Monday, December 14, 2015

Windows Azure (Developer) test answers of 2016.

In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Windows Azure (Developer). All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Windows Azure (Developer) test answers of 2016.

Windows Azure (Developer) test answers of 2016.

Question:* Which of the following is not a Windows Azure service?

Answer: • Sockets

Question:* Which size is not a SQL Azure Business Edition size?

Answer: • 5 GB

Question:* Which principal is Windows Azure NOT built on?

Answer: • Caas

Question:* In order to secure the AppFabric cache by ACS what object Type must be passed to a DataCacheSecurity instance?

Answer: • System.Security.SecureString

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a feature of Windows Azure Storage?

Answer: • Microsoft SkyDrive

Question:* What operating system does Windows Azure run on?

Answer: • Windows Server 2008 R2

Question:* How would you look at messages on a queue called "myqueue" in a Storage Account called "mystorage" without popping it using the REST API?

Answer: •

Question:* How do you get a reference to an Azure Storage Queue called "myqueue" where the CloudQueueClient variable is named "client"?

Answer: • CloudQueue queue = client.GetCloudQueueReference("myqueue");

Question:* What security level does the Service Bus need to function in a host?

Answer: • Full Trust Code Access Security

Question:* How does Azure Traffic Manager differ from the Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

Answer: • CDN works on static content whereas Traffic Manager on everything else such as Role Based Load Balancing

Question:* Which language does Windows Azure NOT support?

Answer: • Ruby

Question:* If you have a handle to a CloudBlob called "myblob" and you've uploaded a photo byte array to the Blob Container how would add a description to the Blob?

Answer: • blob.Metadata["Description"] = description; blob.SetMetadata();

Question:* What is the main purpose of Azure Storage Queues?

Answer: • To allow messages to pass between web roles and worker roles

Question:* What is the name of the class which provides client access to a volatile, small short-lived peekable cache?

Answer: • MessageBufferClient

Question:* What is the maximum size for a Page Blob?

Answer: • 1 TB

Question:* Where can you read Azure Diagnostic information from?

Answer: • Blob and Table Storage

Question:* Which additional default property does the Table object inherit and what Type is it?

Answer: • TimeStamp and DateTime

Question:* If you have a Storage Account called "mystorageaccount" what is the full URI you would use to access a Queue?

Answer: •

Question:* What binding would you use for guaranteed delivery of messages with the Service Bus and what is the protocol that underpins it?

Answer: • NetTcpRelayBinding and WS-ReliableMessaging

Question:* What provider would you use to connect to a Sql Azure database?

Answer: • System.Data.SqlClient

Question:* Which is the following can not be done using the Service Management API?

Answer: • Deployment of a management certificate

Question:* By default which trust level does Azure run in?

Answer: • Full trust

Question:* In a SQL Azure sharded application what is Horizontal Scaling?

Answer: • the segregation of rows across physical databases

Question:* What section is added to the web.config of a web application when the STS Wizard runs successfully?

Answer: • microsoft.identityModel

Question:* What is the maximum number of blocks you can have in Block Blob?

Answer: • 50,000

Question:* What mechanism would you use to authenticate to a Service Management request?

Answer: • X509 Certificate

Question:* What is the default scheduling algorithm to load balance Windows Azure roles?

Answer: • Round Robin

Question:* What do you need to add to each SQL Azure table?

Answer: • Clustered Index

Question:* What are the names of the two configuration that need to be deployed to the Windws Azure environment?

Answer: • ServiceDefinition.csdef, ServiceConfiguration.cscfg

Question:* What three attributes do you need to access an Azure Storage Queue?

Answer: • URI Address, AccountName, AccountKey

Question:* What is the name of the binding used to build a layer that the Service Bus can use to "tunnel" through a firewall?

Answer: • NetTcpRelayBinding

Question:* What is the constraint for performing batch operations on a Table?

Answer: • Each row that is being updated must have the same PartitionKey

Question:* What is the name of Microsoft's identity software used to authenticate claims similar to ACS (but not rule map them)?

