Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mobile App Design test answers of 2016.

Find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of Mobile App Design. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork Mobile App Design test answers of 2016.

Question:* True or False? A Gamified experience releases dopamine into the player's brain.

Answer: • True

Question:* Digital type is generally created as what kind of file type?

Answer: • Vector glyphs

Question:* What is the difference between a bit map and vector image?

Answer: • Bit maps are made up of pixels. Vectors are defined by mathematical equations.

Question:* pixels(px) is an absolute unit of measurement when using style sheets

Answer: • True

Question:* What do you call the concept of visual equilibrium?

Answer: • Balance

Question:* True or False? Beautiful design has no impact on user motivation.

Answer: • False

Question:* What does PPI stand for?

Answer: • Pixels Per Inch

Question:* Which control UI would best represent a binary decision?

Answer: • a switch

Question:* Which of the following is a software program for a mobile device?

Answer: • Native applications

Question:* Hierarchy refers to:

Answer: • The order of importance of each element in a design

Question:* True or False? The basic principles of Self Determination Theory operate universally, but with some unique cultural twists.

Answer: • True

Question:* The techniques used for keeping players in game and not leaving (logging off or closing the application) are often called:

Answer: • engagement techniques

Question:* A player who favor scenarios in which they're rewarded for completing tasks and earning the recognition of other is known as a(n) ______.

Answer: • Achiever

Question:* The 3 most basic shapes in visual design are known as PLP. What does this stand for?

Answer: • Point, Line, and Plane

Question:* Which pair of words differentiates between fonts with or without the small finishing strokes on the ends of a character?

Answer: • Serif and Sans-Serif

Question:* True or False? It is generally best to design a gamification experience with only one player type in mind.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is the recommended dots per inch (dpi) for images intended for display on the web or mobile devices?

Answer: • 72 dpi

Question:* True or false? 1em is equal to the current font size.

Answer: • True

Question:* What should come first when approaching a design project?

Answer: • Establishing the product's goal

Question:* Which is the best example of "direct manipulation"?

Answer: • Playing a game by swiping

Question:* What is "banner blindness"?

Answer: • A tendency by users to ignore visual elements that look like advertisements

Question:* Which of these frameworks focuses on status and score to motivate competitive behavior?

Answer: • Competitive pyramid

Question:* Why is Consistency so important?

Answer: • Designing different interfaces to perform identically reduces cognitive load and enables users to quickly transfer prior knowledge to unfamiliar products

Question:* Which should be the minimum target area for each item in a collection view?

Answer: • 44x44 points

Question:* Which Principle states that "hiding certain functions can be advantageous in interface design"?

Answer: • Visibility

Question:* What is a typeface "family"?

Answer: • multiple styles and weights of the same typeface

Question:* What aspect of gamification causes its players to form habits?

Answer: • The rewards and accomplishments

Question:* What is this principle? "Altering the basic theme achieves unity and helps keep interest"

Answer: • Theme with variation

Question:* What is a weakness of A/B testing?

Answer: • Its impact is generally limited to incremental and local improvements

Question:* What is the 3 F's of Design?

Answer: • Form follows Function

Question:* Symmetrical and Asymmetrical are design sub-principles with different meanings depending on which Principle you are referring to. Which two Principles do they belong to?

Answer: • Unity and Balance

Question:* "This behavior feels good" is an example of what type of motivation?

Answer: • Intrinsic

Question:* What is the term "Feedback" (within the context of a design principle)?

Answer: • Communicating clearly to the user the action they have undertaken

Question:* Some design principles related to Gestalt psychology include:

Answer: • Similarity, proximity, and continuation

Question:* Pandora suggesting songs to users but giving users the final say in accepting a recommendation is an example of:

Answer: • autonomy

Question:* Which type of motivation is most likely to sustain behavior change?

Answer: • Intrinsic

Question:* Which is the best definition of a mobile design pattern?

Answer: • a general, repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design

Question:* In typography, the x-height is

Answer: • the distance between the baseline and the mean line in a typeface

Question:* Which of the following is the most likely icon size for an iPad

Answer: • 76 x 76

Question:* What is Cognitive Load?

Answer: • Load related to the executive control of working memory (WM)

Question:* What size is an app icon for the App Store?

Answer: • 1024 x 1024

Question:* Contrast of size or scale is part of which Design Principle(s)?

Answer: • Emphasis and Balance

Question:* Which is the best example of a design metaphor?

Answer: • flipping to the next page by swiping

Question:* Which of the following is not a type of behavior in the Fogg Behavior Grid?

Answer: • Note

Question:* Which are relative units of measurement when using style sheets?

Answer: • percent(%) and em

Question:* What are the four types of Balance?

Answer: • Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Radial, Overall

Question:* What is a necessary tool for turning quantitative research results into user segments?

Answer: • Clustering analysis

Question:* Which of the following is not a classic example of gamification?

Answer: • Laser Tag

Question:* What is 'flow' as used in gamification principles?

Answer: • Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is immersed in game play

Question:* Which of these elements are not included in the Fogg Behavior Model?

Answer: • Reward

Question:* What causes Overall Balance?

Answer: • A Mosaic form caused by containing too many elements

Question:* Which of the following is NOT a type of motivation according to Self Determination Theory?

Answer: • Related

Question:* True of False: Self determination theory notes there are 5 factors that help people become motivated to change behavior.

Answer: • False

Question:* What is an "affordance"?

Answer: • An actionable property between the world and an actor

Question:* Especially on mobile devices, password masking (i.e. replacing password field characters with asterisks) can:

Answer: • reduce usability and increase errors

Question:* In Gestalt theory of visual design, which one of these is NOT a law of perceptual organization?

Answer: • Tetradic Colors

Question:* According to Alan Cooper, what is the "elastic user"?

Answer: • A derogatory term for the tendency of different stakeholders in the design process to define "the user" based on their own personal goals.

Question:* Skinner operant conditioning relies on:

Answer: • Extrinsic rewards

Question:* Which is not a type of symmetry?

Answer: • Proportionate

Question:* True or False: Downloading a mobile application is an example of a "least important behavior"?

Answer: • True

Question:* "This behavior is part of my identity" is an example of what type of motivation?

Answer: • Integrated

Question:* Which is not a factor in Self Determination Theory?

Answer: • Involvement

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