Thursday, December 24, 2015

Typography test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Typography of Upwork. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Typography test answers of 2016.

Question:* Which of these programs are you able to design typefaces in?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which one of these describes a 'river'?

Answer: • When gaps between words on successive lines form a long vertical empty space

Question:* To typeset a range of numbers (i.e. 15–25) a typographer should use:

Answer: • An en dash

Question:* Which font does not belong?

Answer: • Arial

Question:* x-height is best described as...

Answer: • The distance between the baseline and the median.

Question:* The typeface Rockwell is primarily used as (a)...

Answer: • display font

Question:* The combining of two glyphs into one such as ff or fi is called a(n):

Answer: • Ligature

Question:* These are all variations of what: Plain, bold, italic, underline, outline, and shadow?

Answer: • typestyle

Question:* What is a typeface "family"?

Answer: • multiple styles and weights of the same typeface

Question:* Modern movable type, along with the mechanical printing press, was invented in mid-15th century Europe by

Answer: • Johannes Gutenberg

Question:* Which of the following is a sans-serif typeface?

Answer: • Helvetica

Question:* Which option below is a standard serif typeface pre-installed on most operating systems?

Answer: • Times New Roman

Question:* What is a baseline?

Answer: • The imaginary line upon which text rests.

Question:* Pertaining to type design – what is a serif?

Answer: • A slight protrusion that finishes the stroke of a letter

Question:* "&" What is this symbol called?

Answer: • ampersand

Question:* Which pair of words differentiates between fonts with or without the small finishing strokes on the ends of a character?

Answer: • Serif and Sans-Serif

Question:* What is microtypography?

Answer: • Detailed aspects of type and spacing

Question:* What does the term descender refer to?

Answer: • The portion of a letter that extends below the baseline of a font.

Question:* A text alignment that fills the space between margins leaving a neat straight edged block of text but can leave extra space between words that become "rivers" of white space running through the paragraph. The text alignment is

Answer: • Justified text

Question:* What is the correct name for the following glyph: *

Answer: • asterisk

Question:* Where should hyphens (-) be used?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* What size font is generally used in paragraphs of body copy?

Answer: • 8- to 12-point

Question:* What does sans serif mean?

Answer: • a font without semi-structural details at the end of strokes

Question:* Does a descender fall below the base line?

Answer: • Yes

Question:* What does the weight of a font refer to?

Answer: • The thickness of the character outlines relative to their height

Question:* Strikeout means

Answer: • the type has a line running through it

Question:* The top point of a capital A is called:

Answer: • Apex

Question:* What is leading?

Answer: • Space between lines of text (Baseline to Baseline)

Question:* Which of these is not a type adjustment?

Answer: • option

Question:* The hump of an n is called a...

Answer: • shoulder

Question:* Which is not a sans serif font?

Answer: • Times New Roman

Question:* Is there a difference between Arial and Helvetica?

Answer: • Many differences exist in the tails, spurs, and angle of endcaps.

Question:* What do ligatures do?

Answer: • Combine two or more characters into a single glyph

Question:* Digital type is generally created as what kind of file type?

Answer: • Vector glyphs

Question:* How do you refer to the strokes of lowercase letters that rise above the rest of the letter?

Answer: • Ascenders

Question:* What does DPI stand for?

Answer: • Dots per inch

Question:* This symbol has the general meaning of "commercial at" or "at the rate of." Which symbol holds these titles?

Answer: • @

Question:* How do you refer to the strokes of lowercase letter that extend below the rest of the letter?

Answer: • Descenders

Question:* What is a double-story "g"?

Answer: • One where extended tail forms a closed bowl or loop.

Question:* Experimental typography is defined as:

Answer: • The unconventional and more artistic approach to setting type

Question:* Placing glyphs closer or farther to each other manually for every glyph is called:

Answer: • kerning

Question:* A hyphen would be used for:

Answer: • A break in a word

Question:* What is the common term for letterforms that are connected?

Answer: • ligature

Question:* Uneven Rag can affect the overall _____ of a text block.

Answer: • Readability

Question:* What is the horizontal line in a lowercase f and t called?

Answer: • Crossbar

Question:* Kerning is the spacing between letters; whereas leading is the spacing between...

Answer: • lines of text

Question:* Which font would be considered a Sans Serif font?

Answer: • Futura

Question:* Which parts of letters reach below the baseline?

Answer: • Descenders, loops and tails.

Question:* Which of these is an example of a slab serif typeface?

