Question:* Under which category does the following driver fall:
WebLogic's Tengah "all Java Type-3 driver"
Answer: • Net-Protocol All-Java Driver
Question:* Which JDBC driver is considered best in terms of performance and efficiency?
Answer: • Type-1 Driver
Question:* Please select all the correct options. JDBC Driver Manager is:
Answer: • Able to activate registered drivers
Question:* Consider the following statement:
PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ORDER (CUSTOMER_ID ,PRICE) VALUES(?,?)");
Which of the following should come after this statement?
Answer: • ps.clearParameters();
Question:* You want to start a transaction for bank account processing. Which of the following methods will you execute on the Connection object to begin it?
Answer: • con.setAutoCommit(false);
Question:* You need to use a third party driver for establishing a connection with the database. The subprotocol is "webx" and the DSN is "webdsn". What is the syntax of the URL?
Answer: • jdbc:webx:webdsn
Question:* You have to handle an erroneous situation in a transaction. Which method comes handy in this case?
Answer: • con.rollback();
Question:* How will you create a new instance of a JDBC driver explicitly?
Answer: • Class.forName("driver").newInstance();
Question:* JDBC is based on:
Answer: • X/Open CLI (Call Level Interface)
Question:* You are developing a shopping cart for your client. Where would you like to put your business logic?
Answer: • In middleware servlets
Question:* You want to execute the following query string, using the connection named "con":
String query = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER";
What should the syntax be?
Answer: • Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(query);
Question:* Which exception will be thrown in your code, if the specified driver could not be loaded?
Answer: • ClassNotFoundException
Question:* A process allows you to group multiple SQL statements. Commit or Rollback can be performed on the group together. This process is known as:
Answer: • Transaction
Question:* Which of the following JDBC methods is used for retrieving large text strings?
Answer: • getAsciiStream
Question:* Open Database Connectivity is:
Answer: • Platform independent
Question:* Which of the following methods eliminates the need to call wasNull() method to handle null database fields?
Answer: • getObject();
Question:* Transactions have a property called atomicity, which means:
Answer: • Everything takes place once
Question:* What should the syntax be to establish a connection with a Database?
Answer: • Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"myLogin", "myPassword");
Question:* ResultSet objects follow index patterns of:
Answer: • Array standard
Question:* When you are handling user-submitted SQL, you may retrieve a ResultSet or a count. Which of the following methods is handy in this situation?
Answer: • execute()
Question:* You want to execute a CallableStatement named 'cs'. It is expected to return multiples results. Which of the following methods will you choose?
Answer: • ResultSet rs=cs.execute()
Question:* Your project leader has asked you to improve the performance of JDBC connectivity by reusing objects in your Servlet's code. Which of the following is an appropriate solution?
Answer: • Reuse the database connection and use PreparedStatement objects with synchronized blocks
Question:* Which of the following methods will you use to execute INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL statements?
Answer: • executeUpdate();
Question:* How do you register a JDBC driver?
Answer: • Class.forName("driver");
Question:* Which of the following JDBC methods is used for retrieving large binary objects?
Answer: • getBinaryStream
Question:* Name the interface you will use to retrieve the underlying structure of the query result:
Answer: • ResultSetMetaData
Question:* Which type of statement object will you use to execute a stored procedure?
Answer: • CallableStatement
Question:* A warning can be thrown by a Connection object, a Statement object or a ResultSet object. Which method is used to retrieve the warning:
Answer: • getWarnings()
Question:* You have obtained a ResultSet object named 'rs' after executing the following query:
Which loop can you use to return all the records in the ResultSet?
Answer: • while(
Question:* You executed a query to retrieve 40 products from the database and obtained a scrollable ResultSet named 'scrollrs'. You started scrolling the ResultSet as follows:;
At which row number is the cursor currently located?
Answer: • 24
Question:* The code segment below defines a query:
Which of the following code snippets will create a scrollable ResultSet?
Answer: • Statement st=con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
ResultSet srs=st.executeQuery(qry);
Question:* Which of the following is the syntax for creating a CallableStatement?
Answer: • CallableStatement cs=con.prepareCall("{call SHOW_ORDER}")
Question:* Which of the following is not true?
Answer: • CallableStatement cannot take INOUT parameters
Question:* Which of the following is not true for a ResultSet?
Answer: • Methods next() and previous() return -1 beyond the ResultSet
Question:* Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a:
Answer: • Database-independent API
Question:* Servlet developers should avoid using JDBC-ODBC bridge driver because:
Answer: • The driver is of Type-1
Question:* You have obtained a scrollable ResultSet named 'srs' by executing a query. Which of the following methods will you use to verify the position of the cursor?
Answer: • srs.getRow()
Question:* A user leaves an online shopping cart without checking out. Which of following interfaces will notify to Rollback the transaction?
Answer: • HttpSessionBindingListener
Question:* After executing the following code, resultvar contains false. What should the next step be?
boolean resultvar=stmt.execute(sql);
Answer: • stmt.getUpdateCount();
Question:* SQLException has a method, which provides the feature of chaining or encapsulation of additional Exception objects. Identify the method from the following:
Answer: • getNextException()
Question:* Your project leader has given you a new task. You have to work on a module in which the transaction has to be extended across multiple page requests and multiple servlets. How will you implement this?
Answer: • By session tracking and using HttpSession to hold a connection for each user
Question:* SQLWarning object deals with database access warnings. It is a subclass of:
Answer: • SQLException
Question:* Will the below script execute properly?
Answer: • Yes. The table will be created successfully.
Question:* You are trying to connect to a database through JDBC. There is a problem with one of the methods immediately after the driver has been loaded. Which exception will be thrown?
Answer: • SQLException