Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Microsoft Silverlight test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Microsoft Silverlight. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Microsoft Silverlight test answers of 2016.

Question:* In Silverlight, can you write code in Visual Basic?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* If you wanted to paint an area with video, what tool would you use?

Answer: • VideoBrush

Question:* In Silverlight, how is memory handled?

Answer: • Automatically

Question:* Silverlight XAML processor uses the which of the following definition for determining what constitutes a valid collection property?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about Managed API Error handling?

Answer: • All of the given options are true

Question:* What is a prominent tool that Silverlight is compatible with?

Answer: • Visual Studio

Question:* Can XAML markup be used to encapsulate your user interface?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* XAML means what?

Answer: • Extensible Application Markup Language

Question:* Which of the following framework class libraries contains classes that define enable internationalization vis a vis countries and languages ?

Answer: • System.Globalization

Question:* Which of the following framework features includes controls for Button, CheckBox, HyperlinkButton, ListBox ?

Answer: • WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) controls

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about XAML?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID way to declare objects in XAML?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Why is Silverlight considered a revolutionary technology?

Answer: • It is a cross-browser, cross-platform technology all included in one small download.

Question:* How is the .NET Framework library related to the base class library in Silverlight?

Answer: • The base class library is a subset of the .NET Framework class library.

Question:* What file extension should be affiliated with the MIME type “application/x-silverlight-app”?

Answer: • .xap

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID requirement for XAML event handler attribute index on events of a custom class?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* What file extension are application package files?

Answer: • .xap

Question:* If you wanted to call specific functions to initialize Silverlight plug-ins, what file would you use?

Answer: • Silverlight.js

Question:* If Silverlight is running in a sandbox, what does it mean?

Answer: • It means Silverlight is running with limited privileges.

Question:* What framework does Silverlight primarily focus on?

Answer: • .NET

Question:* What does the term 'layout' refer to in Silverlight?

Answer: • It refers to how objects in your Silverlight application are sized and positioned.

Question:* What interface are every elements values based off of?

Answer: • Ilist or Icollection.

Question:* Silverlight platform as a whole consists of which of the following parts (major & minor)?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Which of the following has the "Application" class and provide tools to create .xap packages?

Answer: • Packaging

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about Silverlight?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* What is the difference between XML and XAML in the context of Silverlight?

Answer: • XML and XAML are fundamentally the same, however XAML is an extension of XML.

Question:* Which of the following .NET framework libraries for Silverlight provides fundamental and base classes (including event and basic exception handlers)?

Answer: • System

Question:* Which of the following is the main reason for implementing Silverlight runtime internally as native code?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* Which of tehe following feature is NOT offered by Silverlight?

Answer: • None of the given options are valid

Question:* When is Silverlight the most secure?

Answer: • When it is the most isolated.

Question:* What needs to be edited to define what is a recoverable exception?

Answer: • The UnhandledException handler.

Question:* Which of the following event occurs when an exception that is raised by Silverlight is not handled?

Answer: • Application.UnhandledException

Question:* Which of the following Core Presentation Component feature enables dynamic positioning of UI elements?

Answer: • Layout

Question:* Within Silverlight web services, what paradigmatic protocol is used?

Answer: • SOAP

Question:* DomainService (LinqToEntitiesDomainService) s a main object inside which of the following ?

Answer: • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) RIA Services

Question:* Which of the following Silverlight programming feature provides safe access from the Silverlight client to the local computer's file system?

Answer: • Isolated storage

Question:* Silverlight supports which of the following programming models?

Answer: • Both JavaScript API and Managed API for Silverlight

Question:* There are two ways to embed the Silverlight plug-in into your Web page. What are they?

Answer: • HTML object element, and Silverlight.js helper file.

Question:* What is the parser error property, charPosition?

Answer: • .NET

Question:* Which of the following .NET framework Class Library for Silverlight contains classes provides classes that the binary rewriter can use to handle a contract failure?

Answer: • System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal

Question:* Which of the following feature of .NET framework for SIlverlight provides heap management and garbage collection process ?

Answer: • CLR (common language runtime)

Question:* Which cannot be used in a Silverlight application to retrieve data?

Answer: • WCW classes

Question:* What does Shape allow you to do in Silverlight?