Answer: • Rockwell

Question:* Which of the following is a slab serif?

Answer: • Rockwell

Question:* Which of these well-recognized and often utilized typefaces was the basis for a documentary in 2007?

Answer: • Helvetica

Question:* What is the name for the middle portion of the letter "S"?

Answer: • Spine

Question:* How many spaces should come after a period, between sentences when using Mac & Windows fonts?

Answer: • 1

Question:* What is the correct name for the glyph "^"?

Answer: • Caret

Question:* What is a common ligature?

Answer: • ff

Question:* Type Design is...

Answer: • the practice of creating typefaces.

Question:* Legibility refers to....

Answer: • the degree to which text is readable

Question:* What is the general term used to describe a company that specializes in designing and/or distributing typefaces?

Answer: • A type foundry

Question:* The longest of the dashes is the:

Answer: • em dash

Question:* The imaginary line upon which the base of each capital letter rests is called the:

Answer: • Baseline

Question:* Which of the following is a Slab Serif typeface?

Answer: • Rockwell

Question:* Where should em dashes (—) be used?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* It is acceptable typographic practice to use two hyphens in place of an em dash.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which letter is considered to have an 'ascender'?

Answer: • k

Question:* Where should en dashes (–) be used?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* In typography, the x-height is

Answer: • the distance between the baseline and the mean line in a typeface

Question:* How do you refer to the height of capital letters in a typeface?

Answer: • Cap height

Question:* What is the invisible line called that defines the height of the lower case letters?

Answer: • X-height

Question:* What is the space between two baselines called?

Answer: • leading

Question:* Pertaining to type design – x-height – is the distance between...

Answer: • ... the baseline and the mean line

Question:* A set of two commonly kerned letters are called?

Answer: • Kerning Pairs

Question:* True or False: Lowercase type is easier to read than uppercase.

Answer: • True.

Question:* An ascender in typography is....

Answer: • is the portion of a letter in a Latin based alphabet that extends above the mean line of a font

Question:* A glyph consisting of 3 periods is called a(n)...

Answer: • ellipsis

Question:* What is the difference between kerning and tracking?

Answer: • Kerning is the adjustment of space between individual characters, while tracking is universal adjustment of letter spacing applied to groups of letters and blocks of text.

Question:* Which of these is NOT an example of a Sans-Serif typeface?

Answer: • Bodoni

Question:* Which of the following is monospaced?

Answer: • Courier

Question:* For a break in thought (i.e. a strong break in a sentence) a typographer should use:

Answer: • An em dash

Question:* Garamond is considered what kind of typeface?

Answer: • Old Style

Question:* What do the names Renner, Gill, Bodoni, and Miedinger have in common?

Answer: • They are the last names of famous Type designers.

Question:* In typography, a counter is:

Answer: • the area of typeface anatomy that is entirely or partially enclosed by a letter form or a symbol

Question:* The end of a non serifed stroke is referred to as the:

Answer: • Terminal

Question:* Swash refers to what?

Answer: • Characters with typographic flourishes.

Question:* What is the difference between kerning and tracking?

Answer: • Kerning is adjusted between two glyphs; tracking is set across a span of type.

Question:* Which of these utilizes numerals set in varying heights

Answer: • Old Style Figures

Question:* Which dash should be used to specify a range (eg: 1985-1993)

Answer: • en dash

Question:* What is the horizontal line in the capital alphabet "H" called?

Answer: • Crossbar

Question:* What is the term for the line between the weighted diagonal (stem) and diagonal hairline in an capital A?

Answer: • Crossbar

Question:* How many points in a pica?

Answer: • 12

Question:* In general type design practice, what is the difference between a counter and an aperture?

Answer: • Counters are enclosed negative space, apertures are partially opened negative space

Question:* What are widows?

Answer: • Single words alone on a line or a new page

Question:* "Letter press" is...

Answer: • relief printing of text

Question:* The numbers in a typeface with ascenders and decsenders are called:

Answer: • Old-style

Question:* What is the space inside a capital D, R, B, and P called

Answer: • Counter

Question:* TrueType is used in...

Answer: • Windows and Macintosh operating systems

Question:* True or False: In typography, hyphens are technically known as en dashes.

Answer: • False. Hyphens and en dashes are different characters with different functions.

Question:* Which font is all caps, and does not contain any lowercase characters?

Answer: • Trajan

Question:* What is the difference between "italic" and "oblique" font types?

Answer: • Italic is a redesigned version of the original font, oblique merely slants the font to the right.

