Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Introduction to Programming test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Introduction to Programming. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Introduction to Programming test answers of 2016.

Question:* True or False: Java is an Object Oriented language?

Answer: • True

Question:* A while...do loop is an example of a(n)...

Answer: • precheck loop

Question:* How many decimal places are in an Integer?

Answer: • 0

Question:* The correct syntax of do-while loop is...

Answer: • do { statements; } while ( condition );

Question:* Each pass through a loop is called a(n)...

Answer: • iteration

Question:* True or False: Java is a cross-platform language?

Answer: • True

Question:* What does "!=" mean in Java?

Answer: • Not Equal

Question:* What digits are in Binary?

Answer: • 0 and 1

Question:* In Java, the return type of a function that does not return any value must be ____.

Answer: • void

Question:* What is an example of a "Scripting" Language?

Answer: • JavaScript

Question:* Which of the following is a programming language?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What does a compiler do?

Answer: • Takes your programming language and converts it to machine readable code

Question:* What is an Array?

Answer: • A list of values

Question:* What does " == " check?

Answer: • Equality between two variables

Question:* When are "While" loops used?

Answer: • When we don't know how many times a loop has to run, but want it to run when a criteria is active

Question:* When are "For loops" used?

Answer: • To repeat code a known number of times

Question:* In strongly typed languages, a variable must be ________ before it can be used.

Answer: • declared

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a common data type used in most languages?

Answer: • alphanumeric

Question:* If an external object or program needs direct access to a variable in your class, you should declare it as a _______ variable.

Answer: • public

Question:* How many bits are in a byte?

Answer: • 8

Question:* What is a GUI?

Answer: • A graphical user interface

Question:* What is Programming?

Answer: • Provide (a computer or other machine) with coded instructions for the automatic performance of a particular task.

Question:* Which of the following is a value of a boolean data type?

Answer: • False

Question:* What is a variable?

Answer: • A reference to information that can change

Question:* What are "Nested" loops?

Answer: • A loop within a loop

Question:* What is a "Matrix"?

Answer: • A multi dimensional array

Question:* A _______ is a computer program that transforms source code into another computer language; usually in order to create an executable program.

Answer: • Compiler

Question:* How many bits are in a byte?

Answer: • 8

Question:* C++ is:

Answer: • object oriented

Question:* What does " = " do?

Answer: • It assigns a value to a variable

Question:* True or False? Floats include decimals

Answer: • True

Question:* _______ is a programming paradigm that uses objects to contain data fields and associated programs called methods.

Answer: • object oriented programming

Question:* Which of the following is the starting index of an array in C++?

Answer: • 0

Question:* Given the following code logic, when will statement 1 be executed? If (condition) then statement 1 else statement 2 end if

Answer: • When the condition is true.

Question:* A precise sequence of steps to solve a problem is called a(n)...

Answer: • algorithm

Question:* In C++, what does the "%" operator do?

Answer: • Modulo

Question:* What does "||" mean in Java?

Answer: • OR

Question:* ______ is an identifier whose value cannot be altered by the program during execution.

Answer: • Constant

Question:* A garbage collector does what?

Answer: • Reclaims memory occupied by data that is no longer in use.

Question:* What is debugging a program?

Answer: • Finding and fixing errors in your program.

Question:* && is a(n) ______ operator:

Answer: • logical

Question:* Integer, boolean, and string are examples of a _________.

Answer: • data type

Question:* Given the following code logic, when will statement 2 be executed? If (condition) then statement 1 else statement 2 end if

Answer: • When the condition is false.

Question:* Which is more efficient?

Answer: • i += j;

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a commonly used comparison operator?

Answer: • Assignment

Question:* ______ is a collection of data items of the same size and type that can be selected by indices computed at run-time.

Answer: • Array

Question:* A ________ variable refers directly to another value stored elsewhere in the computer memory using its address.

Answer: • pointer

Question:* How do you print "Hello World" in C?

Answer: • printf("Hello World")

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an object oriented programming language?

Answer: • COBOL

Question:* Given a = true, b = false; what is the value returned by (a and b)?

