Tuesday, December 15, 2015

LAMP test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of LAMP. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork LAMP test answers of 2016.

Question:* Why LAMP?

Answer: • it's flexible, productive, widespread and low cost (all components can be downloaded for free from Internet)

Question:* Which ID always has a *nix superuser ?

Answer: • 0

Question:* What has a higher priority: a record from the hosts file or a record from the DNS-server?

Answer: • a record from the hosts file

Question:* Which of the following apache directory has all server configuration files?

Answer: • conf

Question:* What language should you use for writing a queries for database?

Answer: • SQL

Question:* What's the name of Apache configuration file?

Answer: • httpd.conf

Question:* An alternate name for a host is…

Answer: • ServerAlias

Question:* What domain name will have the following address -

Answer: • localhost

Question:* What's LAMP (in the most cases)?

Answer: • Linux + Apache+MySQL +PHP

Question:* The name of a web-based interface for work with databases is called…

Answer: • phpmyadmin

Question:* What is HTTP?

Answer: • Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Question:* What is the name of a superuser in Linux?

Answer: • root

Question:* What is GNU Linux?

Answer: • operating system

Question:* Which PHP extension is required for work with MySQL?

Answer: • php_mysql

Question:* Are there any variations of LAMP for other platforms?

Answer: • yes [WAMP, WIMP (for Windows), MAMP (Mac OS), BAMP (BSD)]

Question:* What will this command cp file1 file2 do?

Answer: • Will make a copy of file1 in the current working directory and call it file2

Question:* How can you block users by IP address or by domain?

Answer: • using a .htaccess file

Question:* Which of the following represents root directory?

Answer: • "/"

Question:* You do not have to specify a length with which of the following MySQL datatypes?

Answer: • All of the options are valid

Question:* What is MySQL?

Answer: • it's a database server

Question:* Which directive is used to determine a virtual host?

Answer: • <VirtualHost>...</VirtualHost>

Question:* Which of the following are VALID SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) security policies?

Answer: • All of the options are valid

Question:* What is a superuser in mysql usually called ?

Answer: • root

Question:* How can you start a session in PHP script?

Answer: • session_start()

Question:* Which of the following Linux command can be used to change file owner and group ?

Answer: • chown

Question:* Where hosts file (on *nix systems) is usually located?

Answer: • /etc/hosts

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid directive of Apache Control Command (apachectl)?

Answer: • kill

Question:* Which of the following is the main Apache configuration file?

Answer: • /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Question:* What does "." (DOT) signify in Unix?

Answer: • Current directory

Question:* What will be the output of command mysqladmin -u root -p drop TEST?

Answer: • It will drop TEST database

Question:* What will be the output of this command : ls list* ?

Answer: • This will list all files in the current directory starting with list

Question:* How to see information about PHP configuration from a script?

Answer: • phpinfo()

Question:* What's the name of file, where user's information can be stored?

Answer: • cookie

Question:* Which of the following Linux command can be used to change the group ownership of files ?

Answer: • chgrp

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a main apache directory?

Answer: • apps

Question:* What does the following error "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" mean?

Answer: • wrong password

Question:* What's the name of a time-based job scheduler in *nix systems?

Answer: • cron

Question:* Directive for definition a hostname is called…

Answer: • ServerName

Question:* What will be the output of command mysqladmin -u root -p create TEST?

Answer: • It will create a new database TEST

Question:* What will be the ouput of this command: head -5 test.txt

Answer: • It will write the first 5 lines of test.txt to the screen

Question:* When will a PHP session be closed?

Answer: • when the browser is closed or after a span of user inactivity

Question:* Which of the following is a way to restart Apache on *nix system?

Answer: • httpd restart

Question:* To quote a string within a string, which of the following can you use?

Answer: • 'This is the "quoted" message'

Question:* Which of the following Linux command outputs the available free space in local hard-disk partitions?

Answer: • df

Question:* What is the size limit for strings in php?

Answer: • There is no limit (hardware limit)

Question:* What port does squid listen, by default?

Answer: • 3128

Question:* Which of the following statement tells the server to reload the grant tables?


Question:* What will be the output of the following code? <? echo false; ?>

Answer: • Nothing

Question:* How to use other/additional extensions/file types for PHP scripts, instead of using just .php?

Answer: • use AddType directive in httpd.conf

Question:* Which of the following command can be used to get the value of env variables?

Answer: • Both env and printenv

Question:* Are the IOT (Index Organized Tables) supported by MySQL?

Answer: • no [it's the Oracle's type]

Question:* Which of the following is an INVALID column in user table in mysql database?

Answer: • Truncate_priv

Question:* Which of the following Apache Control Command: apachectl directive restarts the Apache httpd daemon?

Answer: • Both graceful and restart

Question:* What is SESSION in PHP?

Answer: • a text file

Question:* Where can you set up a server's name?

Answer: • httpd.conf

Question:* What is the year range for MySQL datatype YEAR (2)?

Answer: • 1970 to 2069

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about Inetd?

Answer: • (both are correct)

Question:* Which of the following is not a VALID MySQL datatype?

Answer: • STRING

Question:* The command "service httpd ______" allows users to check the syntax of Apache's configuration files.

Answer: • configtest

Question:* In which tcp_wrappers file can you specify all connections from all hosts?

Answer: • /etc/hosts.allow

Question:* One advantage of hard links over symbolic links is:

Answer: • A hard link does not become disconnected from the underlying file if the file is moved

Question:* Which of the following file is a MySQL configuration file?

Answer: • /etc/my.cnf

Question:* Who clears a session files on server?

Answer: • PHP [Garbage Collector]

Question:* The SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) security policies are enabled/disabled through which file?

Answer: • /etc/selinux/config

Question:* What is the output of the command "service httpd configtest" if no errors are found in Apache's configuration file?

Answer: • Syntax OK

Question:* Which of the following Linux command can be used to output the shared library dependencies ?

Answer: • ldd

Question:* What will happen if AUTO INCREMENT field reaches its maximum value?

Answer: • error message will appear

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a valid unix env variable?

Answer: • USR

Question:* Which of the following Linux command outputs the processor architecture ?

Answer: • arch

Question:* What output will be If you try to perform an arithmetic operation on a column containing NULL values?

Answer: • 0

Question:* Which of the following command can be used to shutdown an already running MySQL server?

Answer: • ./mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown

Question:* Which of the following commands can be used for setting attributes on files/folders?

Answer: • chattr

Question:* The default PHP session lifetime is…

Answer: • 24 min

Question:* Which of the following commands can be used to set stick bit on a file?

Answer: • chmod 1645 file

Question:* At login which of the following is first read by C shell?

Answer: • .cshrc

Question:* Which of the following commands will match commands with keyword(s) on their main pages?

Answer: • apropos

Question:* Which of the following holds environment variables used when starting Apache?

Answer: • /etc/sysconfig/httpd

Question:* What is the maximum allowable length of MySQL datatype VARCHAR?

Answer: • 2000

Question:* What is the precision limit for MySQL datatype DOUBLE?

Answer: • 53

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