Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Twitter (Development) test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Twitter (Development). All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Twitter (Development) test answers of 2016.

Question:* What does API stand for?

Answer: • Application Programming Interface

Question:* How are rate limits determined on the Streaming API?

Answer: • The public streaming APIs cap the number of messages sent to your client to a small fraction of the total volume of Tweets at any given moment

Question:* When do Twitter's OAuth 1.1A access tokens expire?

Answer: • There is no explicit expiration datetime attached to them.

Question:* True or False? Site Streams does NOT offer the ability to track real-time "searches" on public tweets, mixed in with the "me feed."

Answer: • True

Question:* How do I walk a timeline by date or time?

Answer: • There are no explicit methods to do so. Use since_id and max_id to consume a timeline linearly

Question:* After validating your network and code, what should you do before anything else if you are having connection difficulties?

Answer: • Check Twitter's developer site for useful status information.

Question:* Rate limits are what?

Answer: • A limit on how many requests Twitter's API servers will accept in a given timeframe.

Question:* How should connection errors be handled?

Answer: • Return a descriptive error message to the user

Question:* What does REST stand for?

Answer: • Representational State Transfer

Question:* What is an Embedded Tweet?

Answer: • Device independant HTML with optional JavaScript and web intents

Question:* Which parameter, when set to the string true, will cause periodic messages to be delivered if the client is in danger of being disconnected?

Answer: • stall_warning

Question:* True of False? There is a limit to how many calls and changes you can make in a day.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does GET search/tweets return?

Answer: • Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query

Question:* Which of these is NOT an example of a Twitter card?

Answer: • Game

Question:* Twitter API uses signatures for some forms of authenticated requests. Signatures must maintain compatibility with what ?

Answer: • OAuth API

Question:* What is the purpose of embeddable timelines?

Answer: • Syndicate any public timeline to your website

Question:* Which API allows allows access to the nouns and verbs of Twitter such as reading timelines, tweeting, and following?

Answer: • The REST API

Question:* True of False? Search queries need to be authenticated in version 1.1.

Answer: • True

Question:* True or False? It is a best practice to always store user passwords?

Answer: • False

Question:* Which parameter is a comma-separated list of longitude,latitude pairs specifying a set of bounding boxes to filter Tweets by?

Answer: • locations

Question:* What does the field "created_at" denote, in regards to tweets?

Answer: • The UTC time when a tweet was created

Question:* The Twitter API is not meant for use in mobile/smart phone applications

Answer: • False

Question:* What does Twitter use for character encoding?

Answer: • UTF-8

Question:* True or False? The "page" parameter begins on 1, not 0.

Answer: • True

Question:* What types of character-encoding is accepted by the Twitter API?

Answer: • UTF-8

Question:* What does the field "possibly_sensitive" denote, in regards to tweets?

Answer: • The URL contained in a tweet may contain content identified as sensitive

Question:* Which of these methods could you employ to avoid being rate limited?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Why would you want to connect to the API through SSL?

Answer: • It preserves user privacy by protecting information between the user and the API

Question:* How do I properly navigate a timeline?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* How do you add the "Tweet This" button to your website?

Answer: • Paste the official Twitter generated code snippet into the appropriate section of your website's HTML code

Question:* The Twitter API is entirely based on which protocol?

Answer: • HTTP

Question:* When should you get a user's permission for using tweet content?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What purpose does twitter.com/intent/retweet serve?

Answer: • Allow users to post an existing tweet to their own profile.

Question:* What is CURL frequently used for?

Answer: • Testing web applications and communication with the API

Question:* Which of these are not APIs that Twitter offers?

Answer: • Java API

Question:* How should you Check CRLs and the OCSP status?

Answer: • Ensure that your application or SSL library is configured to force verification

Question:* Twitter servers prefer to respond in JSON format.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does it mean to "tweet" a blog article?

Answer: • A user viewing a blog article clicks on the tweet button. The user must sign in to their Twitter account if they are logged on. Users are then presented with options to share the URL with their follows.

Question:* What action can help avoid rate limits?

Answer: • Place the API result in a cache.

Question:* In what format does the API return error messages?

Answer: • JSON and XML

Question:* An entity result has the following value for the "hashtag" property: "hashtags":[{"indices":[32,36],"text":"lol"}] What does this value mean?

Answer: • The user commented in the lol topic stream. The parser found #lol between the 32nd and 36th characters in the user's tweet.

Question:* If you want to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content, which Twitter Platform tool do you use?

Answer: • Twitter Cards

Question:* What are Twitter Cards

Answer: • They make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content.

Question:* When storing a numeric Twitter user id in an 3rd party database, what type should the value be?

Answer: • 64 bit integer

Question:* What are endpoints ?

Answer: • Structured URLs to Twitter API web services

Question:* Twitter was originally developed using what programming framework?

Answer: • Ruby on Rails

Question:* How can you prevent SQL injection attacks?

Answer: • Using parametrized input to create statements

Question:* What does the REST API enable?

Answer: • Enables developers to access some of the core primitives of Twitter including timelines, status updates, and user information

Question:* When consuming the API using JSON, it is important to always use which field instead of "id?"

