Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Internet Security test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Internet Security. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Internet Security test answers of 2016.

Question:* What does IP mean?

Answer: • Internet Protocol

Question:* What happens to your data when it is encrypted?

Answer: • It is recoded to retain privacy from third-parties.

Question:* What is a computer virus?

Answer: • Malicious software that inserts itself into other programs.

Question:* Which of the following is valid difference between a Virus and a Spyware ?

Answer: • Virus damages data, Spyware steals sensitive private information

Question:* How to avoid Man-in-the-middle attacks?

Answer: • Use HTTPS connections and verify the SSL certificate

Question:* What happens during the TCP attack; Denial of Service?

Answer: • Information is repeatedly sent to the victim to consume their system resources, causing them to shut down.

Question:* What is Internet Protocol Security?

Answer: • Methods to secure Internet Protocol (IP) communication.

Question:* Which of the following is a valid Internet Security requirement?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Digital signatures provide which of the following ?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* In which of the following protocols does a website (if accessed using the protocol) encrypt the session with a Digital Certificate?

Answer: • HTTPS

Question:* Which of the following are possible security threats?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* What is a firewall?

Answer: • Firewalls are network-based security measures that control the flow of incoming and outgoing traffic.

Question:* Which of the following involves submitting as many requests as possible to a single Internet computer or service, overloading it and preventing it from servicing legitimate requests?

Answer: • Distributed denial-of-service attacks

Question:* Which of the following symmetric keys can be derived from Symmetric master key?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Which of the following are valid Cryptographic key types?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Is true that HTTP is an insecure protocol?

Answer: • True

Question:* Which is the best way a system can be hardened?

Answer: • Total disk encryption coupled with strong network security protocols.

Question:* Why is it crucial to encrypt data in transit?

Answer: • To prevent unauthorized access to private networks and sensitive information during its most vulnerable state.

Question:* Which of the following are the basic functionalities of the IPsec Protocol ?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Can a proxy be used as a firewall? If so, how?

Answer: • Yes. A proxy acts as a network intermediary for the user that serves to control the flow of incomming and outgoing traffic.

Question:* In which of the following fraud methods is a legitimate/legal-looking email sent in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients?

Answer: • Phishing

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about TLS?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID type of Key Management System?

Answer: • Both Integrated Key Management System and Third-Party Key Management System

Question:* What is one way that a web browser is vulnerable to breaching?

Answer: • A browser plugin can be exploited.

Question:* What two main categories of network topologies are there?

Answer: • Physical and logical.

Question:* What is another name for an insecure plugin?

Answer: • Malware

Question:* A digital signature scheme consists of which of the following typical algorithms ?

Answer: • Key generation, Signing and Signature verifying algorithm

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about SSL 3.0?

Answer: • SSL 3.0 improved upon SSL 2.0 by adding SHA-1 based ciphers and support for certificate authentication

Question:* There are two types of firewall. What are they?

Answer: • Hardware and software.

Question:* True of False? Malware exists which affects both Windows and Linux systems.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following refers to programs that surreptitiously monitor activity on a computer system and report that information to others without the user's consent?

Answer: • Spyware

Question:* What is a computer worm?

Answer: • It is malware designed to infect other computers.

Question:* Is a Unix-based system vulnerable to viruses?

Answer: • Yes, however the majority are coded to attack Windows-based systems.

Question:* Which of the following protocol used Port 443 and Port 80 respectively

Answer: • HTTPS and HTTP

Question:* Which of the following is a means to access a computer program or entire computer system bypassing all security mechanisms?

Answer: • Backdoor

Question:* What does TCP mean?

Answer: • Transmission Control Protocol

Question:* What does cross-site scripting allow for attackers?

Answer: • Injection of client-side scripts into web pages.

Question:* Which of the following is collection of Internet-connected programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform tasks?

Answer: • Botnet

Question:* What are TLS and SSL?

Answer: • Cryptographic protocols.

Question:* Who was TLS defined by?

Answer: • Internet Engineering Task Force

Question:* Modern secure password storage should implement:

Answer: • Salted and hashed values of the password

Question:* What is network topology?

Answer: • It is the framework of the components of a computer network.

Question:* Which of the following is a general term for malicious software that pretends to be harmless so that a user willingly allows it to be downloaded onto the computer?

Answer: • Trojan Horse

Question:* What is another name for Internet Layer?

Answer: • IP layer

Question:* Which of the following is the collective name for Trojan horses, spyware, and worms?

Answer: • Malware

Question:* When cookies are used as session identifiers, how are they then used as a potential security hazard?

