Tuesday, December 15, 2015

RSS test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of RSS. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork RSS test answers of 2016.

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child element is used to describe the channel?

Answer: • description

Question:* Which of the following is valid categorization of Web Syndication?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Which of the following is not a VALID value of <language> in a RSS document?

Answer: • navajo

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about following RSS document : <item>     <title>Smarterer RSS</title>     <link>http://www.smarterer.com/rss</link>     <description>Smarterer RSS Feed</description>     <pubDate>Thu, 27 Aug 2011</pubDate>   </item>

Answer: • The item was last published on Thu, 27 Aug 2011

Question:* What three elements are required in an RSS file?

Answer: • Title, link, description.

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child element is used to define the last-modified date of the content of the feed?

Answer: • lastBuildDate

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a valid element in a RSS document?

Answer: • <host>

Question:* If you wanted your cache time to be one hour, how would this be denoted?

Answer: • <ttl>60</ttl>

Question:* RSS feed is represented in which of the following formats?

Answer: • XML

Question:* Should the name of your website and RSS file be the same?

Answer: • Yes.

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about RSS?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* When enclosing a url, what format must it be in?

Answer: • http

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about a RSS document?

Answer: • All of the given options are correct

Question:* Which of the following elements is used by RSS aggregators to group feeds ?

Answer: • category

Question:* Which of the following is not a VALID child element of <channel> element in a RSS document?

Answer: • rss

Question:* Which of the following <channel> element is a REQUIRED element?

Answer: • title

Question:* Which of the following is an example of the proper usage of the sub-element, <category>?

Answer: • <category>Pink Floyd</category>

Question:* Which of the following element in RSS documents has the RSS version property?

Answer: • <rss>

Question:* Which of the following represents a list of notification from a website?

Answer: • RSS Feeds

Question:* Which of the following child elements is used to specify a category for a feed?

Answer: • category

Question:* Which of the following is a valid syntax for writing comments in a RSS document?

Answer: • <!-- This is an RSS comment -->

Question:* If you used the element, “managingEditor”, what information would be provided?

Answer: • Email contact for your editorial content manager.

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about the following : <enclosure url="http://www.smarterer.com/rss/rss.mp3" length="7000" type="audio/mpeg" />

Answer: • Length of the media file is 7000 bytes

Question:* “ttl” means “time to live”, or the number of minutes a channel will?

Answer: • Be cached before refreshing.

Question:* What does the “ttl” acronym mean?

Answer: • Time to live.

Question:* What is the <cloud> sub-element responsible for?

Answer: • Specifying a web service that supports the rssCloud interface.

Question:* In your RSS feed, you want to include the last date that the content on the channel changed. What element do you use?

Answer: • lastBuildDate

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child elements is used to specify a text input field that should be displayed with the feed?

Answer: • textInput

Question:* Which of the following automatically access the RSS feeds of websites and organize the results ?

Answer: • RSS aggregators, RSS Channels and RSS Readers

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child element is used to specify the hours where aggregators should skip updating the feed?

Answer: • skipHours

Question:* What does the domain attribute identify?

Answer: • The websites domain, followed by its category.

Question:* Is <image> an optional sub-element of <channel>?

Answer: • Yes.

Question:* PICS is an acronym meaning what?

Answer: • Platform for Internet Content Selection

Question:* Are you limited in the number of category elements you can include in this sub-element?

Answer: • No.

Question:* Which of the following is not a sub-element of the <textInput> sub-element?

Answer: • <time>

Question:* What is RSS a dialect of, and what specifications must it conform to?

Answer: • XML and XML 1.0 specification.

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child elements is used to specify the days where aggregators should skip updating the feed?

Answer: • skipDays

Question:* Which of the following is a root element of a RSS Document?

Answer: • rss

Question:* The type attribute describes what?

Answer: • The MIME type.

Question:* Which of the following is FALSE?

Answer: • RSS is based on a Web Standard

Question:* Which of the following is the correct way to code a string to cite a source?

Answer: • <source url="http://www.tomalak.org/links2.xml">Tomalak's Realm</source>

Question:* What is the objective of web syndication formats such as RSS?