Answer: • id_str

Question:* True or False? the API only allows for one, Twitter approved, Tweet Button design.

Answer: • False

Question:* What does in_reply_to_status_id_str do?

Answer: • If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the string representation of the original Tweet's ID.

Question:* Authenticating using signatures means using what kind of encryption?

Answer: • HMAC-SHA1

Question:* What purpose does twitter.com/intent/favorite serve?

Answer: • Updates the user's profile, allowing them to track a tweet as one of their favorites.

Question:* When are links wrapped with t.co?

Answer: • Links will be wrapped when Twitter receives a tweet using POST statuses/update or a direct message using POST direct_messages/new.

Question:* How can a developer solve the redundant API call problem when fetching Tweets in a timeline?

Answer: • Use the max_id parameter

Question:* Non-space separated languages, such as CJK and Arabic, are supported by the Streaming API

Answer: • False

Question:* Do web intents require JavaScript?

Answer: • No, but JavaScript enhances their delivery

Question:* Which of these is not one of the principles enforced by Twitter's rules which developers must follow?

Answer: • Don't use the Twitter API for commercial applications.

Question:* What is the Twitter supplied cipher default?

Answer: • RC4

Question:* What is a Player Card?

Answer: • A tweet with embedded media such as video or audio.

Question:* What is the Search API limit?

Answer: • 180 queries per 15 minute window

Question:* Which of these are NOT supported Web Intent languages?

Answer: • Russian

Question:* When reconnecting to a streaming endpoint, elevated access clients may include the _______ parameter to attempt to backfill missed messages which occurred during the disconnect period.

Answer: • count

Question:* Using asynchronous JavaScript is an advantage in which situation?

Answer: • Display elements require what the user sees to be delivered before starting any process.

Question:* What must occur for every occurance of a Twitter stream?

Answer: • Connection to twitter is opened, begin listening to stream.

Question:* Which of these parts make up the Twitter API?

Answer: • Two REST APIs and a Streaming API

Question:* What is Snowflake?

Answer: • A service Twitter uses to generate unique Tweet IDs

Question:* Using synchronous JavaScript is an advantage in which situation?

Answer: • A display element containing data from the Twitter API is featured in the users view.

Question:* What does PHP use for SSL communication?

Answer: • Libcurl

Question:* Why wont results containing the withheld_copyright property set to true deliver the contents of any tweet?

Answer: • There has been a DCMA request against the content.

Question:* Which of these is not part of the REST API?

Answer: • POST update/account

Question:* How do you count favorites?

Answer: • Favorite counts aren't available throughout the API at this time

Question:* Which parameter controls the types of messages delivered to User and Site Streams client

Answer: • with

Question:* What is the query parameter for the share tweet url that, if set to true, will prevent twitter from returning tailored content to your users?

Answer: • dnt

Question:* Opening more than one connection to a public endpoint will cause what to happen?

Answer: • Previous connections are closed.

Question:* What does in_reply_to_user_id_str do?

Answer: • If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the string representation of the original Tweet's author ID

Question:* What is cursoring?

Answer: • Reading a timeline relative to the IDs of Tweets it has already processed

Question:* What is the string "source"?

Answer: • Utility used to post the Tweet, as an HTML-formatted string

Question:* Whic parameter is a comma-separated list of user IDs, indicating the users whose Tweets should be delivered on the stream?

Answer: • follow

Question:* Where does streaming occur?

Answer: • Between your HTTP server and Twitter's API servers

Question:* How do you get Whitelisted?

Answer: • REST & Search API Whitelisting is not provided

Question:* What will the follow parameter NOT return

Answer: • Tweets mentioning the user (e.g. “Hello @twitterapi!”).

Question:* Which of these are -not- properties the tweet box may access?

Answer: • votes

Question:* Twitter Platform objects include

Answer: • Tweets, Users, Entities, Places

Question:* The Twitter API v 1.1 requires all applications to authenticate all of their requests with OAuth 1.0a

Answer: • False

Question:* When a user authenticates, which logic applies?

Answer: • You must display the user's avatar, user name, and the designated Twitter icon

Question:* If the "suppress_response_code" parameter is present, how will all responses be returned?

Answer: • With a 200 OK status code

Question:* What standards does the Twitter API 1.1 support?

Answer: • JSON

Question:* To ensure a website is accompanied by a Twitter Card when tweeted, developers must what?

Answer: • Include and validate page-level metadata.

Question:* How long are t.co links?

Answer: • HTTP-based t.co links are 20 chars long

Question:* What are public streams?

Answer: • Suitable for following specific users or topics, and data mining.

Question:* When should HTML be filtered out?

Answer: • When it isn't needed for some user-facing form

Question:* Which parameter is a comma-separated list of phrases which will be used to determine what Tweets will be delivered on the stream?

Answer: • track

Question:* Which of the following are NOT Streaming API request parameters?

Answer: • filter_tweets

Question:* What does the current_user_retweet object do?

Answer: • Details the Tweet ID of the user's own retweet (if existent) of this Tweet.

Question:* True or False? Embedded objects are stale and inaccurate.

Answer: • True

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