Answer: • Attackers emulate users by stealing their cookies.

Question:* Which of the following is a valid flaw of SSL 2.0 ?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Which of the following is an ITU-T standard for a public key infrastructure (PKI) and Privilege Management Infrastructure (PMI)?

Answer: • X.509

Question:* Trojan Horse programs operate with what intent?

Answer: • To masquerade as non-malicious software while exploiting a system's weaknesses.

Question:* Why is a virtual machine considered a sandboxing method?

Answer: • All host resources are channeled through the emulator.

Question:* When is encrypted data the safest?

Answer: • When it is at rest.

Question:* Which of the following keys are used to generate random numbers?

Answer: • Symmetric and asymmetric random number generation keys

Question:* Which of the following is true about Public Key Encryption?

Answer: • Anyone can encrypt with the public key, only one person can decrypt with the private key

Question:* If you set up a BUS network, what is the major disadvantage?

Answer: • It is linked with a single cable which can be a major vulnerability.

Question:* What does the acronym BEAST mean in Beast Attack?

Answer: • Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS

Question:* TCP is used for what three main functions?

Answer: • Connect to the Web, deliver email, and transfer files.

Question:* Secure cookies have which feature?

Answer: • They are encrypted.

Question:* How are port numbers categorized?

Answer: • Well-known, registered, and static/dynamic.

Question:* Which of the following type of attack can actively modify communications or data?

Answer: • Active attack

Question:* What is the top method an attacker might infect a target?

Answer: • Social engineering, or psychological manipulation.

Question:* Secure Sockets Layer is a predecessor of which cryptographic protocol?

Answer: • Transport Layer Security

Question:* An SQL injection is often used to attack what?

Answer: • Large-scale sequel databases such as those containing credit card information.

Question:* Which version of TLS is vulnerable to BEAST exploit?

Answer: • TLS 1.0

Question:* According to OWASP what is the most dangerous web vulnerability?

Answer: • Injections (SQL, LDAP, etc)

Question:* Sandboxing does what to computer programs?

Answer: • It separates and isolates them.

Question:* What is largely considered the most advanced computer virus?

Answer: • Stuxnet.

Question:* What is necessary for a cross-site script attack with cookies to be thwarted?

Answer: • CAPTCHAs

Question:* What are the two primary classifications of cross-site scripting?

Answer: • non-persistent and persistent.

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID authorization key?

Answer: • Public authorization key

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID digital signature key?

Answer: • Private signature key

Question:* How can cookies be used to mitigate cross-site scripting?

Answer: • Cookies allow for cookie-based user authentication.

Question:* Which of the following uses asymmetric cryptography ?

Answer: • Both VoIP and SSL

Question:* Which of the following is not a VALID type of firewall?

Answer: • Proxy Server Gateways

Question:* What is the less secure AES encryption mode?

Answer: • CBC

Question:* What is a method to fend off a Sockstress attack?

Answer: • White-listing access to TCP services on critical systems.

Question:* Which of the following HTTP method is considered insecure ?

Answer: • TRACE

Question:* Which of the following represents a cryptographic key that is generated for each execution of a key establishment process ?

Answer: • Private ephemeral key agreement key

Question:* What does the Linux kernal use to sandbox running programs?

Answer: • seccomp, or Secure Computing Mode

Question:* Which of the following keys are the private keys of asymmetric (public) key pairs that are used only once to establish one or more keys ?

Answer: • Private ephemeral key agreement key

Question:* What does a cryptographic key do within the Internet Layer?

Answer: • It specifies how transferred information is converted into cyphertext.

Question:* Which of the following represents a cryptographic key that is intended to be used for a long period of time?

Answer: • Private static key agreement key

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID ephemeral key?

Answer: • Public ephemeral key agreement key

Question:* Which of the following enables secure and private data exchange/transfer on an unsecure public network ?

Answer: • Public Key Infrastructure

Question:* Which of the following keys are used to encrypt other keys using symmetric key algorithms ?

Answer: • Symmetric key wrapping key

Question:* Which of the following is a standalone computer program that pretends to be a well-known program in order to steal confidential data ?

Answer: • Fraudtool

Question:* In the sublayer of which of the following does TLS and SSL performs the data encryption of network connections?

Answer: • application layer

Question:* Which of the following are the public keys of asymmetric (public) key pairs that are used to encrypt keys using a public key algorithm?

Answer: • Public key transport key

Question:* Which of the following are the public keys of asymmetric key pairs that are used to encrypt keys using a public key algorithm ?

Answer: • Private key transport key

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