Answer: • The goal is to deliver web feeds that keep other sites informed about website updates.

Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about following RSS document : <item>     <title>Smarterer RSS</title>     <link>http://www.smarterer.com/rss</link>     <description>Smarterer RSS Feed</description>     <lastBuildDate>Thu, 27 Aug 2011</lastBuildDate> </item>

Answer: • The item was last modified on Thu, 27 Aug 2011

Question:* Which of the following is not a VALID child element of <image> element in a RSS document?

Answer: • category

Question:* Which of the following is not a VALID child element of <item> element in a RSS document?

Answer: • channel

Question:* What is a benefit gained by including the <ttl> sub-element?

Answer: • RSS sources can be managed by a file-sharing network.

Question:* RSS is an acronym meaning?

Answer: • Really Simple Syndication

Question:* What are the three required attributes of <category>?

Answer: • url, length, and type.

Question:* If you need to display an image in your feed, what element do you use?

Answer: • image

Question:* What call do you use to register with a cloud to be notified of updates?

Answer: • myCloud.rssPleaseNotify

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child elements is used to define the hyperlink of the channel?

Answer: • link

Question:* The <cloud> element allows processes to register with a cloud to be notified of updates to the channel. This implements what?

Answer: • A lightweight publish-subscribe protocol for RSS feeds.

Question:* The optional sub-element <textInput> requires how many sub-elements?

Answer: • Four

Question:* Which of the following <item> child element is used to define a unique identifier for the item?

Answer: • guid

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child elements defines the number of minutes that indicate how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source?

Answer: • ttl

Question:* What is its one required attribute, url, responsible for?

Answer: • Linking to the XMLization of the source.

Question:* What does the sub-element <guid> mean, and what is its function?

Answer: • Globally unique identifier, and it uniquely identifies the item.

Question:* Which of the following child element allows a media-file to be included with an item?

Answer: • enclosure

Question:* What element would you use to include the item synopsis?

Answer: • description

Question:* A text input box would need what element to show up in your RSS feed?

Answer: • textInput

Question:* Which of the following <item> element is a REQUIRED element?

Answer: • link

Question:* For your aggregator to skip every-other-weekday, and Sunday, what sub-elements must be included under the skipDays element?

Answer: • Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

Question:* Which of the following is not a VALID <enclosure> attribute?

Answer: • description

Question:* If you used the element, “enclosure”, what would you be attaching to the item?

Answer: • A media object.

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child element is used to define the last-publication date of the content of the feed ?

Answer: • pubDate

Question:* Which of the following <item> child element is used to specifies a third-party source for the item?

Answer: • source

Question:* In the following excerpt of a RSS document, what does the value to <ttl> signify : <channel>   <title>Test Home Page</title>   <link>http://www.myrssfeed.com</link>   <description>Sample RSS Feed</description>   <ttl>60</ttl>

Answer: • The feed can stay cached for 60 min before getting refreshed

Question:* What is the purpose of the <source> sub-element?

Answer: • It is citing sources to give credit where it is due.

Question:* What separators are used when coding the string for the sub-element, <category>?

Answer: • Forward-slash.

Question:* Which of the followingis not a VALID child element of <textInput>?

Answer: • text

Question:* Is PICS still current? If not, what has it been replaced with?

Answer: • No. The Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER).

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child element is used to define the e-mail address to the webmaster of the feed?

Answer: • webMaster

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child element is used to define the e-mail address to the editor of the content of the feed?

Answer: • managingEditor

Question:* What element would people use to refer to your services?

Answer: • Title.

Question:* Which of the following is a VALID <guid> element attribute?

Answer: • isPermaLink

Question:* What does <url> link to?

Answer: • An image that represents the channel.

Question:* Which of the following <channel> child element is used to register processes to be notified immediately of updates of the feed?

Answer: • cloud

Question:* How many required and optional sub-elements does <channel> contain?

Answer: • Three.

Question:* If you want to give credit to the program used to build the channel, what element should you use?

Answer: • generator

Question:* What type of script is responsible for processing text input requests?

Answer: • CGI

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