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)?

Answer: • Notepad

Question:* What does ASCII stand for?

Answer: • American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a key concept in object oriented programming?

Answer: • Looping

Question:* How do you print "Hello World" in Java?

Answer: • System.out.println ("Hello World")

Question:* In flow chart, the symbol used for decision making is...

Answer: • diamond

Question:* Hiding internal data from external programs or objects and allowing access to it through only publicly declared methods is known as ___________.

Answer: • data encapsulation

Question:* An example of a LIFO (Last In First Out) data structure is ...

Answer: • a stack

Question:* ________ passes a direct reference of a variable to the procedure and the procedure can change the value of the calling program's variable.

Answer: • Pass by reference

Question:* What type of loop executes at least once before checking the condition?

Answer: • Do OR Do While

Question:* Given a = true, b = false; what is the value returned by (a or b)?

Answer: • True

Question:* _______ is the set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structured code line or fragment in that language.

Answer: • Syntax

Question:* A ________ is a programming language that executes instructions directly, without previously compiling a program into machine-language instructions.

Answer: • interpretted language

Question:* C Language was developed for which OS?

Answer: • UNIX

Question:* What does the hash function "245 mod 10" output?

Answer: • 5

Question:* _______ passes a copy of a variable's value to a procedure and the procedure cannot change the value of the calling program's variable.

Answer: • Pass by value

Question:* For a compiled language, when do syntax errors occur?

Answer: • Compile-time

Question:* What is the control variable of a loop called?

Answer: • index variable

Question:* What is the difference between a function and a procedure?

Answer: • A function returns a value; a procedure doesn not.

Question:* In order for a binary search to work on an array, which of the following must be true?

Answer: • The array must be sorted.

Question:* What is a parent node in a tree structure?

Answer: • A node that has at least one child node

Question:* A do while loop is an example of a ...

Answer: • postcheck loop

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an interpretted language?

Answer: • C++

Question:* What is this called: var = (foo == bar) ? 'foo' : 'bar';

Answer: • Ternary operator

Question:* What is the largest value that be stored in a byte?

Answer: • 255

Question:* What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal number "FF" ?

Answer: • 255

Question:* A ______ is a machine level programming language.

Answer: • First-Generation programming language (1GL)

Question:* What is the decimal value of the binary number 101?

Answer: • 5

Question:* What type of loop is shown in the following code? a = 1 i = 0 while (a < 2) { i = i+1 }

Answer: • Infinite loop

Question:* Given the following code, what will be the value of i when the loop finishes executing? a = 5 i = 0 while (a < 2) { i = i+1 }

Answer: • 0

Question:* What is the value of an integer variable before it has been instantiated?

Answer: • Depends on the language specification

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a main computer system component?

Answer: • operating system

Question:* The compiler of the C language is written in...

Answer: • C Language

Question:* A linked data structure where the nodes have two pointers, one to the previous node, and one to the next node, is known as a(n)...

Answer: • doubly linked list

Question:* In C, when a pointer is incremented, it actually jumps the number of memory address...

Answer: • according to data type

Question:* If the elements of an array are already sorted then the useful search algorithm is...

Answer: • Binary search

Question:* Which of the following does NOT evaluate to true?

Answer: • NOT (true or false)

Question:* Which of the following must be true in a Binary Tree?

Answer: • A Binary Tree's nodes have not more than two child nodes, typically named 'left' and 'right'.

Question:* An example of a single pass language is

Answer: • Ruby, Perl

Question:* ________ is an error in the design of the code; the code does not run as expected.

Answer: • Logical Error

Question:* Number of primitive types in java?

Answer: • 8

Question:* Which is the correct order of complexity, from fastest growing to slowest growing:

Answer: • O(2^n), O(n^2), O(n*log(n)), O(n), O(log(n)), O(1)

Question:* True or False: You need a sorted array when doing an linear search.

Answer: • False

Question:* Java, Python, C, C++ are examples of

Answer: • Imperative Language

Question:* The stream-insertion operator is >> and the stream-extraction operator is <<

Answer: • False

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