Answer: • Windows Identity Foundation

Question:* If you configure a Web Role to use a LocalStorage with a name of StorageDisk, how do you access this storage in code?

Answer: • LocalResource storage = RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource("StorageDisk")

Question:* If you were to write a LINQ query to get all of the rows in particular table with the "KeyHolder" property beginning with "J" what would be the correct approach?

Answer: • where row.KeyHolder.CompareTo("J") >= 0 && row.KeyHolder.CompareTo("K") < 0

Question:* Which of the following Identity Providers does ACS NOT support?

Answer: • Twitter

Question:* Name the communication protocol that underlies Windows Azure Connect.

Answer: • SSTP

Question:* What PowerShell CmdLet would you use to list all Azure hosted services?

Answer: • Get-HostedServices

Question:* What HTTP header should you add to a service management request?

Answer: • x-ms-version

Question:* What form of API would you use to manage Windows Azure?

Answer: • REST

Question:* In a service definition file A Windows Azure Diagnostics Connection string is set using which class?

Answer: • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString

Question:* Which of the following activities does SQL Azure support?

Answer: • Create a temporary table

Question:* How long are the Windows Azure Event Logs retained for by default?

Answer: • 1 month

Question:* What is the name of the addressing mechanism used to find services on the Service Bus?

Answer: • ServiceRegistry

Question:* Which step would you not use for the deployment of a Cloud Project through Visual Studio 2010?

Answer: • Enter the X509 Certificate Thumbprint

Question:* Which of the following is not a function of a Blob Snapshot?

Answer: • To update a Blob as the original is updated

Question:* If Microsoft manages certain things under Platform as a Service, which of the following do you manage?

Answer: • Data

Question:* Which of the following sizes is NOT an option for an AppFabric Cache?

Answer: • 64 MB

Question:* Which of the following Diagnostic Data Sources is not collected by default for a Web Role?

Answer: • Failed Request Log

Question:* Which type of class is used to create a Service Bus host using which type of Microsoft technology?

Answer: • ServiceHost and WCF

Question:* Which object would you use prior to referencing the default AppFabric Cache?

Answer: • DataCacheFactory

Question:* How would you define (through attribute decoration) an REST-based HTTP GET operation to a WCF Service Method within the Service Bus?

Answer: • [OperationContract, WebGet]

Question:* In order to use the STS Wizard in VS.NET 2010 what protocol should be referenced containing the bindings for the Relying Party?

Answer: • WS-Federation Metadata

Question:* Which is the following is NOT an Azure Role?

Answer: • Service Role

Question:* What class can be used through the Service to execute the Publish/Subscribe Multicast pattern?

Answer: • NetEventRelayBinding

Question:* What of the following is NOT an advantage of an affinity group?

Answer: • They allow greater resilience such that if a Role goes down another running copy is readily available from the affinity group

Question:* Which attack is inherently not proteced against within Windows Azure?

Answer: • XSS

Question:* How can you add a Diagnostic Monitor in code?

Answer: • System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Add(new Micrsoft.Windows.Azure.Diagnostics.DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener());

Question:* If you create a management certificate for a Visual Studio-based role using makecert -r -pe -a sha1 -n CN=Manager -ss My "Manager.cer" what does the -pe flag mean and which local store is the certificate deployed to?

Answer: • Private key exportable and personal store

Question:* How can you check whether the executing Role is running within the Fabric environment?

Answer: • RoleEnvironment.Available == true

Question:* What additional steps would you need to do to enable Windows Azure Connect on an internal network?

Answer: • Enable ICMPv6

Question:* What is the name of the Token that is generated and supplied through the Windows Azure Management Portal to enable Connect between a role and an internal machine?

Answer: • ActivationToken

Question:* Which statement about a Worker Role is incorrect?

Answer: • Hosted in IIS

Question:* Which API is not supported by AppFabric Caching?

