Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Microsoft SQL Server test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Microsoft SQL Server. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Microsoft SQL Server test answers of 2016.

Question:* Which of the following aggregate functions are supported by the Transact-SQL language?

Answer: • All of these are supported

Question:* In which context is the ROW_NUMBER() function valid?

Answer: • select ... ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by [group_val] order by [id]) as [row] ...;

Question:* Which of the following storage options can be used to store LOBs and save storage?

Answer: • Both FILESTREAM and Sparse columns

Question:* Which of the following relationships requires a reference table?

Answer: • Many to many

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid string constant or hexadecimal constant?

Answer: • 'New York"

Question:* What is the name of the database that gets created in SQL Server 2012 when you create an "Integration Services Catalog"?

Answer: • SSISDB

Question:* Which statement is allowed inside of a User Defined Function?

Answer: • DECLARE

Question:* Which of the following is NOT an aggregate function in SQL Server?

Answer: • RANK

Question:* Which Transact-SQL statement should you include at the beginning of a stored procedure to ensure that if the stored procedure raises a run-time error, the entire transaction is terminated and rolled back?


Question:* What does DBCC stand for?

Answer: • Database Consistency Commands

Question:* True or False? Every row in a FileTable represents a file or a directory.

Answer: • True

Question:* To Improve stored procedure performance,which statement below is used to write beginning of SP?


Question:* What is the name of the service that provides ETL capabilities for SQL Server for data import, data integration and data warehousing needs?

Answer: • SSIS

Question:* Which transaction isolation level allows dirty reads?


Question:* Which sql function finds the length of a string field?

Answer: • LEN

Question:* When creating indexes in SQL, what two main factors must be considered?

Answer: • Performance versus disk space

Question:* What is the default isolation level in SQL Server?

Answer: • Read Commited

Question:* What is the "WITH RECOMPILE" statement used for?

Answer: • Causes SQL Server to rebuild the query plan for a stored procedure on every call

Question:* Microsoft SQL Server 2012 includes TRY_CAST() Function, what is the advantage of using this function

Answer: • When casting to desired data type failed it will result NULL

Question:* What is a "CROSS APPLY" used for?

Answer: • Performing joins between calculated sets

Question:* Consider the following queries: A: select * from [tbl1] union select * from [tbl2]; B: select * from [tbl1] union all select * from [tbl2]; What is the difference between these two queries?

Answer: • Query A will return both result sets with duplicates removed; Query B will return both full result sets.

Question:* Which of the following statements will remove a UDF?


Question:* You can create index on views.

Answer: • True

Question:* When you are dealing with lots of NULL Values in columns,which datatype is better?

Answer: • Variable Length

Question:* Which of the following allows you to modify (update or delete) all values of the parent table?

Answer: • CASCADE

Question:* Which of the following are not default database schemas?

Answer: • pte

Question:* Which of the following is a benefit of SQL Server replication?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* a FOREIGN KEY constraint can reference a UNIQUE constraint

Answer: • True

Question:* Which of the following SQL Server 2012 date functions return a value of date and/or time data type from the given parts?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* The ________ data type can be used to store values of different data types at the same time, including numeric values, strings, and date values.


Question:* What is the basic difference between varchar and nvarchar?

Answer: • nvarchar supports unicode data.

Question:* Differential backups do what?

Answer: • Copy only the information that has changed since the last full backup

Question:* What is order of precedence of order by group by?

Answer: • group by then order by

Question:* True or false: A stored procedure can recursively call itself.

Answer: • True

Question:* What are the 3 Transact-SQL statements that are related to authorization?

Answer: • GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE

Question:* To run Schedule Job in SQL Server, which services used?

Answer: • SQL Server Agent Service

Question:* Data Transformation Services do what?

Answer: • They provide an extremely flexible method for importing and exporting data between a Microsoft SQL Server and other formats

Question:* What clause allows you to filter the result of a column that has been aggregated?

Answer: • HAVING

Question:* True or False? A table can have more than one primary key.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is the role of a processadmin user?

Answer: • Manages processes running in an instance of SQL Server

Question:* In regard to SQL Server Mirroring - A server instance can be a partner in some sessions and a witness in other sessions.

Answer: • True

Question:* What does the "IN" clause do?

Answer: • Compares a specified value against a list of values and is true if a match is found

Question:* What does the Query Analyzer, or SQL Server Management Studio, tool do?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* In this statement, "SELECT * FROM employees e JOIN timesheets t ON t.employeeid = e.employeeid ", the JOIN term is the same as:

Answer: • INNER JOIN

Question:* Which of the following acts as the Database Engine's security system?

Answer: • Both Windows security and SQL Server security

Question:* Which is the slowest?

Answer: • TABLE scan

Question:* What is CTE

Answer: • Common Table Expresssion

Question:* To find all employees whose name ends with 'ith' complete this sql statement: "SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name " ...