Question:* True or False: It is safe to assume font files purchased through a reputable foundry are legal to embed online.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is a bowl?

Answer: • The round, inside part of letters like b, d, o, etc.

Question:* How is leading measured, from one word to the word directly below it?

Answer: • From baseline to baseline

Question:* The tail of an serifed "a" is known as the...

Answer: • spur

Question:* The rounded part of a capital B is called a...

Answer: • bowl

Question:* Numbers with descenders are called:

Answer: • Non-lining numbers

Question:* Which of the following is a transitional serif typeface:

Answer: • Baskerville

Question:* What is the name of the small outward facing protrusion sometimes found on the lowercase "g"?

Answer: • Ear

Question:* "Set solid" refers to _______.

Answer: • type set without added leading

Question:* What is the term for the vertical length of a capital L?

Answer: • Stem

Question:* True or False: The human eye is incapable of perceiving jagged edges from pixels composing type on a 96 DPI display.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is a colophon?

Answer: • A brief description of typeface and production notes of a printed work.

Question:* Which is the earliest letter in the alphabet which, in its lowercase form, features an ascender?

Answer: • B

Question:* Transitional fonts have...

Answer: • serifs and moderate contrast between thick and thin in the letterform.

Question:* Hanging punctuation is used to:

Answer: • Improve the optical alignment of a text block

Question:* The typeface Helvetica was designed in the 1950’s to compete with which of the following?

Answer: • Akzidenz-Grotesk

Question:* Which of the following is an old style typeface?

Answer: • Garamond

Question:* What is the correct term when curved letter parts extend slightly over the base line or x-height?

Answer: • over shoot

Question:* The most precise classification of Helvetica, a typeface characterized by neutral forms with minimal stroke contrast, is _______.

Answer: • Neo-grotesque Sans-serif

Question:* Does "Gothic" refer to a sans serif font or serif font?

Answer: • sans serif

Question:* Which of the following is a modern serif typeface?

Answer: • Bodoni

Question:* What category of typeface has an extreme contrast in stroke?

Answer: • Modern

Question:* What is the relationship between curved strokes and straight vertical strokes?

Answer: • Curved strokes are typically thicker than straight strokes

Question:* What does hinting refer to?

Answer: • Applying mathematical guidelines to adjust how fonts are displayed for screen

Question:* What is the name of the portion of the letter "N" that connects the two vertical strokes?

Answer: • Diagonal stroke

Question:* What are majuscules?

Answer: • Uppercase characters.

Question:* What is the name of the portion of the lowercase "g" that connects the loop with the rest of the letter's body?

Answer: • Link

Question:* Who is the author of "The Elements of Typographic Style"?

Answer: • Robert Bringhurst

Question:* Which of these is not a real typographic mark?

Answer: • Stream

Question:* Tahoma, Arial, and Geneva are all examples of what?

Answer: • Both

Question:* The ampersand is derived from a merging of these characters:

Answer: • et

Question:* Times New Roman and and Baskerville are classified as:

Answer: • Transitional

Question:* An 'Em' dash can used for for all of the following except.

Answer: • Ranges of values

Question:* The typeface Clarendon is associated with which font family?

Answer: • Slab Serifs

Question:* Which of the following is an octothorpe?

Answer: • #

Question:* What is the correct name for the glyph "¶"?

Answer: • pilcrow

Question:* Who invented italic type?

Answer: • Aldus Manutius

Question:* In typography, what refers to the overall density of a text?

Answer: • Color

Question:* What kind of an aperture do humanistic typefaces usually have?

Answer: • Opened

Question:* The OpenType format was developed by...

Answer: • Adobe and Microsoft

Question:* What is "รง" called in English?

Answer: • c-cedilla

Question:* Which character is used in writing dates, to indicate line breaks in poems, and as a general mark of separation?

Answer: • Virgule

Question:* What is the alternative name given to the pound sign (#)?

Answer: • octothorpe

Question:* What are Orphans?

Answer: • Paragraph-opening copy alone at the end of a page or column.

Question:* STD in Helvetica Neue STD LT is an abbreviation for

Answer: • Standard Opentype

Question:* An uppercase O is usually __________.

Answer: • slightly heavier at the bottom

Question:* What is the correct name for the glyph "†"?

Answer: • dagger

Question:* What weight classification of font would be the heaviest.

Answer: • Nord

Question:* Commas, colons and em dash are all examples of...

Answer: • diacritic marks

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