Answer: • REST

Question:* How does Azure isolate user accounts?

Answer: • Hypervisor

Question:* What does a Lease operation do to a Blob?

Answer: • Prevents write operations on the Blob for one minute

Question:* Which command would you use when using the bcp utility to export data?

Answer: • queryout

Question:* Which two properties will form the Primary Key of the Table?

Answer: • RowKey and PartitionKey

Question:* What is the default number of default Fault domains supported for a Windows Azure Role?

Answer: • 2

Question:* In SQL Azure which is the following features are supported?

Answer: • Use Defined Functions

Question:* If you have a cloud application called with a subscription ID of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 what is the base URI for the service management request?

Answer: •

Question:* Which of the following is NOT true for DNS lookups against Windows Azure Applications?

Answer: • Full support for A records

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a Windows Azure VM Role attribute?

Answer: • Fully persisted state

Question:* What type of Web Roles does the Visual Studio 2010 Wizard support out of the box?

Answer: • ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC2

Question:* Which of the following is not a built-in capability or benefit of Windows Azure Storage?

Answer: • Encrypted data at rest

Question:* What is a relying party?

Answer: • The website that is using the ACS for logging in

Question:* Which providers can you currently use for the AppFabric Cache?

Answer: • Page Output and Session State

Question:* How can you migrate SQL from a SQL Server CREATE DATABASE script to be compliant for SQL Azure?

Answer: • Use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard

Question:* What protocols does the Odata (Open Data Protocol) not encompass?

Answer: • TDS

Question:* How would you create a new SQL Azure database called "BidCenter" using the sqlcommand utility?

Answer: • sqlcommand -U username -P password -S -d master CREATE DATABASE BidCenter

Question:* Which model does the AppFabric Cache use?

Answer: • Provider

Question:* When you use the UseDevelopmentStorage=true configuration what port endpoint does the Blob Storage service run on locally?

Answer: • 10000

Question:* You cannot connect a Web Role to an on-site Azure Connect Client and the Diagnostic tool says it is a Policy Check failure. What is the most likely fix for this?

Answer: • There is no active internet connection. Check the internet connection and run the diagnostics utility again.

Question:* If you create a Table object which class will you inherit from?

Answer: • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.TableServiceEntity

Question:* Which of the following is the code block that successfully gets a reference to the Diagnostic Monitor?

Answer: • var config = DiagnosticMonitor.GetDefaultInitialConfiguration();

Question:* What class should be used to encapsulate authentication to ACS programmatically?

Answer: • System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2

Question:* In order to register a COM component on role startup you would need to elevate privileges. Which of the following is not a correct taskType for a startup task.

Answer: • Queued

Question:* What is the name of the service that manages Azure instances?

Answer: • Fabric controller

Question:* A Windows Azure Web Role should inherit from the following class.

Answer: • RoleEntryPoint

Question:* How many extra compute instances by default are redundant to ensure a seamless uptime?

Answer: • 1

Question:* Select the correct order of method execution for an Azure Role lifecycle.

Answer: • OnStart, Run, OnStop

Question:* Which of the following security items is NOT provided for the Compute Process?

Answer: • Intrusion Detection System

Question:* Which Token Format is NOT supported by ACS?

Answer: • Saml 1.2

Question:* What is the default number of default Upgrade domains supported for a Windows Azure Role?

Answer: • 5

Question:* Which two Modules would you need to import to enable Remote Desktop in Configuration?

Answer: • RemoteAccess, RemoteForwarder

Question:* When you build a dynamic roles database, how do you use input claims and output claims?

Answer: • Test for a specific input claim value and pass back an output claim with a specific role name

Question:* Which of the following web.config for the Session State provider would allow you to add Caching?

Answer: • Microsoft.Web.DistributedCache.DistributedCacheSessionStateStoreProvider

Question:* Which of the following is NOT required for a Windows Azure Role to join a domain through Connect?

Answer: • Must supply the Primary Domain Controller Machine Key

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