript library?

Answer: • The JavaScript Native Interface.

Question:* Which of the following is a recommended Java GUI designer for GWT?

Answer: • GWT Designer

Question:* Strictly speaking, GWT is a:

Answer: • Compiler

Question:* If a single class cannot be serialized, will its object types be serialized as well?

Answer: • No.

Question:* An AJAX call in GWT can be implemented with:

Answer: • AsyncCallback()

Question:* The top level panel in GWT is?

Answer: • RootPanel

Question:* When you want to test JavaScript, what test case wrapper would you use to launch a web browser to test it?

Answer: • GWTTestCase

Question:* The path for translatable code from Java to JS is:

Answer: • defined in gwt.xml

Question:* What class is used to unit test GWT code?

Answer: • GWTTestCase

Question:* Code splitting to minimize JS downloads can be achieved with:

Answer: • GWT.runAsync()

Question:* History events in GWT are implemented as a:

Answer: • Stack

Question:* The server-side of a AsyncCallback is a:

Answer: • RemoteServiceServlet

Question:* What argument would you use to run a manual test within a solo browser?

Answer: • -runStyle Manual:1

Question:* What servlet container is used for testing during development time?

Answer: • Jetty.

Question:* The EntryPoint interface has which method?

Answer: • onModuleLoad()

Question:* Which Java package is NOT emulated by GWT?

Answer: • java.lang.reflect

Question:* History management and view transition logic is the responsibility of a:

Answer: • AppController

Question:* How are loggers organized?

Answer: • In a tree structure.

Question:* Human readable strings matched with tags at compile time are considered what?

Answer: • Static strings.

Question:* What is the extension of a GWT bootstrap script?

Answer: • .nocache.js

Question:* Presenters and Views should be binded by:

Answer: • Interface

Question:* A CSS can be applied to a Widget with which method?

Answer: • setStyleName()

Question:* What does GWT use to stylize the visuals of their user interface?

Answer: • CSS

Question:* If an exception is launched in a AsyncCallback, which method is invoked?

Answer: • onFailure()

Question:* GWT supports the following browsers:

Answer: • Firefox (all)

Question:* When does GWT perform its locale-related work?

Answer: • At compile time.

Question:* Which of the of the following does GWT not include

Answer: • Java applet plugin

Question:* The core GWT defined in gwt.xml should inherit which module?

Answer: • com.google.gwt.user.User

Question:* The P in MVP stands for:

Answer: • Presenter

Question:* Is it necessary to use GWT's history mechanism with MVP development?

Answer: • No.

Question:* Which is NOT a Panel widget in GWT:

Answer: • CanvasPanel

Question:* A custom widget in GWT should extend which class?

Answer: • Composite

Question:* How does one correctly invoke the clear() method to clear their HTML5 data?

Answer: • myStorage.clear();

Question:* Which of the following is one of the three classes used when programming delayed logic?

Answer: • DeferredCommand

Question:* A ClickHandler extends:

Answer: • EventHandler

Question:* To use RequestBuilder, which module do we need to inherit:

Answer: • com.google.gwt.http.HTTP

Question:* What type of binding is a feature of the GWT compiler?

Answer: • Deferred binding.

Question:* The biggest difference between MVP Part1 and Part2 is:

Answer: • UiBinder

Question:* To listen to DOM events a Widget must invoke:

Answer: • sinkEvents()

Question:* JSON objects can be handled as Overlay Types by subclassing which?

Answer: • JavaScriptObject

Question:* How do you access javascript in GWT?

Answer: • JSNI

Question:* What does ActivityMapper do?

Answer: • It maps Places to corresponding Activities.

Question:* When there is a dot between two loggers, what does this indicate?

Answer: • The loggers are siblings.

Question:* When does gwtTearDown() run?

Answer: • At the completion of every test method.

Question:* A EventHandler is a:

Answer: • Interface

Question:* A deferred binding implementation can be generated in GWT with:

Answer: • GWT.create()

Question:* HTTP requests can be handled easily by:

Answer: • RequestBuilder

Question:* Which of the following is not a HTML5 feature supported by GWT?

Answer: • PDF

Question:* Which of the following is a correct JSNI method delaration?

Answer: • public native String helloWorld() /*-{ return "Hello World"; }-*/;

Question:* Which of the following is not a security weakness in GWT?

Answer: • SafeHTML guidelines.

Question:* How do you use XSRF protection when using RequestBuilder and RequestCallback classes?

Answer: • Set a custom header to include the value of your cookie.

Question:* Which JAR has to be included in the WEB-INF/lib for deployment?

Answer: • gwt-servlet.jar

Question:* Which JRE feature is not supported in GWT client side code?

Answer: • Reflection

Question:* Do activities contain widgets or UI code?

Answer: • No.

Question:* What is one way to prevent XSRF attacks in GWT?

Answer: • Session cookie duplication.

Question:* What feature is built into GWT 2.3 to prevent web attacks?

Answer: • XSRF protection.

Question:* To reduce compilation time, permutations can be used by configuring which property?

Answer: • user.agent

Question:* Although JavaScript is single-threaded, GWT can use multi-threading because it supports Java synchronized.

Answer: • False

Question:* Generating many different version of JavaScript on a per browser basis is known as what?

Answer: • Deferred Binding

Question:* What is a benefit of using HTML5 with GWT?

Answer: • Better performance and larger data storage.

Question:* How are parent/child relationships determined?

Answer: • They are determined by the name of the logger.

Question:* If a logger does not contain a dot, what does this mean?

Answer: • It has the Root Logger as its parent.

Question:* What W3C specification is used in creating accessible programs with standardized DOM properties?

Answer: • Aria.

Question:* A Label widget in GWT translates to which HTML asset?

Answer: • Depends on inline

Question:* What feature us used to build XSRF protection?

Answer: • The RpcToken feature.

Question:* Which of these is NOT a method in AsyncCallback?

Answer: • (All of these)

Question:* To use ClientBundle, which module do we need to inherit?

Answer: • com.google.gwt.resources.Resources

Question:* For Internationalization, to create a collection of formatted strings that accept parameters, which should be extended?

Answer: • Messages

Question:* When the client is invoking the code, how is it referred to?

Answer: • A service.

Question:* An Event can be fired on the Event Bus by invoking:

Answer: • HandlerManager.fireEvent()

Question:* Which class is responsible for publishing click events?

Answer: • Button class.

Question:* A RemoteService is:

Answer: • A marker interface

Question:* XMLHTTPRequests Same-Origin policy can be overcome with:

Answer: • JSONP

Question:* The GWT Event Bus is built on top of:

Answer: • HandlerManager

Question:* What attribute depicts the behavior of a widget?

Answer: • Role.

Question:* Which of the following is an example of an Aria or keyboard accessibility property?

Answer: • TreeItem

Question:* A RemoteService path can be annotated as:

Answer: • @RemoteServiceRelativePath

Question:* Which of these is NOT a default CSS theme in GWT?

Answer: • Default

Question:* Where are XSRF tokens configured?

Answer: • In the web.xml file.

Question:* When using an asynchronous interface, what must be created before making a remote call from the client?

Answer: • Another asynchronous interface.

Question:* To handle history events, we should implement:

Answer: • ValueChangeHandler<String>

Question:* A native DOM Event can be captured using which handler?

Answer: • NativePreviewHandler()

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