Tuesday, December 15, 2015

PayPal (Development) test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of PayPal (Development). All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork PayPal (Development) test answers of 2016.

Question:* Is Sandbox available for testing?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* True or False? You can only use a JSON formatted payload with Adaptive APIs.

Answer: • True

Question:* In regards to refunds, which of these are valid reasons for a TRANSACTION_REFUSED error message?

Answer: • All are valid

Question:* Which of these parameters are NOT among the minimum required to perform a request to the Payflow gateway?

Answer: • All are required

Question:* Utilizing the Sandbox test site allows the developer to:

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of these are NOT steps in the PayPal payment flow?

Answer: • All are valid steps

Question:* Which of these are NOT steps in the auth flow?

Answer: • All are valid steps

Question:* All requests to execute PayPal API operations sent using HTTP must be _____.

Answer: • URL encoded

Question:* True or False? When accepting credit cards, you must include an access token in the Authorization header.

Answer: • True

Question:* The Instant Payment Notification (IPN) Simulator sends mock notifications to a notification handler.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does the "cvv2" call refer to?

Answer: • The three-four digit credit card validation code

Question:* Which element is required for adding a Log In with PayPal button to a website?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* True or False? The two credentials needed to identify you as the receiver of payments in the iOS SDK are "clientId" and "recieverEmail."

Answer: • True

Question:* True or false? When completing a payment using a stored card, you pass "credit_card_token" instead of "credit_card."

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of these are NOT call elements?

Answer: • All are valid

Question:* Which payload format do you need when refunding a completed payment?

Answer: • JSON

Question:* Which of these languages do NOT have PayPal supported SDKs?

Answer: • Habour

Question:* Is it possible to transfer payment from one Paypal user's account to another user's Paypal account ?

Answer: • True

Question:* What information must you pass to PayPal in regards to a Credit Card?

Answer: • cvv2

Question:* True or false? Different PayPal APIs use different sets of HTTP headers.

Answer: • True

Question:* After a payment has been approved PayPal will redirect the user to the:

Answer: • return_url

Question:* How do you integrate a PayPal button into a website?

Answer: • PayPal Payments Standard & HTML

Question:* In order to authorize a payment for later you must set "intent": to which of the following?

Answer: • "authorize"

Question:* Transaction data after a purchase has been made is displayed as what type of variable?

Answer: • POST

Question:* In the function call <?=makeBuyButton(x);?>, what would you enter for argument "x"?

Answer: • The price of the item the Buy button corresponds to

Question:* What does NVP stand for?

Answer: • Name-Value Pair

Question:* When using a stored credit card, instead of passing a "credit_card" in the "funding_instrument" as you would for a regular credit card payment, you’re passing a:

Answer: • "Credit_card_token"

Question:* Which of the following is an example of how to properly specify which type of currency the pay outs are to be made in?


Question:* What protocol does PayPal use to authorize calls?

Answer: • OAuth

Question:* True or False? AddressVerify is an API supported by negative testing.

Answer: • True

Question:* How many characters are required for the currency code ISO 4127?

Answer: • Three

Question:* Each PayPal API call contains a unique set of input fields that you supply with the request called _____.

Answer: • a payload

Question:* How is the registered return URL used in OpenID Connect in Paypal?

Answer: • The developer should pass the exact return URL during the authorize call.

Question:* What sets the limit you can pass to the Payflow gateway?

Answer: • The merchant account

Question:* In order to verify proof of payment you must use which of the following:

Answer: • Adaptive Payments PaymentDetails API Call

Question:* openid is related to:

Answer: • User ID

Question:* How can you gain access to the PayPal REST API?

Answer: • Simply register

Question:* Which of these calls do you use to store a credit card?

Answer: • /vault/credit-card

Question:* API response fields might not be returned if:

Answer: • The "ACK" value is not "Success"

Question:* During the testing phase of mobile development, which of these should you use to avoid moving real money around?

Answer: • "+setEnvironment"

Question:* If using Windows, what shell does PayPal recommend for creating cURL calls?

Answer: • Bash

Question:* How much do developers pay in fees per transaction using REST APIs?

Answer: • 2.9% + $.30

Question:* When intending to payment information to create payment information "intent": must be set to what?

Answer: • "sale"

Question:* In cURL commands, HTTP headers are denoted by which switch?

Answer: • -H

Question:* Who handles PCI compliance?

Answer: • It depends on whether you are using JavaScript buttons and iOS SDK, or the REST API

Question:* How do you navigate to your list of saved buttons on the merchant interface?

Answer: • Click the "My Saved Buttons" link in the Merchant Services tab

Question:* What checksum formula do fictitious, Sandbox credit card numbers need to comply with?

Answer: • Mod 10

Question:* Which of the following does the Paypal iOS SDK NOT do?

Answer: • Sends proof of payment to the application's servers for verfication

Question:* Which of the following PayPal APIs/SDKs are not PCI compliant?

Answer: • PayPal Rest API

Question:* Which of these provide the URI of the server that handles your request?

Answer: • Endpoint

Question:* To make a PayPal API call, the components need to be put together as what type of objects?

Answer: • SOAP or non-SOAP

Question:* What is the access token provided by PayPal also called?

Answer: • Bearer token

Question:* Will Seamless Checkout work with OpenID?

Answer: • No, the Seamless Checkout scope is only available with OpenID Connect

Question:* What service does PayPal use for mobile credit card scanning?

Answer: • card.io

Question:* PayPal Direct Payments feature is availbale for

Answer: • Pro Account

Question:* Which of the following languages does not have an SDK for REST APIs?

Answer: • Perl

Question:* After a /payment call has been executed successfuly what must you do to return a confimation of the transaction?

Answer: • "state" : "created"

Question:* If you want to handle credit card details on your own server, which object do you need to directly pass details to PayPal?

Answer: • "payment" call along with a "credit-card" object

Question:* When completing a full refund you should set the JSON payload to which of the following?

Answer: • Nothing

Question:* What does HATEOAS stand for?

Answer: • Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

Question:* True or false? PayPal validates credit card information that is stored on "/vault/credit-card."

Answer: • False

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