Answer: • Draw shapes to the screen.

Question:* Which of the following Core Presentation Component feature enables linking of data objects and UI elements?

Answer: • Data binding

Question:* What type of images does Deep Zoom Composer prepare?

Answer: • High-resolution.

Question:* Which of the following is a typical operation that cause a custom control to fail at design time ?

Answer: • All of the given options are valid

Question:* What is one way to deploy resource files in Silverlight?

Answer: • Embedded in an assembly in an external library package.

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a feature of core presentation layer?

Answer: • Data

Question:* Which of the following Core Presentation Component feature enables digital rights management of media assets?

Answer: • DRM

Question:* Which of the following .NET framework libraries for Silverlight provides classes for using 3-D graphics?

Answer: • Microsoft.Xna.Framework

Question:* What must a dependency property be on before setting its value through data binding?

Answer: • DependencyObject subclass

Question:* What do GetValue and SetValue calls do within the context of dependency properties?

Answer: • They are responsible for backing the CLR Wrapper property.

Question:* What are some container objects that shape objects can be used in?

Answer: • Grid and Canvas

Question:* Which of the following Core Presentation Component feature enables rendering of vector and bitmap graphics, animations, and text?

Answer: • UI Rendering

Question:* Which of the following feature of .NET framework for SIlverlight provides features to simplify access to remote services and data?

Answer: • Window Communication Foundation (WCF)

Question:* Which of the following JavaScript API for Silverlight describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient?

Answer: • GradientStop

Question:* What can happen when you experience an unnecessary invoking of the layout system?

Answer: • You may experience a lapse in application performance.

Question:* What do you use to integrate Silverlight with Javascript code?

Answer: • The HTML object element.

Question:* What is the max video resolution Silverlight provides for mobile devices?

Answer: • 720p

Question:* When Silverlight is operating in a sandbox environment, what happens to local storage?

Answer: • It is isolated and cut down to 1 MB.

Question:* What is the AppManifest.xaml file used for?

Answer: • It identifies the packaged assemblies and application entry point.

Question:* What data organization technique does the generic class, Queue<T> use?

Answer: • FIFO

Question:* Which of the following feature of .NET framework for SIlverlight enables support for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)?

Answer: • Data

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID requirement for properties of a custom class as XAML attributes?

Answer: • Should not a property type that is an abstract class or interface

Question:* What do you use to debug Silverlight-based applications?

Answer: • Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio

Question:* Which of the following .NET framework Class Library for Silverlight contains classes that support interaction with a local database in Windows Phone applications?

Answer: • System.Data.Linq

Question:* Does Silverlight SDK still contain the ASP.NET server controls to embed code into your website?

Answer: • No

Question:* Which of the following Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles Namespace class provides a base class for Win32 safe handle implementations in which the value of -1 indicates an invalid handle?

Answer: • SafeHandleMinusOneIsInvalid

Question:* Which of the following is most appropriate for applications that extensively perform CRUD operations on a database ?

Answer: • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Data Services

Question:* Which of the following Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles Namespace class provides a base class for Win32 critical handle implementations?

Answer: • CriticalHandleMinusOneIsInvalid

Question:* Which of the following Microsoft.Xna.Framework Namespace structures represents a point in a multi-point curve?

Answer: • CurveKey

Question:* Which of the following JavaScript API for Silverlight provides Silverlight property system services?

Answer: • DependencyObject

Question:* Which of the following provide the foundation for building Web services for a Silverlight client application ?

Answer: • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services

Question:* Does Silverlight have a protocol to defend against DOS attacks?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* Which of the following classes enable the API/program to submit requests to a HTTP based Web service?

Answer: • HTTP Classes

Question:* When are you most likely to encounter an XSS attack in Silverlight?

Answer: • When the user cannot escape an attacker-controlled string, and that string is inserted into markup.

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a feature of .NET framework for SIlverlight?

Answer: • Data binding

Question:* What is between a Parent Panel and a Child Element?

Answer: • Layout Slot

Question:* How can you set attached properties in XAML ?

Answer: • by using the syntax AttachedPropertyProvider.PropertyName

Question:* What style are XAML placeholders typically in?

Answer: • Italic

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