Monday, December 14, 2015

Public Speaking test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Public Speaking. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Public Speaking test answers of 2016.

Question:* Which of these should you focus on before a speech?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* If the microphone is malfunctioning, what should you do?

Answer: • Pause a moment only, then continue in a louder voice if at all possible.

Question:* True or false? With enough practice and experience, stage fright will disappear entirely.

Answer: • False

Question:* The method of connecting to an audience through common ground is called ________.

Answer: • identifying

Question:* Which visual cue is critical to engaging your audience?

Answer: • Standing or sitting upright, head up and confident

Question:* When public speaking, what is the generally accepted number of points you should focus on?

Answer: • 3

Question:* Finish this statement: A PowerPoint presentation should

Answer: • Outline at a high-level the presentation objectives

Question:* When making eye contact with the audience, should you link eyes with a single individual for a prolonged period of time?

Answer: • No

Question:* Who should be responsible of knowing how the equipment works?

Answer: • You and any technical support

Question:* When using an analagous example, a speaker is using a/an ___________.

Answer: • comparative figure of speech

Question:* Which of these should you avoid?

Answer: • Using as many words as possible when making your point to prove you know what you are talking about

Question:* Which of the following is best practice for memorization?

Answer: • Adequately familiarize yourself with the speech, and refer to your copy as needed.

Question:* True or False? When making a presentation, it's best to read the text on your slides so you don't get off track

Answer: • False

Question:* Which is NOT important for effective communication with your audience?

Answer: • memorization

Question:* What is positive nervousness?

Answer: • Channeling nervous energy into your presentation

Question:* Which statement demonstrates lack of confidence in the subject?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* The first step in structuring a speech should be

Answer: • determining your main points

Question:* What makes you a better public speaker?

Answer: • Experience

Question:* True or False? You should stay put whilst you are making a speech.

Answer: • False

Question:* True or false? Comparative design is a great way to find common ground with an audience.

Answer: • True

Question:* When should you introduce props to the audience?

Answer: • Throughout the speech, not all at once.

Question:* The topic of your speech should be:

Answer: • Of interest to you

Question:* True or False? It is not okay to use offensive language even if you know your audience.

Answer: • True

Question:* Stage fright diminishes with practice and experience.

Answer: • True

Question:* A chronological speech design ________.

Answer: • moves from event to event

Question:* How should your posture be when public speaking?

Answer: • Tall and strong

Question:* Who should you practice your speech with?

Answer: • Anyone

Question:* What should you do just before speaking publicly?

Answer: • Stay hydrated, keep positive and excited, relax.

Question:* True or false? Repetition is never effective when giving a presentation.

Answer: • False

Question:* What would always be a successful enhancement to a business presentation?

Answer: • Greater depth and breadth of knowledge on the subject

Question:* True or False? It is better to memorize your speech word for word.

Answer: • False

Question:* Maslow's heirarchy of needs helps a speaker conceptualize how to _______ their audience.

Answer: • motivate

Question:* Which of these is optimal?

Answer: • A concise, clear speech at a relaxed pace.

Question:* Why are diction and enunciation important?

Answer: • For the clarity of your presentation.

Question:* Which of these are NOT recommended presentation styles?

Answer: • Reading every word of your presentation from your notes

Question:* To fight anxiety during a speech, you should:

Answer: • None of these

Question:* Which of these are a main goal of the opening segment of your presentation?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Making a presentation, it's best to be __________

Answer: • Friendly and responsive to questions

Question:* Many great public speakers suffer from nerves.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? You should repeat what you said earlier in your speech as a closing to your speech.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? Filler words should be withheld from presentations, including "Umm", "Like" or "Uh"

Answer: • True

Question:* Before a speech, you should:

Answer: • Know the equipment you will be using

Question:* How can stage fright be a good thing?

Answer: • It increases stimulation and is necessary to get you in the 'zone.'

Question:* What is one thing you want your audience to be able to do after your speech?

Answer: • Sum up the take-away message

Question:* True or False? You should focus eye contact on one person.

Answer: • False

Question:* True or False? Using visuals is a distraction for the audience.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which part of your speech should be the strongest?

Answer: • Beginning and end

Question:* What should you do if you can't answer a question?

Answer: • Say ' That's a good question!', telling them that you honestly don't know the answer and you will try get back to them.

Question:* You should have a 'target' audience member in mind when writing and performing your speech.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or false? Audience feedback only comes from verbal clues.

Answer: • False

Question:* How should you prepare the day before a public speaking engagement?

Answer: • Eat well, exercise, and get a good night's sleep.

Question:* What is the best way to improve your public speaking?

Answer: • Practice - at home, in the mirror, with friends, in front of an audience.

Question:* How can you know what to expect before a presentation?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of these are a useful method for becoming a better and more credible public speaker?

Answer: • Gathering and analyzing information about your audience

Question:* To be a good presenter, you need to be _________

Answer: • Well prepared

Question:* True or False? You should repeat questions when asked by someone in the audience so that everyone knows what question you are answering.

Answer: • True

Question:* Strong public speakers are born, not made.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of these is the best option to calm down during your speech?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Towards the end of a presentation, what should be the focus?

Answer: • Reviewing key points

Question:* What is the best way to feel confident in public speaking?

Answer: • Knowing your surroundings

Question:* Your appearance matters when you are speaking publicly.

Answer: • True

Question:* What could be fatal to the success of a presentation?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What should you do if you are momentarily overwhelmed, for example, by coughing or emotion?

Answer: • Pause, breath, and take a drink. Then continue.

Question:* Stage fright is a normal part of public speaking.

Answer: • True

Question:* How much preparation time should a speech take?

Answer: • Until you feel absolutely confident

Question:* Faster is better.

Answer: • False

Question:* How should your voice sound when speaking publicly?

Answer: • Clear and confident

Question:* What is the best plan when preparing for a presentation?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* When is it acceptable to chew whilst public speaking?

Answer: • Never

Question:* If you are nervous, you should do what?

Answer: • Take a deep breath

Question:* The audience is the enemy.

Answer: • False

Question:* What should be considered before making a presentation?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What is the best way to practice and review for a presentation?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a commonly accepted type of speech design?

Answer: • Exclamatory

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an example of a plosive?

Answer: • a

Question:* You should always be ______ when speaking.

Answer: • honest

Question:* What is an argument in which a speaker rejects another speaker's claim based on the speaker's character and not the claim itself?

Answer: • Ad hominem fallacy

Question:* What is the best way to recover from a slip-up?

Answer: • Repeat the phrase if necessary, and continue unfazed.

Question:* When using visuals, you should:

Answer: • Stand on the side you write with

Question:* How should you approach the pacing of your speech?

Answer: • Go slow. You know this information cold, but it's your audience's first time.

Question:* To have the best chance of your audience identifying with you and your message it is best to use mostly _____ person pronouns.

Answer: • Third

Question:* Making a great presentation depends on many factors. Which factors are most important?

Answer: • Know your subject, prepare, be professional, project confidence

Question:* True or false? It's always best to leave basic printed brochures about your services after a presentation

Answer: • False

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