Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Oracle Database test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Oracle Database. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Oracle Database test answers of 2016.

Question:* What does the acronym RDBMS mean?

Answer: • Relational Database Management System

Question:* What will the shortcut "Ctrl + F11" do?

Answer: • Execute Query

Question:* How many columns are there in a Dual table?

Answer: • 1

Question:* A rollback segment can be specified as either PUBLIC or PRIVATE. The value of PCTINCREASE of a rollback segment is always set to:

Answer: • 0

Question:* In business, what is the most common definition for CRM?

Answer: • Customer Relationship Management

Question:* You need to search for text data in a column, but you only remember part of the string. Which of the following SQL operations allows the use of wildcard comparisons?

Answer: • LIKE

Question:* In terms of Oracle, what is the most common meaning of OEM?

Answer: • Oracle Enterprise Manager

Question:* SQL stands for:

Answer: • Structured Query Language

Question:* In business, what is the most common definition for ERP?

Answer: • Enterprise Resource Planning

Question:* What clause follows "group by" in SQL?

Answer: • Having

Question:* The DBA assigns permission to the user using this command:

Answer: • Role

Question:* What is the purpose of the Rollback command?

Answer: • Undo the last uncommitted transactions

Question:* Which of the following is not DML (Data Manipulation Language)?

Answer: • Rename

Question:* Which of the following is(are) physical storage file(s) of Oracle?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Define Index:

Answer: • Ordered form of data

Question:* True or False: "Select for Update" performs the function "Lock the record on result set."

Answer: • True

Question:* SQL statement operator that tests whether a field value is unavailable, unassigned or unknown is:

Answer: • IS NULL

Question:* Which of the following are system privileges?


Question:* Which of the following operators can be used to substitute the 'IN' operator in a SELECT statement?

Answer: • BETWEEN ... AND

Question:* The transaction control that prevents more than one user from updating data in a table is which of the following (choose one)?

Answer: • lock

Question:* DBMS_SCHEDULER, along with the power of PL/SQL, provides a mechanism for automating some of the daily tasks. Which of the following is an advantage of using DBMS_SCHEDULER?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Remote access of database can be made by:

Answer: • Database Link

Question:* Which of these is not a language element of SQL?

Answer: • None. All are language elements of SQL.

Question:* In a sequence, Curval returns:

Answer: • Present Value

Question:* The source code of procedure, function and package bodies can be queried from which data dictionary?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of the following statements is true about rebuilding indexes?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What view would you use to look at the size of a data file?


Question:* Which of these is not a real Oracle suite option?

Answer: • Oracle Customer Service Suite

Question:* Which naming rules are applied to tables?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which statement about views are true?

Answer: • A view can be created as a join on two or more tables.

Question:* Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?

Answer: • ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;

Question:* Which of the following statement correctly decribes how to rebuild an index?

Answer: • ALTER INDEX index_name REBUILD

Question:* A block is the smallest unit of logical storage that the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) can manipulate. Block size is determined by which of the following database parameter?


Question:* REPLACE ('CUCKOO AND CARLIE', 'C', 'CH') will return:


Question:* Regarding Oracle, what does DES most commonly mean?

Answer: • Data Encryption Standard

Question:* Which one of the following is not a DDL (Data Definition Language) command?

Answer: • Update

Question:* What is the definition of data buffer cache?

Answer: • An area in SGA that is used to store the most recently used data block

Question:* Which data dictionary table should you query to view the object privileges granted to the user on specific columns?


Question:* In Oracle "view" consists of:

Answer: • The definition only

Question:* Which /SQL*Plus feature can be used to replace values in the WHERE clause?

Answer: • Substitution variables

Question:* "Select for Update" performs:

Answer: • Lock the record on result set

Question:* The Oracle Certification Program contains three levels. Which of these is not one of them?

Answer: • Oracle Certified Developer (OCD)

Question:* When a user process fails, this background process will clean up after it:

Answer: • PMON

Question:* What command is used to restore an "accidentally" dropped table?

Answer: • flashback table <tablename> to before drop

Question:* Order the following entities from the smallest to the largest:

Answer: • Data blocks, extents, segments, table spaces

Question:* The database administrator of your company created a public synonym called HR for the HUMAN_RESOURCES table of the GENERAL schema, because many users frequently use this table. As a user of the database, you created a table called HR in your schema. What happens when you execute this query? select * from HR

Answer: • You obtain the results retrieved from the HR table that belongs to your schema.

Question:* What is true about this set of statements? CREATE TABLE dept (deptno NUMBER(2), dname VARCHAR2(14), loc VARCHAR2(13)); ROLLBACK; DESCRIBE DEPT;

Answer: • The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table.

Question:* The "materialized view" in Oracle stores:

Answer: • Output in different physical space

Question:* Which of the following actions are performed by the MINUS operator?

Answer: • Returns the output of top query minus the output of the query below the MINUS operator.

Question:* You need to give the MANAGER role the ability to select from, insert into, and modify existing rows in the STUDENT_GRADES table. Anyone given this MANAGER role should be able to pass those privileges on to others. Which statement accomplishes this?

Answer: • GRANT select, insert, update ON student_grades TO manager WITH GRANT OPTION;

Question:* The IN operator is used when you are using a subquery which returns more than one record. What is the operator used in a correlated subquery?

Answer: • EXISTS

Question:* What operator would you choose to prevent this Oracle error message? ORA-01427:single -row subquery returns more than one row

Answer: • Use the IN operator

Question:* Which of these statement is NOT true?