Answer: • LIKE "%ith"

Question:* A sysadmin user is allowed to perform what actions?

Answer: • Any action in SQL server

Question:* What is a cursor in SQL Server?

Answer: • A special T-SQL construct used to iterate through the individual records returned by a query

Question:* Which clause would you use to perform conditional filtering on aggregate data in a query that uses "GROUP BY"?

Answer: • HAVING

Question:* What does "UDF" stand for?

Answer: • User Defined Function

Question:* Which of the following statements are related to transactions?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* "Primary Key" can only be created on a column that doesn't accept NULL

Answer: • True

Question:* Which statement adds a row to a table?


Question:* Which of the following indices does NOT change the physical order of the rows in the table?

Answer: • Nonclustered Indices

Question:* What is the default port of Microsoft SQL Server (for TCP)?

Answer: • 1433

Question:* What is the correct syntax for a CTE?

Answer: • with myCTE ([column]) as (select ...) select [column] from myCTE;

Question:* A sysadmin password requires at least 8 characters and which of the following character types?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* Which of the following best describes the flow for the execution of a CLR stored procedure?

Answer: • Source code > Object code > Executable code > Procedure as database object

Question:* True or False? The EXEC keyword and the EXEC() function are equivalent to each other.

Answer: • False

Question:* Given a table with the following schema: create table table1 (field1 int) The table contains 1000 records. What would the following sql statement result in: update top (100) table1 set field1 = 1

Answer: • Update the field1 column to the value 1 in only 100 records in the table

Question:* "SELECT UNIQUE city FROM customers" will return what data set?

Answer: • An error.

Question:* Which of the following statements prevents users from preforming actions?

Answer: • DENY

Question:* A relationship that identifies that a column contains primary key values from another table is referred as what?

Answer: • Foreign key

Question:* Which of the following stores FileStream data?

Answer: • FileTable

Question:* The system database that holds information on SQL Server Agent Jobs is?

Answer: • msdb

Question:* True or False? You cannot execute dynamic SQL code from a function.

Answer: • True

Question:* "Unique Constraint" can be created on a column that accepts NULL

Answer: • True

Question:* You are querying a table that contains a field with the data type XML and need only rows that have a particular value in the XML data. Which of the following would not result in an error

Answer: • SELECT * FROM #table1 WHERE xml_field1.value('(/PageContent/Text)[1]', 'varchar(100)') LIKE '%smith%'

Question:* All Database Backup/Restore Related information stored in which system database?

Answer: • MSDB

Question:* Which of the following SQL Server built-in functions is nondeterministic?

Answer: • GETDATE()

Question:* Which of the following is used to change tracking?

Answer: • Use triggers or use change data capture (CDC)

Question:* A ________ is an alphanumerical, hexadecimal, or numberic constant.

Answer: • literal value

Question:* Which of the following statements removes one or more previously granted or denied permissions?

Answer: • REVOKE

Question:* GETDATE() is a ....... function?

Answer: • Nondeterministic

Question:* True or false: You can modify data in a table using a User Defined Function.

Answer: • False

Question:* Which versions of SQL Server support table partitioning?

Answer: • Enterprise edition

Question:* The LAG analytic function is used in a ______ statement to compare values in the current row with values in a previous row.

Answer: • SELECT

Question:* Which of the following operators allows the specification of two or more expressions to be used for a query search?

Answer: • IN

Question:* In SQL Server 2012 introduces what new feature?

Answer: • Always On

Question:* True or false? Adding TOP to a select always improves performance.

Answer: • False

Question:* True or false? Intersection tables should have an autoincrement column as the primary index

Answer: • False

Question:* The command DBCC CHECKDB allows you to do what?

Answer: • Check the average page density

Question:* Which of the following is not considered a Boolean Operator?

Answer: • IN

Question:* What would be the output of following statement: Select * from tbl_Employee where Emp_Name=NULL

Answer: • Header without any data

Question:* What is a collection of zero or more continuous CircularString and/or LineString instances of either geometry or geography types called?

Answer: • CompoundCurve

Question:* When retrieving data, which command may be used to rotate a set of column names from horizontal across the top to vertically, appearing as values among the result set

Answer: • UNPIVOT

Question:* What does the EOMONTH function do?

Answer: • Adds the specified number of months to the input start date and then returns the last day of the month for the resulting date

Question:* SQL Server will create an Unique Non Clustered index, by default, when a Primary Key is created

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following is not a valid data type in SQL Server 2012?

Answer: • smalldatetime2

Question:* Can you select the built in Server Roles for SQL Server from the list below?

Answer: • diskadmin

Question:* By default, SQL Server treats NULL as what data type

Answer: • INT

Question:* The SETCERT.EXE utility can be used to do what?

Answer: • Specify the certificate used by the SQL server

Question:* True or false? Foreign keys always point to other tables.

Answer: • False

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