Answer: • A datafile can be associated with one or more database

Question:* How would you display a listing of the sums of employee salaries for those employees not making a commission, for each job type, including only those sums greater than 2500?

Answer: • select job, sum(sal) from emp where comm is null group by job having sum(sal) > 2500;

Question:* Which of these is NOT an Oracle "database option?"

Answer: • Oracle Questions

Question:* This protects the library cache from becoming corrupted by concurrent modifications by two sessions or by one session trying to read information that is being modified by another one.

Answer: • Latch

Question:* Which of these programs is the most popular choice to load data directly into Oracle E-Business Suite?

Answer: • DataLoad

Question:* What will happen if PL/SQL variables occur in SQL statements and have the same name as a table column

Answer: • Oracle will assume that it is the column that is being referenced

Question:* A "virtual" table name to query the current time is:

Answer: • DUAL

Question:* This type of error can be solved by increasing the undo retention of increasing the size of rollbacks.

Answer: • ORA-01555

Question:* The most effective way to re-order the columns in a table is:


Question:* When you issue the command "ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE", a text script version of backup control file will be created. Where is this file located?

Answer: • In a folder pointed by USER_DUMP_DEST

Question:* What happends when you execute one transcaction and then truncate another table?

Answer: • Transcation will commit automatically

Question:* Given the following data in the emp table: ENAME SALARY : PING 5000 AILYN 4999 SAM 1000 LESLIE 3000 TOM 2500 RAVI 10000 What will the following select statement produce? SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE salary BETWEEN 3000 AND 5000;


Question:* Implicit Cursor works when:

Answer: • DML operation is done

Question:* The background process that checks for consistency of the database is called:

Answer: • SMON

Question:* Which of the following is a good suggestion for avoiding unnecessary extension of a rollback segment?

Answer: • Avoid setting MAXEXTENT to UNLIMITED

Question:* The init.ora parameter that controls the location of the Alert log file is:


Question:* Which function is not in DBMS_OUTPUT?

Answer: • PREV_LINE

Question:* What happens if the command ALTER TABLE <tablename> DEALLOCATE UNUSED is used without the KEEP clause?

Answer: • Oracle will deallocate all unused space above the high water mark

Question:* One of these datatypes is NOT a base scalar datatype?

Answer: • INT

Question:* When executing the command: "show parameter xxxx", ORA-00942: table or view does not exist appears. Which of the following best explains this error?

Answer: • The statement is executed using "normal" user

Question:* This structure is not included in the Shared Pool contents.

Answer: • Database buffer cache

Question:* You need to modify the STUDENTS table to add a primary key on the STUDENT_ID column. The table is currently empty. Which statement accomplishes this task?

Answer: • ALTER TABLE students ADD CONSTRAINT stud_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_id);

Question:* Before any SQL statement is parsed, Oracle will check the _______ to see if that same statement already exists there.

Answer: • Library cache

Question:* Which of the following SQL functions can operate on any datatype?

Answer: • MAX

Question:* How does PL/SQL allow programmers to use it on any host environment?

Answer: • It is portable

Question:* The Oracle server provides a number of standard data dictionary views to obtain information on database and instance. These views are:


Question:* Oracle default optimization follows:

Answer: • Cost based optimiztion

Question:* There are 2 classifications of an index: by logical design and by physical implementation. From its logical design, indexes can have the following types, except:

Answer: • B-Tree

Question:* What is Extended Rowid?

Answer: • data object number+datafile number+data block+row

Question:* Which of the following best describes how to have requests serviced by an Oracle server (using either dedicated or shared server)?

Answer: • For each open session, a new dedicated server will be created separately from the instance in a one-to-one mapping

Question:* Which of the following parameters specifies whether Oracle checks for a password file?


Question:* Which of the following cannot be placed in the declaration part of PL/SQL?

Answer: • SQL statements

Question:* In an Oracle RAC environment, a physical standby database will be registered with the clusterware. When creating the clusterware resource for the standby database, which of the following commands do you use to perform this registration?

Answer: • srvctl add database

Question:* The basic units that make up a PL/SQL are called:

Answer: • Logical blocks

Question:* In Forms, what keyboard shortcut will access the shortcut menu?

Answer: • Ctrl + K

Question:* Which one of these statements is true about a concatenated index?

Answer: • It is created on multiple columns in a table.

Question:* The only users recognized by the password file are:

Answer: • SYS and INTERNAL

Question:* Which of the following statements are true about deleting or updating a statement?

Answer: • The data block is read, loading it into a memory structure called a buffer cache

Question:* In what value do these 3 statements differ from one another? select * from employees where department_id = 60; SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 60; select /* a_comment */ * from employees where department_id = 60;

Answer: • Hash values

Question:* How do you switch from an init.ora file to a spfile?


Question:* What is the number of user defined triggers in Oracle?

Answer: • 12

Question:* The default value of SHARED_POOL_SIZE is:

Answer: • 3500000 bytes

Question:* Does "Not in" use an index?

Answer: • No

Question:* Which of the following falsely sums up Oracle’s locking policy?

Answer: • A writer of data is blocked only when a reader of data has already locked the row it was going after.

Question:* Which of these tasks is NOT performed during the database mounting process?

Answer: • Allocating the SGA

Question:* Rowid on oracle stores:

Answer: • Physical position of the data

Question:* Users that can see any changed data are:

Answer: • Only the ones making the changes

Question:* Which DATETIME data types cannot be used when specifying column definitions?


Question:* To truncate table changes, use DATA_OBJECT_ID.

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the follwing is NOT associated with an instance?

Answer: • Control files

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